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Everything posted by Gypsy

  1. New air conditioned model or the start of a "skylight" style wing?
  2. Gypsy


  3. Gypsy


  4. Gypsy


    Wowser! 'Merica!
  5. I confess I didn't read the entire thread on the ED forums, but can this be done with the F14? I don't have nor do I intend on getting the F18.
  6. Got it downloaded and sorta tested. Well, tested enough to see it still works and I need a lot of "seat time" to practice.
  7. Thanks Tom. Gonna go update now that I have woke up from my afternoon nappy ?!
  8. Got it downloaded and tested (briefly). Looks like a lot of fun times can be had in that sandbox. I just need to work on my stamina on sitting up so I can get the practice in.
  9. Well hell, guess I will have to add the extra sand to my collection as well ?!
  10. Bringing this back up again. Map is on sale 50% off ($25 usd). Not bad if you have the interest, disk space and RAM.
  11. If I can ever get back into any kind of "normal" routine, I am up for it. Hell, I much as I haven't been flying, I will need someone to help me find the cockpits!
  12. Gypsy


    I have one of these that I got when I got the Samsung S8 awhile back.. messed around doing simple games and it was good.. only thing I disliked was the pressure it put on my nose..
  13. Gypsy


    Nice Ross! When did you go back to 3 monitors?
  14. 1. DCS 2. BOX 3. CLOD Monday Tuesday Wednesday (free for all) Thursday Friday Saturday Probably giving up on Sundays - probably(ish) But I am open for however the wind blows.
  15. Being a newbie here and one without much of a life outside the old homestead, I am up for whatever is presented. I have let my preferences known before and they are DCS and GB, but as long as I can zoom around the virtual skies with the DDz, I am a happy yank! Sundays during the NASCAR racing season is always gonna be hit and miss for me as I do so enjoy watching 38-40 chunks of metal turn left at 180mph for 400-500 miles..and the wrecks are soooooo much fun ?!
  16. Now that ought to be fun! Thanks Tom for the heads up!
  17. When I pre-ordered Bodenplatte (what seems like years ago) I was taking a chance that I would still be around to see it delivered. I thought the same thing when I pre-ordered the Tomcat. Well damn, it looks like I will live to see Bodenplatte also! Can't wait to try the GB version of the P-38! I have decided that if something is "coming in two weeks" and it holds interest to me, I will get it. Maybe that's what keeping me kicking; the thought of wasting money ?????!
  18. Gypsy


    From the album: Gypsy

    From my days with Team USA. We flew against other "countries" in the mid 2000s (IL2 1946). Only lost one match in 3 years.
  19. Gypsy


    Just some stuff
  20. Yep, that's why I was asking. At this time in my exploration of my limitations with the F14, whatever map I am on is only a side issue. The sale is only 12USD off anyway. When it ever gets down to 50% of more off then I might get serious just for the heck of it... Right now I wanna be where the majority is, lord knows I need all the help I can get ?!
  21. Quick question. Any interest in the Gulf map with it being on (a modest) sale?
  22. Will be getting this downloaded hopefully tomorrow..."realistic" comms can really add to the immersion factor. Plus I can put my mike inside my filter mask, get me some realistic looking hose cover to put over my oxygen tubing and be one step closer to the "Danger Zone" ??????!
  23. All downloaded and checked. No flying yet as I need to go thru the basic key mapping but most seem to be done ?! Now the prep work for the steep learning curve ?!
  24. Gypsy


    From the album: Gypsy

    New 2019 Ford Truck
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