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3. Danger Dogz
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RoyalFosse last won the day on December 29 2021

RoyalFosse had the most liked content!

About RoyalFosse

  • Birthday 12/12/1987

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Jersey Channel Islands
  • Interests
    Sailing, Fishing and Aircraft
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  1. Kia after wrecking a 109 and then flying into him 😂
  2. Archibald Snotters 1x FW190 D9 1X FW190 A8 landed safely, no damage
  3. Red2 1xBF109, limped back to home base
  4. Thats great mate thanks ill message you later just at work at the moment 👍
  5. Thanks delta im keen mate, around over the weekend if your about, or ill message and we can plan a meet up, id be keen and thanks ill take a look 👍
  6. Hey chaps, i was wondering if anyone would like to meet up sometime and give me a bit of dogfight training, be nice to actually get some tips rather than just flying and working it out. might improve my dying 😊 if anyones keen send me a message 👍
  7. No problem at all 😊 ill hop on when i can, back next sat so hopefully hop on sunday eve 🤞
  8. Hi mate, thanks alot, i will try my best to jump on on sunday(next), does the group still get together in the morning sometime? I remember a day they did. thanks for the message also. Royal
  9. Hi guys, currently away on holiday in turkey, im back next weekend but i have just started to get back into IL2 again, bit of multiplayer online, wouldn't mind jumping in on a couple of your nights again if you'll have me. I need to re aquire the password for teamspeak and channel again if you don't mind. Shift work as always isnt great but would be good to catch up, im trying to relearn everything all over again and it is fun. (That and i have managed to hold my own occasionally online) also, if anyone fancies flying on the finnish server at all as a wingman occassionally, that would be cool. I know this group isnt a multiplayer group, but if anyone is interested id be keen 🤘 Cheers Royal
  10. Hey guys, Firstly i wanted to apologise for not being around for such a long time. I had to take a break for a while. I had so much going on and the PC took the back seat. I havent even logged onto iL2 since the new Normandy came out. I was wondering how it is?…. I waited and waited for the Mossie to make an appearance and i haven't even flown it! i dont know what it is but i seem to have just lost a bit of love with combat flight sims at the moment. I just dont have the urge to blow stuff up! I have been flying alot of Flight Sim over the past month but kept thinking about you guys so thought id pop on and say hello to say i am still here, im just taking a breather from the gunning down at the moment. I even started making a couple of videos on MSFS so if you would like to view them Search RoyalFosse on youtube. I have done a few integrating NeoFly and Vatsim (live ATC). I'm sure i will be back in a tiffy sometime but didnt want to just stay mute! Hope the campaign is going well! I check in from time to time but for the mean time ill lob a few pages on the MSFS area for those who are interested. (Feel free to move this but i know you would read this here) My channel if you want to laugh 😂 https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC48FBczEjLXYZw9YebXUqtw
  11. Its my cross over day (late early) but will hopefully be able to jump in and bomb a bridge 😊
  12. Cheers for this guys, just one quick glance and question, below 8,000ft, is it better to just link the throttles like you said, if im then dogfighting, is there occasions below this i can maximise without linking as i know below these altitudes its pretty much outmatched on one on without, putting the big guns aside. much appreciated ill give this a go when i get back im i ln the BAHAMAS 😁 …. Back middle of may to make you all jealous. Royal
  13. Arthur, thank you ever so much, i will ponder over this properly when i return from my holidays too! Royal
  14. Hi chaps, I really want to have a go at flying the P47 but must admit get put off with the supercharger throttle etc etc and what to do with it. Could anyone give me some info on how to go about flying it, and what setting etc i need for take off, landing, normal cruise, then what I can turn it to for fighting. Have tried to watch requiems videos etc but he normally has set ups for take off and landings, but doesn't go into what I should be watching for combat. I fancied a go at one of the campaigns with the P-47's to get used to it. I'm away on holiday till the 15th so will catch you when I'm back!.
  15. My shift work will be when i can attend anything i will attend, i just would like to still see tanking as a part we do 😊
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