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Everything posted by drinksky

  1. he he, funny you say that . Peter, who I worked with on Crete Island, was always on my case to learn how to curse in Québecois: Osti de calice de tarbarnak...
  2. hit a string I mean, that 3 mounths didnt hurt at all... Dont even know if it's an expression that do exist, but you get the picture I'm sure,
  3. Yep Klinger, on DVD, My lady work in a library, so she borrowed it there. What's great on the official DVD, its that on the second DVD you've got interviews and stuff which what's make the whole thing that much significant since its based on true facts. Its actually a
  4. http://www.festival-cannes.fr/films/fiche_film.php?langue=6002&id_film=4283384 Anybody seen this film? Just saw it yesterday, wow... very moving.... I think you can get in English with subtitle for the french and German dialogue
  5. Hey BG, Good move, renting some of
  6. Not a very comforting thought actually
  7. Nope, Actually part of the St-Lawrence river run trough the pipes at my place and come out of the faucet here at home....
  8. Karma for sale
  9. Got it too, did fly it for a while mainly the A-10 me too
  10. yeah!,
  11. hey,
  12. looooool, yeah right , and end up in prison with a gorilla tenderly chatting in your ear
  13. That'd be nice, get access to some small microbrew stuff from far. They normally dont have the means to distribute their
  14. Yes, that's the one. A few of the Unibroue beers are inspired by old local folk legends. And a lot of these these legends had a background in the Catholic religion. For example: the one beer label where you see a bunch of loggers canoing in the sky is the story of loggers working in the north for long period of time who were missing their wives and family. On Christmas night, they decided to go see their family instead of going to church. They used to travel on the river in a canoe at that time.
  15. ... and on it's way to the corner store to buy his beer,
  16. Fin du monde is done by Unibroue here in Montreal. If I'm not mistaking its 9 percent alcool (a Killer), There's a whole bunch of beers made by Unibroue. Pretty good beer. A few example: Blanche de Chambly. Maudite (6 percent), U, yep its : U, And so on. Its was owned by Robert Charlebois, a pretty good rock singer here in Quebec, 30 years ago he was pretty much the first signer to sign rock stuff in french without making it sound silly. He had a pretty good career. He went to sign at L'olympia in France in '69 I believe, and during the show, The french didn't really know what to think about the guy and the show, them not use to hear french singing in Rock music, and they didn't react much, so Charlebois got mad at them , picked up the drums and threw it at the crowd. Hehe he, that made the show the talk in town. The guy also played a big part in a not very well known Sergio Leone film co-written with Damiano Damiani: A Genius, Two Friends, and an Idiot. (Dunno which part he played he he) and He also toured with Janis Joplin, The Band and The Grateful Dead. Anyway, Lately he sold his company to Sleeman and made a come back in music. Actually, he wasn't that much of a separatist but was more like one of the people who got the Quebec culture on it's way in the sixties...
  17. Should have known, sluttysheep dot CA doesn't make any sense sluttyCow dot CA
  18. HAPPY NAW YEAR YALL :wav2: :wav2:
  19. Just coming back from the Ubisoft and Justflight forums and no luck... Cant remember the details. I hate this when it happens. Its like a hitch in your back that you can't quite reach... maybe it wasn't about '46 DVD and BOE, Maybe it was about The DVD edition that they released just before, but at least it would a clue...
  20. Hold on guys, I've read somewhere that if you install from the DVD, theres a file that is different or not created that it is present when you install from Cd's with the patch in between . It's a file that the BOE installation program is looking for to know that AEP is indeed installed. Crap, don't remember where I've read this. Maybe on the ubisoft forums... Anyway, If I remember correctly, there would be a way to fix this. Delta and Quazi, I don't wanna to give you guys false hope, but there's might be light at the end of the tunnel... If I could only remember where I've seen this...
  21. They say that it will create 3 Icons, one for each version. In the commentary section, people say that it works perfectly and it does work with Hyperlobby also. Someone
  22. drinksky

    high pings

  23. drinksky

    high pings

    Delta, If your internet connexion use the telephone cable (loop) in the house: Unplug any phones, filters, answering machine you may have plugged on the house loop(thats the cable that run around the house connecting all the phone plugs, its actually a loop) buy a brand new phone cable 2 meters long
  24. drinksky

    high pings

    By the way what type of connexion youre using: ADSL or cable?
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