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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by fumps

  1. fumps

    Rc Model P-51

    wooo thats a show of trust.....and not bad to watch either
  2. Awww this sounds so exciting I want you all to kick some buttock but more importantly I hope you guys have some top fun !!!
  3. Thats fantastic !!!
  4. fumps

    A Good Read

    That kept me gripped all the way through. I often prefer the personal accounts rather than the full WW2 overview
  5. That's the point - no loans! Yes that would be cheating .......in more than one way i suppose
  6. Ha ha ha Yeh mate, was expecting some advice & now this could solve a problem I'm having. Thanks guys for all your time in this. I'm hoping to be a moving target for you guys soon. I'll be the one on fire lol I'm not sure about the loan of the sheep though
  7. ooo yeh mate drop me a PM with price. As i say I was looking at spending £400 ish on the Motherboard alone But now have to find £1800 for the boiler, grrrr Plans well & truely scuppered. I am a scuppered man I am !
  8. Hi mate sorry I was engrosed in PC bits last night, at the mo I do have a PC but it's not up to much so do most of my browsing via my fartphone Maybe going for this : http://www.cclonline.com/product/72320/NoMfgCode/Motherboard-Bundles/CCL-Alpha-Tornado-II-Motherboard-Bundle/MBB-INT-FAM1/ Looks like it will do the job.....Just gutted I've had to drop my budget by so much. Still thinking that selling my boy would be better, I'm young I can make another baby.
  9. Well It looks as though I'm on a low ball budget now (Grrr women & wanting to be warm.....I mean how selfish is that ?) Next she will be asking to be let off her chain ! So I may have to do this backwards as I just found out I cant sell my son (Life really is unfair ) . I'm actually writing up a rough budget right now in order to do battle with the mrs to see how much i can wrangle for the PC build. The PC will be used for Il-2 & some music edditing (I have a hard disc music system) so main music sequencing, but this wont be too taxing on it as I have all hardware for this. So I need to know what a mid to basic system will set me back ? I can build PC's but have been out of the game a while (Long story) so i am looking at places like CCL (Local to me) for parts to put it together.
  10. I was planning something special but found out I may have to shell out for a new central heating boiler grrrrrrr So am on a budget Will have to start doing my reserch to a lower spec than what I was planning. Any advice would be greatly appreciated
  11. HI Guys Sorry I dissapeared then, was taken down by a nasty Viral Infection that came out of nowhere, (been off my feet sinse last Tuesday)....yuck ! Cheers for all your welcomes & guidance Its all useful stuff. :) Right the story so far, I am at the back end of a major building project in my back garden, I'm just putting the finishing touches to my very own outdoor man-Kennel......It's a large posh shed Summer house that will be my hobby room, it will be somewhere for me to practice my bass, make noise, scratch me happy bags, peep at neighbours, store my victims, drink beer & also set up a PC for gaming/music. As a part of this I'm building a PC so all these links will be very useful once the beast is built & ready for action. last jobs are to finish the electrics & decorate it all......**cue evil cackle** DD_Arthur Yorkshire is all good mate, we still have all the hills & spend our time shooting our catapults over the pennines at the lol
  12. Cheers mate I still see my most successful flight was playing the origional IL-2 on the Stalingrad mission. on the way back I could see through my plane lol I managed to wrestle the beast back to a slightly bouncy landing & ended up on the nose parked. Ahhh time for a cuppa lol
  13. Hi guys I doubt anyone will remember me (I joined back in 2008 briefly & then left with not much interaction) so I thought I would offer my re-application as a trainee pilot/bullet magnet. As a brief explanation I joined ages ago & then life got very bad for me, so gaming took a back seat for a long while, I have got back to a close approximation of normality (well as close to normality as i can hope to be in lol). so now I will be joining you soon (Pending my re-application acceptance). My revisit came from your email that came round & reminded me that the Danger dogs was a nice place to be & you welcomed me with open arms before so I think it's time to come back. So here goes guys What brought you here to apply for membership of the DangerDogz Squadron? I descoverd the world of Il-2 by sheer mistake & was blown away by what I found. I was still in training when I joined last time but am a very dedicated learner. then one day I googled something random (Forgot what it was now ) and stumbled over your hidden aerodrome. It is a happy place with plenty of sheep! Can you provide names of existing members who can vouch for you? Unfortunately Because of my extended absense I have to throw myself at the mercy of the court of acceptance & hope you will trust me on my word of honor.......erm...... Tell us a little about yourself, humour encouraged I'm 36 years old, almost house trained, I laugh all the time & rarely take myself seriously. I'm a rampant nutter, Dad, Bass Player, Dog owner, mountain biker & Maker of adhesives (Also I can get duct/gaffa tape at