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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by BBloke

  1. I came across some pics of cockpits on AAA (as part of their better cockpits and extras)
  2. There are others in there too: TSOverlay VoiceOverlay Haven't had issues recently and I'm currently using TSOverlay.
  3. For those that may not have seen them all here is a link to the training videos produced by dart. http://il2mdb.montydan.com/IL2MovieDB&tags=Dart or http://il2mdb.montydan.com/IL2MovieDB?tags=training Well made and very informative. Enjoy!
  4. LOL.. I was saying to Dave the other night I wouldn't have made that shot.
  5. Hey Dave I just noticed you were a wing canon down too.
  6. Can't wait to see it with a lick of paint. Very nice Tonar.
  7. ROFLMAO... Protesters,, me thinks she hasn't got the point of the banner!!
  8. It may sound daft but try and check the event viewer.
  9. For all of you out there Jurassic Punk have Star Trek XI slated for December 25th 2008 release although I couldn't find anything on IMDB. Thought I'd share after watching a few of the summer blockbuster trailers for this year.
  10. Great shot Dave. As you said on the night "KAAAAABOOOOOOOOOOM!" LMAO
  11. Gotta agree you look well with it Mike.
  12. BBloke


    Great news and good luck with your futures.
  13. I can see the images ok. I know this has been something that has been troubling Enforcer for some time and I have tried to track the problem down.
  14. Static cameras would be great for the movie too.
  15. LOL.. I'm sure if you ask him nicely he could make it bigger!! LOL
  16. Bored after work so I decided to drop into a shop not too far away.
  17. Well she sure looks surpirsed. LOL
  18. Mother get the kleenex!!
  19. This is quite old but I've done a little digging and added most of what I have found on the IL2MDB site.
  20. hehehehe... you're safe digging up anything you like on the forums.... just don't go digging on BG's land.
  21. Thanks Carl.
  22. I've modified a few things on the site so it should be easier to navigate and there are some neat pictures on there relating to the movies on there. http://il2mdb.montydan.com/
  23. Using network cards and a crossover cable (negates then need for a network switch) would allow you to transfer data as you would through a home or office network.
  24. Good luck to you both.
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