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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Shadow

  1. Something in a lighter vein. A fast and fearsome Naboo Lightning. A few touch ups and then I'll upload it if anyone is interested. Cheers,
  2. I remember way back when... For my 14th birthday, the folks got me a 1/24th scale Revell Spit and a 109. They built up real nice for those days. I'd love to find the pair again and have another go at it. Looking forward to seeing how your build progresses
  3. Now it's starting to look okay:
  4. A little harder than you might think.
  5. @JP Sure, I do it all the time when DT or BG are hosting. I usually have them off for most of a mission.
  6. Great shots, guys! But if I could mention an aesthetic point. Don't like the icons. I have a key mapped to turn off icons which I use when grabbing a track or a screen shot. Looks much nicer IMHO
  7. :icon_thumright: Excellent production! Sure, I have found some little 'niggles', but they are minor and don't detract from the whole. I'll watch it more than once, be sure.
  8. I don't even have an anti virus running any more! I practice common sense computing I do once a week run the Trend Micro online scan
  9. I've noticed a definite improvement in how enemy AI handles themselves since 4.07.
  10. Thanks for the heads up, Frior. I'm fine with it.
  11. Hi Sparrow You will need to add a line called SubTiltlesLines=(the number you want) Here's how mine looks: [game] Arcade=0 HighGore=0 mapPadX=0.6691667 mapPadY=-0.046666667 viewSet=34 Intro=0 NoSubTitles=0 SubTitlesLines=1 NoChatter=1 NoHudLog=0 NoLensFlare=0 iconTypes=3 eventlog=eventlog.lst eventlogkeep=0 3dgunners=1
  12. You can reduce the chatter in the config file so that it's only one or two lines.
  13. Just what it looks like when I try flying one
  14. Wingman cover is a Macro to call your wingie to cover you. Tab 1 1 I find it easier to have it on the joystick than having to scroll through the wing commands when I really need it quick. The other one I have mapped is to request vector to base (from my online war, full switch days). Cheers,
  15. Riding shotgun for DT. Lonely place to be on a cold night!
  16. Let me guess. An ATI video card with the frame counter enabled?
  17. Send some of it down here.
  18. I'm glad to hear I was wrong, Enforcer. But, Holy Crap!! It totally sucks that you got stuck with such a lemon of a motherboard.
  19. How do you tell?
  20. I could take a crack at it for you, Greenstreaks. Just let me know what keys you want mapped to what buttons. Or I could just take the liberty of mapping it the way I would do it. Up to you, mate Cheers,
  21. An obsolete machine that uses the PCI bus for video should in no way have a PCIE graphics card plugged into it.
  22. I'll PM you with the new layout that matches the shadow2.dat. It's changed a bit since the one I posted on the PF forum.
  23. The problem with Saitek is that each software update is incompatible with the previous ones.
  24. Freelancer and I are one and the same, Crash. I believe I have a more updated version of the profile if you want to try that as well
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