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About wheelsup_cavu

  • Birthday January 29

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  1. I know this thread is older than dirt and the joint-ops site has been offline for close to a decade but did anyone save the training syllabus? Training Menu Basic Flight School Pilot Ground School Intermediate Pilot School Advanced Pilot School Fighter School Bomber School Joint-ops @ Internet Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20141009113721/http://www.joint-ops.com/php2/index.php Wheels
  2. Since we had to deactivate the Links module at Mission4Today (M4T) because it kept crashing the site here are some Useful Links that I think are still relevant. 7zip: https://www.7-zip.org/ Archive.org: Old Time Radio: https://archive.org/details/oldtimeradio Gimp: https://www.gimp.org/ Irfanview: https://www.irfanview.com/ Old Radio World: https://www.oldradioworld.com/ Shorpy Historical Photo Archive: https://www.shorpy.com/Large_Format_Kodachromes There are some others but I think this is enough for one post. Wheels
  3. This Full Mission Builder (FMB) problem has me stumped. It is happening for this individual in versions 4.12.2m and 4.13.4m. No mods installed in either version Test Runways not Appearing in FMB ??? Did anyone else ever have the same problem and how did you resolve it if you did? Wheels
  4. Our hosting service has completed their work on the servers and our security certificate has been updated. All should be working as expected now. Please continue to report any unexpected difficulties using the site and we will do what we can to get them resolved as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience during this maintenance period. 😎 Wheels
  5. Sorry for the interruption of service. M4T is down due to server maintenance implemented by our hosting service. The site will be down for approximately 24 hours if they have no unexpected issues with their fixes. I will also be posting any updates on our Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/mission4today Wheels
  6. When I first found the problem with the SimHQ Archives the Internet Archive was under a DDos attack and had been down for a few days. https://duckduckgo.com/?va=d&t=ha&q=internet+archive+ddos+attack&ia=web It is up but it is still in read only mode. No edits and no new content is being added at the moment. There was only 1 save of the DGen Studies thread which was captured in 2018. https://web.archive.org/web/20180429205040/http://simhq.net/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/1708223/1.html Considering there is a high probability that I generated this save I suspect that most of the SimHQ.net archived threads will not even have one save at the Internet Archive. To help keep the information more readily accessible I have added it to the M4T Knowledge Base. DGen Studies by Amagi: https://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Knowledge_Base&op=show&kid=734 Wheels
  7. As I expected the move of the main site from the .com domain to the .net domain deleted the forum archives that had been hosted at the .net domain since 2008. There were still several threads with relevant information in the IL-2 Sturmovik archives. Not the least of which was the DGen studies thread. I was hoping that the archived threads had just been rolled back into the current version of the .net forums but no such luck. ☹️ Wheels
  8. from SimHQ(dot)com to SimHQ(dot)net. Your current username and password should allow you to enter the updated/altered site without any problems. Wheels
  9. Due to ongoing problems with road construction at and around the Chino airport the annual Planes of Fame airshow is being held in Santa Maria again this year. Website: https://www.centralcoastairfest.com/ Facebook: PoF Air Museum(Facebook) Facebook Photos: PoF Photos (Facebook) Instagram: Pof Instagram Channel If anyone is in the Santa Maria area the last I heard, earlier today, there were still tickets available for the airshow on Sunday, September 22, 2024. 😎 Wheels
  10. Hello guys & gals?? I thought there would be some interest in the happenings at the Planes of Fame locations and their regular and flying events. To keep from creating multiple threads regarding Planes of Fame and their multiple locations, Chino California, Valle Arizona, & Santa Maria California, I will be posting announcements about them and their events in this thread. Planes of Fame Chino, California location: 14998 Cal Aero Drive, Chino, CA 91710 Planes of Fame, Valle, Arizona location: 755 Mustang Way, Valle Arizona At this time the Valle location is closed to the public, possibly permanently? The Planes of Fame, Santa Maria, California location will be at the Santa Maria airport (KSMX). Santa Maria Future Expansion PoF Website PoF Facebook page PoF YouTube Channel PoF Instagram Channel Wheels
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