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3. Danger Dogz
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    United Kingdom

Redtail last won the day on March 23 2020

Redtail had the most liked content!

About Redtail

  • Birthday 03/03/1958

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Northern Highlands of Scotland
  • Interests
    Flight Sims,Climbing/walking,Falconry.Running a garden railway in the far North.
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Puppy (4/8)



  1. Redtail


    I know I would regret it when the price went back to normal.
  2. Redtail


    I said I wasn't going to buy another module ........! Ground pounding practice with LGB's.
  3. I will catch you later hopefully.
  4. Thanks for the info Tom.I normally just do another circuit round and re connect and more often than not it lets me take off! I will try and get on sometime this week and have a chat then.
  5. Redtail

    Monarch of the Glen.

    You are right.however I only carry a Panasonic Lumix camera I don't have enough room for my normal camera with my climbing clobber in the ruck sac!
  6. Redtail

    Monarch of the Glen.

    He kindly appeared on my return route in the afternoon.They feed the red deer on the Estate in the winter.
  7. Redtail


    Snow going from SW aspect.
  8. Redtail


    Arthur, The weather was like this all day yesterday.Thankfully as you can see in the pics other than the self generated weather over the higher summits,the other cloud was high.However it was positively baltic on the summit with a howling gale and remained only long enough for a few pics and a bite to eat! The other good thing was that 'there was no bugger about'
  9. Redtail


    Looking south to Ben Assynt. Most Munro's are isolated in Sutherland.
  10. A day out on Ben Hee self isolating.
  11. Afternoon chaps,Redtail who I hear you ask! I'm afraid the rubber band is still u/s for the F-14 on the carrier.You are still left waving at the seagulls as they fly by!
  12. I have just returned home this past weekend,so would like to get back into it again.Add me to the list.
  13. Redtail


    I have only just found out the news of Bill's deaths this evening.l have flown with him for only a year and will miss the unmistakeable Texan drawl and dry humour.Redail always seemed different when Bill called it. I Will miss you,Gypsy.
  14. Great vid Arthur and splendid flying by the Dogs and capped off by the Stones fantastic. I am dusting of my vinyl copy if only as we speak.Oh alright my CD. Alas my vinyl collection is no more.
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