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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by wilder

  1. wilder

    Howdy All,

    Been a bit since I have been over here, place looks a bit different....nice. Just wanted to drop in and say hello, hope you guys are doing fine.
  2. wilder

    Salute To Bg

    ~S~ BG, I am at a loss on what to say here, I always enjoyed it when I got to fly with you and the rest of these guys. I have been hanging in there been doing a lot of canoeing and fishing over the past year, (fighting the MS back) you might say.... Got tired of it controlling me...... I don't do good-byes so you will have to settle with a (till we meet again sir). ~S~ to you sir, Kenneth Archie Wilder
  3. http://www.allaircraftarcade.com/forum/ ... php?t=1064 I love it, I love it at long last I can fly a B-17 even if i got to look at a B-25 dash It will be just fine. Oleg get over youself i say, this has improved my game 100% having good sounds and being able to fly a Real Bomber. Stand up like you got a set and try it out for yourself, I did, they even got a switcher for it to turn it off and on. You can rest assured if I get a chance to hop in a B-17 I will be there. As for BOB, no B-17 no buy it here. After year of quality MODS for games like Command and Conquer it is about time for this in IL2, get to use a few of these planes that I been wishing I could fly now, heaven knows Oleg wont put em in it someones got too and I ~S~ the chap that did it. I say if a m8 host a game with it in it tell me up front and I be happy and easy to get along with, as for the m8 that wants to call me a cheat you dont know me at all and you can kiss me 6, I dont need a mod to get on someones 6 but I need one to hop in a B-17 in this game and would pay for it if Oleg get off his six and get me one. Hmmm, kinda unfinnished this new dvd, lets see who else does that, but with operating systems, I cringe as this thought leaves my mind. ~S~ kawilder1
  4. http://mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads&c=1 http://forums.netwings.org/forums/showthread.php?t=1053 http://www.warwingsart.com/
  5. Do you want to disable this script? Yes or No so I hit No, and then I hit it some more, about every 2 seconds No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No, No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,No, I even tried Firefox and still had the issue, just ran out of patience before page opened. ~S~ all, >
  6. wilder

    X 52

    Yep I have and no matter how I put something in for it to find it tells me this for the most part "The string you entered for the image verification did not match what was displayed." So I guess I am on my own and sol on this one, off to ubi forum...... kawilder1
  7. wilder

    X 52

    I have it set on it without any modes and it does fine, but soon as I put it on a button that has diff modes it like waiting for christmas to come again waiting on it to fire.
  8. wilder

    X 52

    ~S~ m8's,
  9. wilder

    IL2 Chat

    lol, biggest thing be the chat, I would like a way to get that out with out the other stuff in the way of it.
  10. wilder

    IL2 Chat

    For the most part the player chat is what i am after, this is how my setting are so far and I am able to get chat now plus alot of server jibber, [Console] HISTORY=1024 HISTORYCMD=1024 LOAD=console.cmd SAVE=console.cmd LOG=1 LOGTIME=1 LOGFILE=logfile.log LOGKEEP=1 lol IL2-wingman or IL2-MLR dont seem to filter any of the excess out so far. Yes I will say a excel script would be very nice kind sir. tks kawilder
  11. wilder

    IL2 Chat

    It has a tab for chat as well but still not recording chat.
  12. wilder

    IL2 Chat

    Tks m8, will give it alook
  13. wilder

    IL2 Chat

    Well so far I have found (IL2 mission log reader) http://www.thinking-board.net/MLR/en_index.htm After fingering it out I see there is no chat in the chat viewer area, I assume maybe i must turn it on someplace to get my game to record chat, ideas anyone
  14. wilder

    IL2 Chat

    ~S~ all,
  15. In the market for a webhost maybe in a few weeks here, .php a must just wanted to see where the danger dogs is hosted at.
  16. wilder


    I have been looking for a eve or two and have seen the zalmans and others with the cooling tubes and was wondering if they were any good, had no idea there. I could look at the specs all day right now and not help too much.
  17. wilder


    Rgr on getting most airflow, got the 120 in the front blowing in the sidefan blowing in, two in back blowing out and two in power supply blowing out. Found it ran cooler like that. So let see so far here. 2 in power supply
  18. wilder


    ~S~ all,
  19. wilder

    alias skins

    Thanks m8,
  20. wilder

    alias skins

    ~S~ all,
  21. wilder


    ~s~ All, Does anyone know where I can find a program that I can download free to extract .rar files. tks kawilder1
  22. wilder


    lol, Messenger is bad enough alone.
  23. wilder


    ~S~, I had a virus downloader deal on my pc today that affected messenger so i wanted to warn you about it so if you see it close it. It shows the following message when you get it on messenger. "OMG is that you? >
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