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wingflyr last won the day on December 25 2024

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About wingflyr

  • Birthday 02/12/1959

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    Burnaby British Columbia Canada
  • Interests
    Aircraft Music And My wife
    not in that particular order lol
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  1. I will try my best Colin. Wife has a eye doctor appointment and it falls on Dogz time. She has an on going problem that has come up while healing up from cataract surgery. I have been driver to a string of Doctors see is seeing, the wait times are average 2 to 3 hrs. I would love to join you will try my best.
  2. wingflyr


    Hey Jag welcome to the Danger Dogz, always a pleasure having more people flying with us. I am as the lads call me, one of the colonials as I am Canadian from Vancouver BC. Usually we get together on Mondays & Thursdays, British Time 8:00 pm. My time Noon where I am. You are very welcome to join us tomorrow. Ask DD_ Friar for Discord link for comms. Leave a message here and they will get back to you. Hope to see you in the server. DD_Wingflyr
  3. Oh Yes, I'm In. Yes I hear you Kev, I disco-ed out right at the beginning and could not come back, very very disappointing. I was so looking forward to it. Bloody workers working on the power line in the back laneway cut the power. I will recruit the boys Zukker, Sherriff, Niall, Perf, and Sqwak.
  4. WiWishing you and your family all the best and thank you for all the fun times flying with you during the year. CHEERS
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  5. Now that's what I call tailgating.
  6. @ Fen, I know a lot of folks do not like Mods and rightfully so, But 8ball and Tobi are Two of the best quality Modder's in DCS. Fortunately when DCS updates and effects the sim with their mods , they are quick to always find a fix. Their Vietnam pack is very very good, one of my favorites.
  7. Never mind I did get them going thanks for the info Col.
  8. Love to read up on these Colin but the links for some reason are not working.
  9. Well Colin that sounds like a great idea. Although it always great if we can choose what we need on the fly for a mission situation at hand on the fly. Pretty most of the weapons available for each helio or jet. Although there may be some that are not practical or effective. Harpoons seems to be one type but, there is enemy sea vessels that have to be neutralized or eliminated. I love the idea thou.
  10. OH ALMOST FROGOT HERE IS A GITHUB MANUAL FOR THE MISSION only printable from there Im afraid Here you go I will try to get on for a few minutes GitHub - Dzsek/pretense
  11. I can try for a bit Col Beautiful day wife is off from work Equals frickin yard work lol
  12. Yes Colin I left everything as is. The helicopters can be swapped for to what ever needed and more accurate but the group names must remain the same. The mission its self is Hugh and running it under a host PC may be to much or some mod we use is causing the crash. Best to try with no mods and work from there also best to run it under the dogz server. I been hosting it with no problems. Thou sometimes it has shuddered on me in VR with a compete reboot required. Pancake should be fine.
  13. You also could use the Expanded Syria Foothold mission which cfrag recommends. It has everything plus you can add any module you need. Players can split up into groups to do various mission in different zones, at the same time working all for the same common goal.
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