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3. Danger Dogz
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About OB1

  • Birthday 03/17/1973

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  1. OB1

    Happy B Day Squawk

    Happy B-Day
  2. Hey M8's, I've been hoping to get back to flying with all of you again, and I've heard HSFX is the MOD to have if I want to fly with the Dogz again. I have a few questions, and I hope someone can get me going in the right direction. I'm still working off of the old machine with the hampsters working double time in the wheel to keep my rig running. It's a windows XP and IL2 is 4.10.1 UP3 RC4. I've tried to install a new version from the DVD and it won't allow me to install because of what I think is, I have a copy in the Program Files already. My question is can I copy the existing IL2 folder and move it into the C: drive and then update to 4.11.1 & HSFX 6 even with the UP3 RC4 installed in that folder already? And, will the JSGME I already use for UP3 RC4 work for switching to both versions of the modded game. Being JO still uses the UP3, I need to be able to switch back to UP3 for classes. I appreciate any help you M8's can give, and when I get it working, I'll be sure to stop by to be used as cannon fodder. Oh, and BTW, Hello to all my old M8's. Even Painless. LOL... OB
  3. OB1

    Salute To Bg

    ~S~ I would like to Thank You BG for all the Great times I have had flying with the DD'z. For you making me and everyone else here feel like they were always welcome to fly with this great bunch of M8's. Some of the best times I have had flying was with You and the Dogz. You will always be in my thoughts, and will Always be a person in the flight sim world who will always be looked upon as someone to aspire too. I have been very lucky to have met you, and look forward to flying with you again. All the best My Friend. Best Wishes & Thank You, OB
  4. Happy B-Day Wingy. Sorry for being late but, thats what I do best.
  5. [align=center]Happy Birthday Quazi
  6. Yep I'll be there!!! OB
  7. I want those 3 minutes back, Please!!!
  8. Congrats Tonar,
  9. He took this one about 9:25 AM
  10. Pooka's Calculator???
  11. Great Shots Fireman,
  12. BG you dirty dawg!!!
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