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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Reggie

  1. Really sorry guys, I won't be able to join you again tonight. I have a few things going on at the moment in real life so may need a little longer away. Hope you have an awesome mission.
  2. Sorry chaps, not able to make it again. To be honest I am likely not able to be around till the new year 😢 Best of luck, and hope you have fun 👍
  3. Yes this would be sad, it is a great time flying around with you guys in a semi-serious manner. So sorry you had the old age pensioner version again last campaign mission - that is truly one of the weirdest things I have ever heard of or seen happening in a game - especially a flight sim
  4. Guys, sorry, I am unable to make it due to work again 😭 I will be a big boss somewhere else from 29th November - so am hoping I will be able to dictate when I work late and not have to follow anybody else's needs from then - fingers crossed 🤞
  5. If you are looking for Tiffie drivers, I am also happy to volunteer if needed. 👍 It was a bit odd seeing all the planes flying around and driving around slowly like old age pensioners 🤣
  6. I am available tonight chaps, looking forward to it
  7. AWOL again tonight I am afraid chaps, bit of an F1 party going on tonight, and have been ordered by she who must be obeyed to be social and remain in front of the TV shouting for ??????? Hope it all goes well. Have some job changes happening as well soon, new job starting toward end of November, which I am hoping will stop any Out of Hours work - but as it is a global role, I am not sure what hours I will end up having to work to keep on top of things with timezones etc.
  8. Morning guys, apologies, saw your post that I would be alive, and really wanted to make it - but ended up working on a customer's system failure anyway so couldn't jump on. Found out this morning, that the outage was caused by a 3rd Party making a change to script we didnt have control over - so that makes all the time investigating more frustrating 🤣 Sad to hear it didnt take though. Have we decided to start from scratch again?
  9. I have been using it for 4 months, not had any issues with anything to be honest - my IL2 gremlins with sound have not been OS relevant as they occurred when I was still on Win10 as well. To be honest, as an OS there isn't a huge difference.
  10. Lol - only 1 mission for me 🤣 - or actually that is more like 😭 And to top it all off, I wont be able to fly Sunday either - as I am on call for this whole week, hence missing Tuesday. I can get calls at any point from 8am to 11pm when on call, if one came in while I was flying I would have to leave and die - so no point really This "on call" crap is a new thing only just started at work. They have always had support chaps on call and working OOH - but having a management escalation cover is new. Best of luck on Sunday, I wont be on call for another 4 or 5 weeks after this week, so should be able to get back in the saddle soon.
  11. Apologies chaps, I am stuck working tonight so won't be able to join in tonight 😢
  12. Yes, very cool, and very slick skills there. Nice one 👍
  13. Whether it takes or not - I had a great time, always enjoyable hanging out with you guys - as the British say - flying with DD is "the dogs bollocks"
  14. Apologies guys, I will not be able to make it tonight 😭
  15. Wow, awesome, both the model and the great guys you get to meet and spend time with 👍
  16. Welcome to the DD Beagle, always good to have new blood (hound) join us Ignore these weird chaps, we are all pretty normal - honestly....😇
  17. Hey chaps, sorry I have not been around for a bit, holidays - kids birthdays, work have all piled on. I am hoping to be back in the next few days. Where are we with the P38 Campaign? I havent seen any debriefs for a while but the calendar still says it is being run - with the next one scheduled tomorrow. Has it been canned, or is it just being flown in secret now? A Westland Lysander campaign so to speak
  18. Sorry guys, I won't be attending, feeling pretty sick today so early night needed for me I think. 😥
  19. Ah, ok, I stand corrected - I thought it was in relation to my running over a pedestrian in my P38 a few weeks back and it destroying my engine so I couldn't take part in the mission I have not been hit by a plane when crossing the road - and have not piloted a P51 at Reno
  20. Hi Chaps, Just wondered if any of you have seen this - and/or given it a try and what your thoughts are? I know there has been some discussion about a Dogz official Mods Pack, this may be a good start? There is a lot in it, some we would not necessarily use but I would be interested in everyone's thoughts. https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/73819-mod-pack-il-2-enhanced-updated-9121/
  21. Something tells me this may be related to me I am back from jolly holidays chaps - so hoping to make an appearance at next ops 👍
  22. I shall be present this evening handsome people 😊
  23. Reggie

    B26 Marauder

    That would be a nice job to get. Wish I could find somewhere to put some of my models to make space, lol.
  24. Yes - it was indeed a dream - whether a pleasant dream or a nightmare depends on your experience. Personally I had both Fen and Painless in my dream, so I will leave it you to decide what type of dream it was for me 😉
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