trade prices). I am also a strong team player, not a glory hunter, I support better than triumph, usually because I make up for my lack of skill with blind dedication & sometimes a bit of luck. Do you have TeamSpeak 3? Not yet but that can easily be changed. What version of IL2 do you have? All the above (New PC under construction as we speak, It's on hold until Santa has been & gone) What other simulators or games do you enjoy? Call Of Duty, Moto GP, Battlefield 2 & 3, Gears of war 1, 2 & 3, basically any game where I get to blow stuff up !!! I'm also learning the finer points of flying my plane into other peoples bullets, it's a skill i seem close to be close to mastering, also I have become adept at IL-2 parachute sailing, forward run & dive on chest.......Landing is also something I'm finding a little tricky. My best landing is the parking on the nose style (Almost mastered that too). Do you like sheep? Being a Yorkshireman I have to step away from this subject forthwith & If any information was to come to light regarding my relationship with any wooly live stock on the internet or any of my family, I will have to say that I was probably young, drunk, Drunk & young or just plane needed the money & then point over your shoulder & say "Look a distraction" And leg it. I hope the above information will be adequate for my re-application.
  14. Yep mate. Being a blonde....... i have printout on my wall "Glasses on face, words out of mouth, thoughts in head, keep quiet when girls bend down in front of you"
  15. Erm well no. Reason is the day before i came on here for the first time i went onto Amazon & ordered "Pacific Fighters & Aces Expansion pack" stupidly i didn't realise that you could get the whole thing together........d'oh
  16. I'm thinking of popping the question soon. Here's my lady [
  17. Yes peeps. I just am very happy to at least be in the right place at last. Forums can be a bit.....ya know local (For local people). Thanks for making me feel this welcome. Bit worried about the Promiscuous comments. Are there some sister dogs who come on here? or is this randomness ? So far i am still honing my skills at "Not crashing" i'm still having some real fun & forget trying to fly a fighter. i just make that thing spin around till i hit the floor without hitting a barn door with a badger But as you can tell the enthusiasm is still going strong, i flew a single mission this weekend & managed to shoot down three fighters & bombed 4 tanks i was so chuffed. The landing erm well happened. only thing i could say that was wrong with it was it was on the service lane down one side. but at least i got down without exploding, belly flopping or cart wheeling. i did manage to bounce three times though. but yep stayed down. And in one peice........but it's one step from being cannon foder online. Still managed a classic of landing, almost text book style.......was slowing down nicely then dropped a bomb .....bollox THis is a bit like a Blog but for comedy value i will just keep you guys updated as to what daft & inventive mistakes i manage as i go along.
  18. Must resist...........Too many books My girlfriend would extract importanat bit of mine if i come home with more books. I read too much as it is.........I'll have a propper look later lol
  19. there class i
  20. How do again good people!!! Actually just re-read this thread & i have to apologise for not properly introducing myself. My propper name is Gav (Gavin but no one ever calls me that, it's Gav or Fump) I live in the North of the UK (Leeds), I'm 32 & growing old disgracefully. Main interests are: Music(I play acoustic Guitar, Bass, didjeridoo & bongo's) Mountain biking (Cross country & no i don't do spandex....thats a crime punishable by death in my book) Drinking falling down & sometimes getting back up again Also i am going to apologise in advance, i have a really random silly sense of humour that is quiet legendary within my circle of friends & i laugh a lot. I am a really laid back character & rarely take things personally or seriously. Erm thats enough boring stuff about me now I'll just shut up lol
  21. THats like my landing....one of my better ones
  22. Yeah I'm buzzing like mad over this game it's really got me. I Flew a short (Single) mission the other night & got my first couple of kills.....i did three laps of the room......lol Then crash landed ....but the difference is i stayed with the the right way up & i knew for once what I'd done wrong.......Forgot to lower the landing gear . but it one step closer lol It's all good though
  23. Ha ha cheers for the welcome. I have a laid back approach to learning stuff. I just see skills as stuff ya know & stuff you don't. I have a had some top comedy moments when i have not remembered to change my flaps when just getting off the ground, flipping upside down and putting war paint on the run way. Nah I'm really enjoying it. I stopped playing all games at one point as i just got fed up with buying games for various platforms & finishing them within a month. This will make me struggle & thats how it should be in my book. So yeah let me get up & running & i will probably be an easy target for a while for you guys lol. By the way that young lady makes me want to take up archery
  24. Hello people. I am a noob & novice all in one, so maybe to you guys as it stands I'm useless lol
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