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3. Danger Dogz
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About guitarman68

  • Birthday 11/22/1968

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  1. Just returned from holiday to hear of this very sad news. ~S~ Jim you will forever be missed Nick
  2. ~S~ Jim It was a true pleasure to spend time chatting and flying with you and all the DD's, through good and bad times you were the glue that kept everything and everybody together.The warm welcome I would receive on joining T/S by yourself will stick with me always " Ah Nick, evening laddie" and to meet you in 2007 at Duxford was an honour. Thoughts to you and your family jim. A true gentleman. Regards Nick
  3. May I suggest Silent Hunter 3 with the grey wolves mod over the top of it, its the most atmospheric games you will play.Even down to the gramophone playing in the radio room.First class game.Dive Dive Dive
  4. Just when we thought we were getting to the end, we have been issued with another severe weather warning for tomorrow and Wednesday for the southwest.Heavy snow and freezing conditions, nevermind it could be worse
  5. Cheers chaps, will give it a go and become a shake and bake bomber
  6. Does anyone have or nowhere I can find some bombing missions for the b25 I fancy trying to get to grips with the old bomb sight.I have the bombsight table to start with, and thought there were some training missions to go with it. Cheers in advance Gman
  7. Well I was a lucky boy and had a vintage Epiphone hard case for my guitar,Dvd's,choccie's and the icing on the a new Acog sight for my m4 sopmod.
  8. Good news Colin, I know what your saying busy time of year is apon us.
  9. Spending a wet saturday afternoon catching up on old forum posts I stumbled across this very informative post by Pete, which brings me to a story that happened to me a couple of months ago. I was on call for the week when on the wednesday night I was requested to attend a alarm line that was faulty for an establishment called Temptations, straightaway my radar was alerted to the name and queried if they really needed for me to attend at night, to which the reply came back "with most hast" On arrive to said establishment we were escorted to the alarm panel that had the misfortune of being located in the ladies dressing area.Of the 6 ladies that were there I could count the amount of clothing on 1 hand that they were wearing.The fault was quickly rectified and the said alarm panel was tested and all was well.Having worked above and beyond the call of duty the lady managress offered that our hard work be rewarded with a cold beer, at this point I had to decline the gracious offering as we were still on call an unable to consume alcohol But a pint of something else would greatfully received.Retiring to the bar for our said refreshments we discovered that there was only 1 patron in the establishment and it was a quiet evening, it was then 1 of the employee's decided to put some pole practice in on the main stage to go with our well deserved drinks. So having finished a job well done I returned home with 3 hours overtime, Cannon fodder_uk who attended this with me is still yet to recover.
  10. Does anyone else play this board/wargames, if you dont its well worth a look.Lots of great ww1 planes to collect and quite a few addon packs and additions to collect.There is also a ww2 version just out with a growing number of planes avaliable.A few links below to get you going..... http://www.wingsofwar.org/ WINGS OF WAR WW1 http://www.wingsofwar.it/list.asp http://staffordgames.co.uk/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=189_260&products_id=1998
  11. Cheers John, good site I could be spending some cash
  12. Nice work Dave,turned out first class.
  13. Hello chaps, can any of the modelling guys point me in the direction of a decent airbrush setup,not sure what to get.Any help much appreciated.
  14. Nice work pete, very even paint job.
  15. Thanks for the site info Dave, I will check it out.Your right Pete im building them for the warhammer historical battles rule set.Well worth a purchase and a goodnights entertainment for any buddy Admiral.
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