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Posts posted by Artie
Happy Birthday BG... We miss you on every sortie we fly ...
Done and done and thanks for doing it Chris
Great Video
I agree with FT ... Poooooooo !
Great Job FT . looking forward to another Pate Sandwich and Frites
I'm in Fen , let me know what plane you'd like me in
This was held in Toronto , where wearing womens shoes is an accepted fashion statement for all men living there . Men living on the West coast frown on such things outside of the Dungeons in our homes
Happy Birthday Brando , don't forget to iron your birthday suit today
Happy Birthday Propnut : )
Welcome to the Dogz Barnaby ,
Happy Birthday Jabo !
Don't forget to wear your birthday suit today
Thanks for the birthday wishes guys !!
Shark .. Did you carve that Spitty by hand ? and I love the Models and Posters .. a very cool man cave
That is truly a fine piece Mic .. an excellent job on the details and sitting outside on the ground, it looks even more authentic
This is a Canadian band (Great Big Sea) from the East Coast of Canada and it was recorded a few years ago .. Sounds great cranked up .. I love the Gaelic sound
This is an Interesting video .. enjoy
Ahhh fair enough ... when I saw it today I figured the boys would enjoy it
and they have .. awhile ago ... lol
A four minute video of just some of the 10,000 planes at Oshkosh this year ...
An American tourist asks a Newfoundlander:
"Why do scuba divers always fall
backwards off their boats?"
To which the Newfoundlander replies:
"Lord thunderin' Jesus, you must be stunned as me arse. If they fell forwards, they'd still be in the fuckin' boat!"
4.13 News
in IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946
I for one , Hope it never stops and that we are still playing it well into the next decade or two .. by then it'll be in a super ultra 3-D format or some spacey thing like that