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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by cannon_fodder

  1. I would be happy if he was less Soviet biased. Already I don't like the I-185 in the game. 4 produced, canceled due to politics even though it had performance equal to planes of 2 years later. Or at least availability representative of production. Only 2 at the start of the map and if you don't bring it back....... I want the the fulmar or the Swordfish .... The most numorous aircraft on British carriers. what about the BP Defiant??
  2. A longer vid of the first 2
  3. Im in 2 minds which version was closest to the original concept. Mech 3 had the artemisIV ,upgradable AMS ,CASE , DoubleHeatSinks, jumpjets for any mech AND the MobileFieldBase. It included wieght limits for your stockpile plus your ammo was limited which ment that you sometimes had to ditch your favorite weapon due to ammo shortages.The damage model also allowed mechs to be disabled without blowing up. The probem was it allowed corruption of the basic mech types. It allowed the changing of the internal structure of each mech and the placement of ANY weapon on any part of the mech. This allowed Catapults and Vulchures to carry AC20s in the misssile pods and All-missile supernovas. It also allowed scoutmechs to carry 1 or 2 masive weapons instead of 4or5 small ones Mech 4 fixed this by adding the colour coded slots of differnt sizes. But at a masive cost all the best features of the original were droped. I still prefer Mech4 but I pine for the features of 3 which do you perfer??
  4. just finished mechwarrior 4 vengeance and black Knight . was halfway through Mech4 mercs for then n'th time when my GPU failed. completey forgot about mech3 (bushwackers rule
  5. windows 98... my favorite OS.... still had real DOS underneath. AND Mechwarrrior 3................. youve got me hunting through my old disks.... I have somewhere...going to look in the loft....
  6. The 50Mb modems look smart.... They copied the design from sony
  7. Do you have the new virgin 50Mb modem?
  8. I'm sure that the mods just caused the card to work harder than normal. ( the PC also died when my kids played starwars battlefront and similar). I cant realy blame the mods...I just couldnt think of a title PC could run for days compiling video or burning disks without probs unmoded IL2 would run for 30 mins without the graphics card shutting down the PC modded IL2 would only run for 5-10 mins (call of duty5 crashed the pc in less then 5 mins) The card must have been getting flakey and the extra work killed it. PS
  9. Since I installed the mods I have been unable to fly online due to strange problems with my PC. After a few mins flying with mods on my PC used to shut down. no BSoD just a complete power down... Been trying to fix it for months now with no sucsess... untill yesterday when I found the problem.. My graphics card is toasted. I now have no display at all
  10. If you EVER fly offline its worth playing with devicelink.There is some very good sofware out there to interface with it devicelink does work in multi player but it is crippled.. It still takes inputs but the number of outputs is massivly reduced. I had software on the laptop with a clickable generic cocpits on it (german /UK /US) .In multi player mode - wingfold, flaps droptanks all worked in MP but 90% gages didnt. You'lll have to see if turn/slip is still enabled. there was no logic in what was disabled vs what was left enabled.
  11. I think that LEDS buring out is due to over-current not over-voltage. There again if you increase the voltage over a given load you will increase the current so I supose its self-fulfiling. This may explain why the were flashing when powered by your USB Hub... Could it be over current protection turning the power on and off?? I had a faulty USB wireless adapter that caused my hubs power LEDs to flash on and off
  12. Now the proud owner of a set of saitek Pro pedals. The lads in work had a whip round and bought me a set for my birthday ... They had seen the collection of bits a metal and joystick inners that was my atempt to fabricate my own design and concluded that in reality they would never get finished. (It had taken me
  13. does the sever need the mods?? The server doesnt need sounds, textures or effects. All the server needs to know is the map and the plane set. The standard DF server allowed flyable non-flyable(AI only) aircraft. UK DEDI had missions with B29s ,MXY7 Ohka etc. Pre mod these could only be flown from external veiws . Post mod you can fly from the cockpit.. the server will NOT know the difference. The only issue I can think of is if the mission calls for a model wich is not in its skins folder. The server does like to make sure everone has the same skins.... but with downlads on it may work. If you sent me a misssion I'll host it on my spare server to test for you if you want
  14. sounds like online poker... lots of 'ladies' with names like 'sexychick123'
  15. Ive used freetrack for a year now I tried the reflector method but rejected it for a red LED glued onto my headsets Mic boom. The power comes from a mains plug transformer (was a charger for some old toy) and the thin power cable is taped to the headsets audio cables. when i put on the headphones the led is ready to switch on The old logitech web cab still has its IR filter installed but now sports a red filter bluetak'ed on it gives near perfect results
  16. How do you join facebook?
  17. I started to use these drivers OMEGA DRIVERS the official drivers stopped working after an update so i needed these to play any newer games
  18. GK Did you ever get this sorted?? I have other software available if you wish
  19. Spot on . As the cable gets longer then the physical attributes have some bearing on perfomance but on short runs a 99c USB1 cable is as good as 60 dollar gold-plated USB2+ cable. Remeber thats its usually on a cheap ribbon from the MB to the front of the PC case anyway. My favorite "tax on stupidity" is the HDMI cable market in Britain. The fact that there are some people who spend £300 on a 99.999% pure copper wire coated with silver,gold then platinum in order to get " richer flesh tones ", more vibrent colours" and " more dynanic suround sound" badly need a lesson on the basics of digital transmission!!
  20. The saitek and CH throttles were side by side in the shop. the Saitek has 3 levers and 9 buttons.. the CH has 6 levers and 12 buttons The Saitek has slightly longer levers with slightly more travel (a full 90deg travel) The saitek qradrant has cutouts and brackets that allow more mounting options and the option to expand by seamlessly joining 2 or more quadrants together. Each pack of 3 levers gives you 3 black tops 2 red tops 2 blue top and 1 long black bar. The SST software is the same as for the X52 etc and allows macros and key strokes to be programed The saitek levers are less than half the price. This allows you to build a 9 lever quadrant for the same price as the CH 6 lever throttle. The pedals are a matter of how big your feet are or how clumsy you are
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