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Ben griffiths

3. Danger Dogz
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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by Ben griffiths

  1. thanks well i got both when i get some time ill try taking the mossie out for a spin
  2. quick question all i would need is channel map the mossie and ww2 assets for this?
  3. I will try to get my pc up and running before that date as apprently it was only the gfx card that melted
  4. 22/02/45 Pilot: Arnold rimmer Air: 1 Bf 109 Ground: N/A
  5. 18/02/45 not sure Air: 1x Bf 109 0.5x 109g shared with ft Ground: 3x AA guns
  6. it sounds good to me just a quick question just to clarify on the capturing of the airfields is it possible to just airdrop supply's to make a airfield fully operational or is it strictly just on landing?
  7. yeah im interested in going to that
  8. im happy to dled the bronco looks fun
  9. is it just the voiceattack plugin you need to download
  10. Happy Birthday pal

  11. Would it be hosted on either stable or open beta?
  12. Thanks crash will keep my eyes open for this
  13. Welcome doug/petrol
  14. Yeah seems good to me What happened to the bridge repair mechanic you were going with?
  15. just a quick question did the churchill get a desert skin yet
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