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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by cannon_fodder

  1. I have a MSFFB2 Not planning to get rid of it unless it dies I use the Saitek pro flight 3 lever quadrant...... Best throttle for props planes ever.. looks just like the levers in the real cockpit. Im saving up for the Saitek pedals. My local sim shop has droped selling CH pedals as the Saitek pedals are cheaper , better quality and more configuable.
  2. Under the FRAPS control panel (where you set the hot keys for recording) you can set the resolution of the recording. You don't need to change the game res I set mine to record 640 x 480 (VGA) from a game res of 1280 x 1024 Don't forget that Full 'state of the art' HD home cinema format (1080p) is only 1,920x1,080 High quality DVD resolution is 720×480 (NTSC) or 720×576 (PAL) 640 x 480 is more than high enough quality for internet use and if you upload to You Tube you will be resized to 320x240 FLASH7 Try and keep the format as raw (AVI) for as long as possible. You will lose quality as you compress the image so I always keep the image umcompressed for as long as possible. The worst thing for you can do is compress a image that has been compressed buy a different algorithm. Once you have finished your master edited final movie you can delete those masive raw capture files. I always try to create a master using avi as it is a lossless format then re-encode the finished file at progressively higher compresion until quality begins to drop to get the smallest file possible. This alows you to produce a high quality version for local distribution and low quality for web distibution
  3. Fraps is the only software I know to convert the sreen display to an AVI. Once you have an AVI file then any editing software will do Windows XP embedded free software is "Windows Movie Maker" Its very basic (just like "MS Paint") but still very servicable and allows basic mixing of sound FX and music. If you save it as a WMV you can reduce a 500Mb+ fraps avi to a 10-20Mb final output size
  4. asas I have used Freetrack since joining the DOGs Now on v2.01. I use my own profile set to 2DOF. I use a Logitech WebCam fited with a 35mm unexposed negative frame as a filter I have a single LED which is mounted to the end of my boom mic on my headset. This gives increadable tracking accuracy. FreeTrack v2.01 is MORE stable than the Natural point software. I have tried using the reflector target method and it is poor
  5. GK Sorry, yes cheers
  6. To adjust this sight I'm assuming that you have o use the 'bombsight hight+/- binds? Where does the drop hight show on the controlpanel?
  7. Have you ever been to Scotland!!!
  8. Thanks for the work and advise from you guys. I'll air start at 2000m both facing east with the starts exactly North-south of each other. These means that the North starting guy has to turn to 180 at the start and the south airstart has to steer 0 deg. Nice easy courses to fly and remember This will put both aircraft onto a collision course and into visual range in 20 secs or so. The reason a would like the option of airstarts as it will give pilots like me a chance (poor airmanship skills).
  9. I'm trying to get working head to head airstarts at 3000m. The trouble is, no matter how I orientate "static ship: test runway_4" the airstart is always 90 deg at 2000m. Is it possible to get a 90 deg and a 270 deg airstart at 3000m? If you are dog fighting in the ladder would you like to spawn 2~3 km apart on the same course so your opponant is exactly 3 or 9 oclock at the same hight requiring you both to turn into each other OR would a head to head at 3~4Km be better (if it is possible)
  10. I remembered where I seen this post: Spawn points
  11. This is quality work Ive got a mate who's been desparate for a key chart cheers for sharing
  12. BBC news The EIU ranked 127 cities in terms of personal risk, infrastructure and the availability of goods and services. top ten cities to live in: Vancouver Melbourne Vienna Geneva Perth Adelaide Sydney Zurich Toronto Calgary Well done Canada and Austrailia
  13. F/A-22 Raptor What no european aircraft
  14. just filled my tank at £1.25/l (£5.68 /Gallon) over £70 At todays exchange rate thats over $10 a gallon and $130 per tank and thats in what most americans would call a compact
  15. 8:30 Red Lion outside Duxfurd. Me and GMan will buy BG a beer and get him to decide
  16. Did any one make a ruling for "dog time" Or do we follow friars advice and Buy a bunch of clocks set to east coast/west coast/etc? Actually that might look cool if I can get 4 or 5 small clocks and mount then to a board
  17. Thanks for the info I'll be driving Gman to the warehouse today. (he needs a chauffeur as his old bones have been damaged playing airsoft)
  18. Whats the avarage cost of gas in the U.S. now?
  19. Are you sure this isn't router trouble
  20. Funny thing is that nick convinced me to get the same card from the same shop. Looks like he'll be getting a credit note as I'm sure I had the last one! Still He can upgrade to the triple SLI'ed 9800GTs
  21. The Main-spar made it the most difficult of the 3 heavies to escape from if you were in the front of the aircraft. Someting to think about when you are squezing though on a bright sunny day in shorts and TShirt is these guys had to struggle to the escape hatch in the cold and dark ,wearing bulky wintr flying suits and a chute while fighting G-forces. These guys had the same life expectancy as a Uboatman. Active service in bomber command was the most dangerous occupation of the war and the only one not officialy recognised by the Brittish goverment after the war. These guys deservered a campain medal....
  22. If you are building a pit , home made pedals or want some custom control equiptment take a look at this: Genius F-23 MaxFighter Joystick I know its cheep and nasty and you would'nt want to fly with it but: If you strip it down for parts you get: 4 analog pots worth $10+ 8 push to make buttons incl 2 miroswitches worth $5+ 1 8-way mini-joystick 1 USB2 contol board worth $60+ 1.8m USB lead $2 All this for less than $10 this allows you to build a set of controls with 4 anolog levers. trim wheels , flaps , prop pitch , throttles etc... and up to 12 button funtions for gear levers/winders ,dive brake levers, and covered switches for drop tanks , detach , wingfold , bale-out (stuff you need but dont want to press accidentily) I have one I am building into my Master pilot and a plastic box for trim wheels (Blank CDs make good sized trim wheels) GuitarMan has one he is building ito his simchair.
  23. I dont think the game engine allows spawning on any object. There was a post on Mission4Today about some guy marking the spawn points and delibratly blocking unwanted ones with static objects to force all the spawns at one end of the big airbase. Ive seen maps were the spawns are in sandbagged bunkers to protect you while parked/starting. If you can put the open hanger over a spawn so you have to drive out through the doors like GTR2 that would be great.
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