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    Bath, England

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  1. Care to explain Redeye? WTF is a team Banzai? Some kinky oriental thing that Doubletap would do? Hey Redeye! BG, Team Banzai was (and is) a great online MechWarrior 4 team. I played regularly with them for a couple of years and had an absolute hoot. Main thing is that they play for fun and don't really give a stuff about winning - rather like the DDz. Excellent bunch of people. It's wound down quite a bit now as the game has withered away (it must have been released in 2000?), but they're still around. Cheers, RocketDog.
  2. RocketDog (left), Kangaroo (right). No, wait...
  3. Thanks for the game tonight, everyone. I thought you might like to see this screenshot, taken just seconds before my Zero became a submarine. Notice the feeble attempt to exit a spin with controls crossed all ove the place. If you look carefully, you can just make out a deep scratch in the paint on the starboard wing. This was enough to make me lose control and crash in a most embarassing manner. Well done to the Seafire driver! Cheers, RD
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