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1. DDz Quorum
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Everything posted by DD_Fenrir

  1. https://discord.gg/Gysg8qbR
  2. @BluBear @fruitbat @Friar @Perfesser @wingflyr @DD_Sheriff @Zukker Don't forget chaps, Event briefing will be in the dedicated "DCS Event: RAMROD 564" Discord channel server, NOT the Dangerdogz discord. If you're not already a member, here's an invite: https://discord.gg/Gysg8qbR
  3. @BluBear @fruitbat @wingflyr @Zukker @DD_Sheriff @Perfesser Provisional Order of Battle For Event 23/02/2025 If you do not see your name listed and wish to participate, please let me know as soon as possible and with what your preferred airframe would be. We have the following slots available: Mosquito bomber - Pilot x6, Navigator x18 Mosquito Photo Recce (unarmed) - Pilot x1, Navigator x1 Mustang MkIV - Pilot x10
      • 1
      • Thanks
  4. Facebook mate
  5. @fruitbat @BluBear @wingflyr @Zukker @DD_Sheriff @Perfesser Hi guys, I'm always leading the first wave in these jaunts, just checking to make sure that no one else would like a go at flying Dypeg Red Leader...
  6. Great to hear Ross, been too long mate! As for your bro, would he countenance being a nav?
  7. @DD_Sheriff @Zukker @FoolTrottel Howdy gents! Any preference on airframe? Also, Ross, do I remember hearing that your brother might be joining us?
  8. Just in case his changes the metric at all Squawk, were running the Mossie mission on a Sunday afternoon your time....
  9. Ramrod 564 DCS event will be hosted on Sunday 23rd of February; briefing at 2000 GMT. Mossies and Mustangs available. @BluBear @fruitbat @Friar @PapaBear @wingflyr @Zukker @Squawk @DD_Sheriff @FoolTrottel @delta7 @Perfesser @T_O_A_D
  10. @delta7 we’ll be hosting Ramrod 564 on the 23rd.
  11. If you wish to take part in our DCS recreation of the Amiens Prison raid, please select the date that best suits you.
  12. Ok @delta7, I'll run a quick poll see if the 16th or 23rd is better for folks and let you know, if that's ok?
  13. Special Event on Sunday the 16th? @delta7, is this a night you were going to host a Hurricane campaign?
  14. @Squee7e The Hercules mod d/l is here: https://forum.dcs.world/topic/252075-dcs-super-hercules-mod-by-anubis/ The A-4E if you need it is here: https://github.com/Community-A-4E/community-a4e-c/releases/tag/v2.2 They have good install guides but should you need any help installing, gimme a yell.
  15. @Squee7e We do use a couple of community mod aircraft on the server, particularly for this evenings mission the Anubis C-130 Hercules will be required; @Friar is the A-4E (or any other for that matter) also required?
  16. Who da man?
  17. Not looking to dismiss anyone Delta, just trying to make the most of what we have. With the majority of us playing DCS, and it being a mix of EU and NA timezone players, we in the EU rarely see the NA contingent unless they're retirees or their shifts happen to work out. It would be nice to have an event scheduled where the majority of the DCS users can actually have a higher probability of interfacing. I in no way wish to bump your nights with the 352nd, by the way; we have managed to schedule infrequent but regular events before and I see it that when you wish to host a Hurricane campaign evening, then you give fair warning, put up the relevant event in the calendar and that Sunday is yours, no argument.
  18. It's been a year and it feels like GBS has, in my opinion, an undue weight in our schedule given the number of Dogz attending. As Kev says: I see it as an opportunity for those of us who represent the majority to actually all meet and garner the benefits of flying as a squad rather than a loose collection of cliques who happen to fly under the same banner.
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