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3. Danger Dogz
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    United Kingdom

About Gizm0

  • Birthday 10/18/1984

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  1. Hello guys, sorry ive not updated or been around lately, not much has happened really, been to see a doctor, had an ultra sound scan on my feet and its been diagnosed as Morton's neuroma. At the end of the month im having a consultation with a surgeon to see where we go from there. hopefully be back flying sooner rather than later
  2. Hello all, i wont be taking part in tonights mission, also the reason i havent been doing any flying lately is because i have a problem with my feet which has flared up lately and working rudder pedals is no fun. Hopefully will have it all sorted out soon as its now been diagnosed and im just waiting to hear from the surgeon.
  3. I won't be flying tonight, too much alcohol last night so it's going to be an early night for me. Good luck all.
  4. Same, counting down the time, I'll be on around 6:30
  5. Just wondering when the after action report is going to be put up? Thanks.
  6. Sorry but I'm not gonna be making tonight, been a long tiring day. Catch you at the next one. Good luck chaps, bring it home for tea and biscuits.
  7. Just to put this out there, if anyone fancies flying some pvp and wants a wingman, just add me and give me a shout. friend code = 121536
  8. I'll be there, looking forward to it.
  9. Hello, as long as I finish work on time, what do I need to do to get me some of this action other than download the skins and try and memorise the briefing?
  10. Downloaded all the skins.
  11. How early do people start coming on ts before a mission? I'm on now and nobody is around.
  12. Looking forward to it, anything I need to read or download before. Looking on the phone at forums is pain staking but i can't get on the pc until later when the little one is in bed.
  13. Thanks 👍
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