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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by UHU_Fritzl65

  1. S! Painless... I need more practice... hahaha ten years plus off the stick
  2. FT, What are flight times on Sundays?
  3. fIDDLE DEE DEE IT WORKS FOR ME FT that was the magic that link to enjoyRpatch.. thanks.. now practice practice and repeat.. When is there a regular flight>? or meeting??
  4. S! FT I glanced at the post and did not go back after I got involved with changing things... I will try ti to night... I pick me lads up and then when they sleep I go to my flight chair Fritz
  5. S! Gents thank you for the replies,. here is the issue at hand I installed the virgin IL2 1946 on a fresh machine...( should have bought a pair of SSDs) on RAID I then came back to this site, heard about the latest HSFC and the quick way to install and was given FTs CHKMDS. When I ran it, the virgin is gone, and I have the HSFX... I went to start a pilots career, so as to practice for when I am to fly with DDs...and noticed that the career/missions descriptions are all in Russian.... I tried several methods to switch this language to EN...in the .cfg replace NGen and DGen and \mission files... but either it remains in russian or if in english i am not able to start a new pilot or even continue..( I hear a beep when trying to select either one) So I came here and posted.. When I put the 1946 CD in the drive, the "Install" option is grey... Crash, I have plenty of disk space, so should I uninstall my HSFX, reboot then install virgin 1946, then copy that to another directory, and then run HSFX on the copy, and then run CHKMDS on that? Thank you for your time Fritz
  6. S! Gents I used to be able to install several variants of IL2...I think the 352 or AAA had a way, but it appears as of those guys have gone away... Can anyone help? Thanks Fritz
  7. Built this years ago before I was even at Joint Ops... I took it to a Joint Ops Convention in Dayton.. it fits in the back of a Dodge Dakota... with help from a friend The pedals are Linear actuators... found in a bin at work... great garbage pickins...combined with an USB interface board and a rotary encoder which emmits the rudder commands. Picked for about a year ... for the rest of the aluminium then got a hold of the HOTAS...snd got rid of that honkin 18" BrontoMonitor...now 23" LCD...would like to get 3 screens going.. but itll be a bit It sits in the enclosed porch... Sub Zero weather prohibits me from flying IL2 out there... no need to simulate that much..
  8. Got it sorted... thanks all
  9. ANother thought.... NGen.exe and DGen.exe... What if I were to do a virgin 1946 install and copy these files and the Mission folder as well as the NGen and Dgen folders..from that to the HSFX I have.... Is it the Nen and DGen which generate and populate the Missions Descriptions? I know ... its easier to make multiple installs for online, DD_Online and offline, and etc... I just can help fiddeling
  10. S! Gents after lookingaround I found out that the core files for the HSFX mods are in Russian and that is why the OFFLINE CAREERS are in russian. I tried deleting the _ru and the result was english descriptions, but when you try to start the game would beep... and that was it.. So searchjing yielded this http://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=34419.0 Rename files is the answer... I will try it later this week... too tired tonight... still digging out cars in Chicago
  11. i do not see the campaign folder
  12. I do not have an IL2.exe copy paste renamed IL2FB.exe to IL2EXE, and then pasted back to IL2 directory... nio joy... still greyed out "Apply" FT, with modding my IL2 with the HSFX as I did , did I delete/remove the IL2.exe? I am not sure I understand your sentence (And, for sure, that's not the case after using ChkMods.) Thank you for the patience Fritz
  13. Were there.. now only the heading is in the lower left hand corner of the screen in cockpit... Only thing I have done is apply the IL2 Shturmovic ... which doesnt let me hit apply... I am running in 1920 x 1080 x 32 Is it possible I set a parameter somehow?
  14. installled...I can open itbut the "Apply" button is greyed out... perhaps this doesnt work with W7 64 bit?
  15. Thank you Sid, if I use this will it interfere with the HSFX the DD run? Chkmod etc?
  16. FoolTrottel If this will make it so that I would not be able to fly with you and DD then I wont add it... Your comment about using checksum has me concerned/. perhaps I should fresh install a separate IL2 for off line stock?
  17. Downloaded your zip file and replaced NGen and DGen... still russian Please advise `
  18. Sorry To be a pain...
  19. In IL2 to get back into the swing of things.. I go to start that career as a german pilot and ... all the briefs are in Cyrilic script/ russian language... How do I change this? Thank you Fritz
  20. A question ... Back when I had my pc all rigged for flight.. I seem to recall having a programme that would launch my TrackIR then TS then IL2... but I cant remember what it is called... can anyone help?
  21. Here is what I got going on Sabretooth Z77 i7 3770 16 GB DDR GSkill F3-1600C7-BGTX 667 Mhz nVidea GeForce 9800 GT 2x sli + 1x Physix
  22. Would be cool if it did allow us to stalk Tommy at night through clouds... get up close and scratch his belly
  23. I found that.. does the radar antennae do anything or is it just cosmetic?
  24. S! Alle, I have just returned after an extended hiatus... FT got me set up with the HSFX download and it is operable. I went looking around and found the BF110-G4 with Schraegemuzik und Hirschgewei. I can see the reticle for slanted cannons. Is the noose radar just eye candy? or is it modeled somehow to the aircraft in the sim Thank you for reading.
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