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Everything posted by UHU_Fritzl65

  1. Hallo FT, Thank you! Just loaded this into quick\missions and now I can load maps and see the Fly button. Many thanks again. I better shower and get to work... would rather explore this... its well below freezing in Okkupied Tschikago today... had to dig out the cars... and I was feeliong in a good mood so I threw snow for 3 houses from mine to corner of block... street as well. Thanks Fritz
  2. ~S~ Sweper well after several runs i have a functioning IL2 mod running. In the quick mission builder menu how does one fly? I do not see a fly button.. also I see a no_maps... are these related? THANK YOU FT I can see that quite some effort went into this method of downloading in the old'days i remember a czech scenery mod... is that still around? it was very close to my home town in Bavaria and done quite welll... thank you again Fritz
  3. downloaed 178MB but it still stays at 0.2% Restarted ChkMods. Same result. Gonna let it run overnight... make sure the PC is not on powersave mode
  4. Must hit verify mods... DOH... Its going to be a hard time behind the old learning curve... Please be patient
  5. S! Alle I have DLed the ChkMods... I started as Admin Attempting to DL blueprints yields: Cannot determine MOD version (F85690F2), assuming default:HSFX701 If I understand this process... The ChkMods is supposed to DL the mod files and install onto my virgin IL2 1946... is that correct? Fritz
  6. S! Alle, Thank you for the info... I am ignorant of this CHKMODS (check mods) thing, please point me in the right direction. Could someone also provide the information ( version, IP pw etc..) for Teamspeak. Jumping right in is going to be rough not only technically, (getting everything set up and functioning) but also where is DD going..I have seen allusions to a North Africa event or at least some beta thing. What about usefull utilities... when last i flew/played i think i had a mod switcher, so that i did not need numerous installs of IL2. I know its a lot of questions...but if someone who is in the know can get me up to speed, please email me... i even dont know how to navigate this site. ha! thanks again Fritz
  7. Thanks OverDhill but the link you provided shows that I need to have a current HSFX 6 install. I am not even there... All I have on my PC is a virgin IL2 1946. S!
  8. ~S~Alle, I used to fly CFS with the UHU NG7 Then ran the North Afrika Campaign also CFS1 at Joint Ops Then flew for a bit with the HH here. Then married... Then kids Then divorce New PC I have the IL2 1946 and that is it.... I recall doing SEOW and I had to mod the game... I do not know where the DDz and HHz stand... What rev/mod is used ... what is new??? Last I remember was Oleg saying the light is just up ahead with an IL2 BoB in the offering.. Well if someone remembers me or if another is willing to get me up to speed please help Not sure if I get reply noticies, so please, if you are willing, send a mail to fritzL65 at yahoo dot com Thanks... Fritz
  9. S! Alle, I have been grounded due to technical difficulties... MoBo crashed hard lost all data... I have been getting my system back totogether and am in need of some help. I have installed the 4.08m and them the 1.1 from AAA The new MoBo and system specs are as follows: MSI 7374 SLI CPU= Phenom 2 940 3.0 GHz 8 Gig of OCZ 6400 DDR2 2x XFX 8800GT Alpha Dogs...512 DDR3 Now the question is... which video drivers are best for this.. IL2 leaning of course... then after that how to get the best picture out of this... I used to know what I am doing with Pcs... now I feel like a real newb..... I look forwad to flying again soon... I am relocating the flight chair from the basemetn to an enclosed porch...and I hope to be able to get a wall mounted monitor...any suggestions for this would be greatly appraciated...plasma or lcd?
  10. S! Alle, I tried to log in Saturday Night at 2142 CST at beebop.servergame.com:8767 got socket error 110045 the setting that I have for the DangerDogs was not working either... I am thinking perhpas no one was on... Couls someone please send me the current TS servrer particulars to my email address? Aso I would like to know which maps we need for the BoB coming up. I have downloaded the 352nd 4.09 m switcher and I believe it is functional. Thank you for your time
  11. (Que the somber funeral dirge/organ music) ~!S!~ Alle, S! Bbloke, Alas our dearly beloved interface has passed.
  12. ~!S!~ Alle, S~ Bbloke I still have that stick in the closet on a shelf.
  13. S! Alle, IMHO, the first Sidewinder FFB Precision Pro was the best of the M$ sticks.
  14. S! Delta7 I will continue the experimentation this evening... Thank you all
  15. ~!S!~ Alle, S! Delta7,
  16. ~!S!~ Alle, S! Delta7 I set up what you have in your system settings this is how I fared: 3dMARK05 reports 11,111.
  17. ~!S!~ Alle, S! Delta7, I have: 1-Booted into safe mode 2-Used Criver Cleaner Pro ( freebie ver.)
  18. ~!S!~ Alle, I appologise to the Blue Forces for the tachnical issues I am having. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tried to fly IL1946 today.. Drivers are the 1.6925 and I keep crashing ... first it was a BSOD thenthe game itself " Vista just gives lame IL2fb.exe has stopped...) I reinstalled IL21946 into C:\game\ubisoft\il2 Now game crashes to BSOD with DXGKRNL as a listed culprit... please help
  19. ~!S!~ Alle, i too have some things... XFX 6800XT with zalman Fans
  20. ~!S!~ Alle, I am going to try to put some of this right.
  21. ~!S!~ Alle, S! Delta7, thank you much for the reading material and the spirit in which it was sent! this info I can digest and will test. Please answerr me this: What are these DLLs.
  22. ~!S!~ Alle, obviously the Friar is fried. Serves me well that he references that Scripture. I do believe it is time for Penance in the Pew of Perpetual Pain.
  23. ~!S!~ Alle, I have flown the IL2 sim with the new BIOS for the 8800 for about an hour last night.
  24. ~!S!~ Alle, please tell me WTF these "NEW" DLLs are.
  25. ~!S!~ Alle, OK here goes my tale of woe... I removed my ATi x800XT from ther flgith chair and installed the 8800 GT Alpha Dog. Started up my Bf110 player campaign and hoped to be impressed.
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