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=VARP=Hunter last won the day on November 25 2022

=VARP=Hunter had the most liked content!

About =VARP=Hunter

  • Birthday 05/04/1977

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  1. Salute to all, There is a dynamic IL2 campaign in progress and you all are welcome to join in if you want. More info in the document attached. Regards, Hunter DynWarOrg_v2.pdf
      • 2
      • Thanks
  2. Hello, =VARP=Kroat would also like to join in tonight if it's not too late. He's familiar with everything about this campaign. Cheers
  3. Hello all! I would like to participate in this event if it's okay with you but I do not have a MOD folder or JSGME in BOX installation folder, only in old '46, how can I get this into BOX?
  4. Yes it is, i was looking forward to meet you all in person, but hope is not lost, planning for next year has already started.
  5. Thank you Jabo but you do not have to do that since trip to Duxford has been cancelled by me and Thor. Unfortunately there were some issues that could not be resolved and we could not come this year. Have fun and take a lot of photographs :)
  6. At which will you all visit the show, Saturday, Sunday or both days? Just to know what day to pick to meet you there.
  7. Thank you.
  8. Hello to all, Do you know when it will be possible to by tickets for the show? Cheers, Hunter
  9. Thank you for quick reply Jabo 1. I will need just 1 Liter 2. Great! Looking forward to meet you! 3. Okay, we will probablly attend the air show only one day because we would like to visit some museums and other things in London in remaining two days.
  10. Hello all from =VARP= Thor and Hunter. The two of us are planning to visit the show this year and have some questions about it so any help is much appreciated. 1. Where can I buy some distilled water? Is it available in every grocery store? Btw, we will stay in London for a 3-4 days. 2. We would really like to meet with you after the air show in place of your choice but please have in mind that we will depend on public transport. 3. Thor asked me to post this question, I don't know the details about it but here it is : Does the IWM membership (35£) includes the ticket to the air-show itself? If yes, for first, second or both days? Cheers Hunter
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