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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by BadAim

  1. Considering the mounting evidence for an advanced global civilization that was likely wiped out by a cosmic impact some 12000 years ago, these "UFO's" could conceivably be the descendants of our ancestors coming back for a visit, or perhaps they never really left.
  2. I'd love to fly more, but it's not in the cards right now. I hope to get my life to a point where I have more time for things other than work, the Dogz being one of the more important things (Probably the only thing more important is to get to the Grandkids ballgames). In the meantime I hope to get by for a Dogz Sunday every once in a while. Unfortunately I just don't have time to keep up with the "event" type stuff. (especially formation flying, I suck at it so bad it's not only not fun, it's downright painful). I do miss you guys. Love u. 😪
  3. BadAim

    Button box 2.jpg

    She's a beauty!
  4. That's one thing we all share in common, we're the good driver, it's all those other people out there that can't drive! (me too, I'm a good driver, slow around the parking lot, yeaaaah.)
  5. That looks great! A great aid to my failn' old eyeballs. Thanks for the tip 'ole bean.
  6. Fen, I'm still not getting a map on these missions, even though it works with everything else I do, single player, multi player, dogfight, coop. Can you even imagine a cause for this mate? I know I'm stumped. I can only speculate that some thing on my end is angry at something with the mission generator or vice versa. Also I apologize for all the stupid issues I'm having, I have very little stick time in the last half a dozen years, and even less with GBS. My taxiing and station keeping skills are atrocious. I'm also ugly and my mother dresses me funny. Damn.
  7. Hey, not sure if anyone has posted this yet, But I found it interesting and really points up how much better the GBS P-38 is compared to the old one. It performs exactly how I expected the '38 to perform from reading and training materials like this. http://zenoswarbirdvideos.com/P38.html Also, while I have your attention, these missions are great fun mostly because of the company, but also the investment into creating a character and keeping him alive pays all sorts of dividends in fun and realism.
  8. The reviews seem mixed. What say ye who have it? Is it worth spending a few bucks on?
  9. OH, my JP and Pooka!! at the same time? Surely this must be a sign of the apocalypse. I'll see if I can't drop by on Sunday and make it a real blast from the past. We might even melt down the entire bloody internet. 😋
  10. BadAim


    Thats 'cause these are what they built the movie guns out of. We're all already programmed to accept the shape (leastwise that's my take on it). I do believe these are modified "34s.
  11. Salute! Your sure missed around here old friend.
  12. Still wearin' womens underwear? 😜
  13. Ha ha! Nothing like a rousing drive through the Scottish countryside in a perky little sportscar to prepare for a visit to the racing museum! I'm positively green with envy. 😁
  14. BadAim


    I'm sad that I didn't get to know Bill better , but no matter, Bill is Dangerdogz and therefore my brother! Goodbye for now brother, see you by and by in the sky!
  15. BadAim

    New Toy Mmm

    Sounds like any Sunday afternoon in America!
  16. Thanks Fen, just what the Doctor ordered today!
  17. Every country has Rednecks. Yeeeeeeeeeee, Haaaaaw!
  18. I has BOS BOM and BOK, all standard and the LA 5 because it's the only Russian plane I really like. I'll get the rest when my means catches up to my taste. (which overall is likely never ?)
  19. BadAim


    She shore is purdy.
  20. That last one in the Yak was as good as I've ever seen a Danger Dog pull off. For the emergency landings in a damaged aircraft, you are better off forgetting about the landing gear all together, it's more harm than help on rough ground. IIRC the Stuka had a charge to blow the gear off for just this reason. (I don't think it's in the game though)
  21. I have been largely away because of personal issues and in the past year I'm unable to get to my 'puter until minutes before everyone is packing it in because of work. I'm awaiting developments in CloD eagerly and I have pretty much decided to start picking up with BoX as I can afford it. I am a little leery of spending money on games because other people are playing them, as I have a whole stack of those that I've played for a minute then lost interest when every one else did, but I don't consider the Dogz "other people", so yeah, I'm for certain interested in keeping up with whatever transpires here, and I hope to be able to join up more in the future. In the end no matter that I enjoy space games and Shooters and any number of other computer related distractions, flight sims are my first love and the Dogz are my squad whatever else happens.
  22. Ah love the smell of motor oil in the mornin'
  23. That's beautiful!
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