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Everything posted by Deacon352nd

  1. Von Tonar, You know better than to spread rumors.
  2. We already are working on getting this corrected.
  3. I just want to "ditto" what Persecutor said.
  4. Scheming?
  5. To be honest with you all, we are very glad that we've found each other because the comerarderie and fun we've had in just a few sessions.
  6. ~S~ to all Danger Dogs, I hope you gents are planning your missions for the first session of our upcoming SEOW.
  7. After considerable testing of the Tempest, I don't feel that the Danger Dogs will have anything to worry about in our upcoming SEOW because of the new version 4.07 Tempest.
  8. Just a quick question for you gents: What I am seeing is a specific order of installs triple switch first then no dvd crack then 4.071m patch Is that correct? If so then you should have a switchable version (4.04 to 4.05 to 4.071m or any combo) that does not need the CD to play.
  9. Well, we did plan to switch over to 4.07 at some time during SEOW.
  10. I know I speak for all the members of the 352ndFG when I say to all the Danger Dogs and Hell Hounds - MERRY CHRISTMAS
  11. It's a shame that they wasted so much time and effort programing so many planes that were not produced in any numbers.
  12. Gents, The settings we use allow for colored icons names and planes with the dots showing up at 10 - 14 km and the labels for names and planes showing up in color at 3.5km for friendly and 1.5km for enemy. It seems to allow you to see the dot at distance and "realistically" not know if it is friend or foe till you get closer.
  13. In behalf of the 352ndFG, I'd like to thank all the Danger Dogs we flew with or against Sunday.
  14. We at the 352ndFG feel your pain.
  15. BG, I know I liked you from the start.
  16. Doubletap, Your position of fighting to the end of the session is a fine one if everybody agrees.
  17. Jim,
  18. BBloke, To answer your question - if the host says the plug will be pulled exactly one hour after the start of the mission ans you are still in the air, SEOW assumes that you landed safely at your home field.
  19. Interesting idea, Fireman but it sure is a lot of work to run two campaigns.
  20. I know what you mean Doubletap.
  21. ~S~ Danger Dogs, The 352ndFG is very excited about our upcoming SEOW with you gents.
  22. To the Danger dogs and Hell Hounds, It was an honor and a privilege to fly our match with you gents, yesterday.
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