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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by cannon_fodder

  1. Just a quick post to let you know I'm still around. I'm suffering a massive dose of bad karma....Divine Intervention is the only thing to explain my attempts to do ANY flying at the moment..... forget the SEOW...Ive clocked 15 mins stick-time in 4 weeks!!!!! Every time I've clicked on the 1946 icon either the phone or the door bell rings. I've had more visits from friends , family and neighbours in the last 4 weeks than in the last 4 years... I'm not being ungrateful or antisocial BUT do they have to call/visit on Thursday and sunday evenings!!!
  2. sounds like something nasty to me. I often have to fix friends PCs that are running slow and this is a major symtom lazy maleware/trojen producers often disable task mnager/ regedit and MSconfig so you cant see what nasty things are running/starting. Safemode can help .then run more than one spyware remover... BBlokes Spybot search and destroy is good , adaware is good and FREE. Ive never found ONE product that will find every thing. Depending on how much info is on the PC its often quicker and easier to format and reinstal the OS.... and boy does it run sweat the first time it runs....
  3. not long till your telegram from the queen........ sorry... happy birthday BG. have a good one
  4. I play with crappy headphones so the glorious sounds will be lost on me.... I firmly believe in the "If its not broke dont fix it! " rule. This is down to working as an engineer for 20+ years. Ive lost count of the number of people who endlessly tweek and patch their PC /game and post how much better it is only to find out that said PC/Game died a few days later. Over clockers who post that they got an extra 2 Mz from the GPU core. 2 days later their screen goes black...... But the first games I played on line were MODs
  5. Its not just metric.... Dont forget that the americans cant even decide on the gallon...They have 2 (dry and liquid..whats that about?) and neither equals the original imperial gallon
  6. I love the plane.
  7. Not mine but i loved it too the TB3 dofight is my all time fav mission TS jammed with 12+ blokes laughing there T*** off Only occurs on big runways were you can "lucky boy left" and there are large warnings in the brief ( that will teach you to read them) . Your choice , want a better plane you have to take the risk. It does add to the fun
  8. A few weeks ago BG was kind enough to host a few of my missions. The feed back was neutral to good (which is good enough for me
  9. I was just wondering what other games are played by the Dogs? Judging by the standard of flying during Co-ops my guess is that most of you must fly all the time? The subject of S.T.A.L.K.E.R came up last week. Anyone finished it? and what ending did you get? Anyone played silent hunter3 ? anyone got silent hunter4? whats it like? I still play DOD , Battlefield2 and americas army from time to time. Anyone else?
  10. I smell something fishy. The list is too good to be true: 4 new red UBER-fighters and 1 Blue bomber I think its a wind-up aimed squarely at our BLUE flying friends
  11. I feel much better now, thank you nurse gibber, gibber, my old mans a musroom etc.
  12. :k9lmao:
  13. I always get wound up over the whole X-1 story. I can remember an interview given by chuck Yeager stating how good
  14. I know I should. Guitarman keeps on about his. Yes I know it gives you a huge tactical advantage. But there is someting just "wrong" with flying a spit with a F16 HOTAS clone. I just love my MSFFB with a Saitek 3 lever pro Quadrant. There is something Right with 9 inches of travel on a throttle lever and the way the levers all fit in the plam of your hand is magic. Yes I know I'm a bit strange...........
  15. How? I have one of these fantastic sticks but was under the impression that MS stopped production around 2000 . If you go to the Sidewinder site they are in denial that these devices ever existed. No drivers No support No downloads / manuals Limited funtionality under XP (no support for Vista) Its anoying that I have genuine MS Sidewinder Stick , Wheel , Gamevoice and Barney (dont ask ,it was for the kids) and despite all these products bearing the shiney MS logo thay have been dropped cold! no support at all. My quickshot pilot was discontinued in 1998. The quickshot site still has downloads for the programer, manuals and help! Hands up all those who love Microsoft
  16. If you want to moan about getting stiffed over pricing come over the pond to the UK. I got a saitek throttle quadrant $50 in the US £55 in the UK and remember the rate was $2 to the £ Saitek X52 is $119.00 US
  17. Hey Nick, Would this have anything to do with the superdish thing you stay up and watch at stupid'o'clock?? don't you get enough real football?
  18. Hey Nick, Would this have anything to do with the superdish thing you stay up and watch at stupid'o'clock?? don't you get enough real football?
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