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PHASE 1 SESSION 3 Yet another stern fight put up by Red forces that managed inflict a number of casualties on the blue air force however they continue to give as good as they get and took out a number of the enemy flights. Aleppo remains operational however it again sustained significant damage to operational ground units, it must surly now be within blue forces grasp. The ground offensive has gone well with the two keys towns of Abu Talhuh and Harim at last being captured. Abu Talhuh was especially difficult to hold with it changing hands a couple of times with close quarters street fighting seen. Harim, although captured will need to be protected as convoys of enemy units have already been reported as approaching from the south west and should be given a high status level. SCORES LOGISTICS Planes were again ferried from Incirlik down to Hatay and the status is a follows There may also be some F5's but the hanger was closed and locked so I was not able to do a stock count. If you know how many are there please let me know. Although the plane situation looks OK, we are getting critical with ordnance supplies as resources have been running down and will need to be re-supplied from Adana by CH-47 BOMBS / AIR TO AIR / AIR TO GROUND MISSION TECHNICAL PERFORMANCE No system wide issues were reported and on the whole the mission seemed again to run smooth with no issues. @PapaBear reported some frame stutters and @delta7 reported some odd issues but both these seemed to have been localized. SUMMARY Another intense session with lots of action and complexities thrown up.
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Mador2 joined the community
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Squee7e started following Tactical Air War February 2025 , WHO, What & Where is Joint Ops? , Useful Links and 1 other
I know this thread is older than dirt and the joint-ops site has been offline for close to a decade but did anyone save the training syllabus? Training Menu Basic Flight School Pilot Ground School Intermediate Pilot School Advanced Pilot School Fighter School Bomber School Joint-ops @ Internet Archive: Wheels
Since we had to deactivate the Links module at Mission4Today (M4T) because it kept crashing the site here are some Useful Links that I think are still relevant. 7zip: Old Time Radio: Gimp: Irfanview: Old Radio World: Shorpy Historical Photo Archive: There are some others but I think this is enough for one post. Wheels
This Full Mission Builder (FMB) problem has me stumped. It is happening for this individual in versions 4.12.2m and 4.13.4m. No mods installed in either version Test Runways not Appearing in FMB ??? Did anyone else ever have the same problem and how did you resolve it if you did? Wheels
Hi DD_Petrol, Thank you for your donation of 20.00 USD. We look forward to improving the forums with your donation. Thanks DangerDogz Forum
Hi Squee7e, Thank you for your donation of 15.00 USD. We look forward to improving the forums with your donation. Thanks DangerDogz Forum
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Hi delta7, Thank you for your donation of 25.00 USD. We look forward to improving the forums with your donation. Thanks DangerDogz Forum
Gakir0944 joined the community
Nucleon joined the community
Benlonea joined the community
Thanks Sir, we all know Life v1.0 takes precedent over flying. Do not bust a gut to get on, no point. Your wife comes first.
DCS on Monday - Urgent Request - Special Guest Invited
wingflyr replied to Friar's topic in DCS Series
I will try my best Colin. Wife has a eye doctor appointment and it falls on Dogz time. She has an on going problem that has come up while healing up from cataract surgery. I have been driver to a string of Doctors see is seeing, the wait times are average 2 to 3 hrs. I would love to join you will try my best. -
ronsible joined the community
DCS on Monday - Urgent Request - Special Guest Invited
fruitbat replied to Friar's topic in DCS Series
I'm afraid I won't be able to make this Monday, as I will be on an actual plane at the time, on my way back to blighty! -
Good Sunday Morning, Gentlemen, please may I make an urgent request for the DCS session tomorrow, Monday 10th March. I have invited cfrag (the man behind the DML tool box that I so like and has become such a key part of us flying DCS now) to fly with us. He has very kindly accepted my invitation but can only do a Monday. So if you can drop in at all to say Hi and fly for a bit that would be very much appreciated. Many thanks Friar
Kavin00 joined the community
Gakianas joined the community
Gentlemen The landings have been a success . Ground troops are preparing to push forward from the beachhead. Our task is to destroy enemy ground artillery and tanks which stand in their way. If successful we can try to take out enemy reinforcements and supplies. Mission is scheduled for Sunday 16nd March 2100 hrs,
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Bogar1622 joined the community
Ellian5 joined the community
Tactical Air War February 2025
Perfesser replied to Squee7e's topic in IL-2 Sturmovik: Great Battles Series
Will be there -
Tactical Air War February 2025
Squee7e replied to Squee7e's topic in IL-2 Sturmovik: Great Battles Series
@Perfesser @DD_Petrol I'll be available this Friday at 2000 UTC again -
Back to Iraq,
PHASE 1 - SESSION 2 Red air resistance continue to be a constant threat, although not as intense as in the first engagement, however, they still managed to claim a number a victories. Blue air force certainly gave as good as they got, if not actually winning more duels and enabling the ground war to continue. Aleppo was again the main target and its defensive units taking multiple hits. It still remains operational however. Ground was made to the South East of Hatay with the town of Abu Talhah being captured by units of the 82nd deployed by Ch-47. Despite being taken there are still some Red resistance units in the area who will no doubt stage an attempt to recapture it at the next opportunity so some thought should be given to protecting the Blue ground units that are occupying. Alpha FOB became fully operational again for rearm and refuel following the arrival of a supply convoy. Harim has again taken significant damage and may well also be ready for an assault. Advise strongly that further recon takes place before committing boots on the ground. SCORES LOGISTICS Hatay was again supplied with ferried aircraft and the stocks are as follows During the course of the mission stocks of Hellfire type "K" missiles were nearly depleted and a re-supply mission was required. Stocks were flown in my Ch-47 from Incirlik. MISSION TECHNICAL PERFORMANCE No major issues were report and the session seemed to run smoothly. From the scores we can see that @DD_Fenrir has flown under different pilot IDs and his score has been split over the two sessions so far. It is therefore recommended pilots join the campaign with the same name to ensure your scores are maintained correctly. SUMMARY I hope you all enjoyed this session and I look forward to next week when we might finally get our hands on Aleppo. Friar
Tactical Air War February 2025
Perfesser replied to Squee7e's topic in IL-2 Sturmovik: Great Battles Series
Ok I'll register as allies then -
Tactical Air War February 2025
delta7 replied to Squee7e's topic in IL-2 Sturmovik: Great Battles Series
I'm sorry but can't commit to Friday nights -
Tactical Air War February 2025
Squee7e replied to Squee7e's topic in IL-2 Sturmovik: Great Battles Series
Good to know! Yeah, we definetly should go for the Allies then 👍 -
Tactical Air War February 2025
Perfesser replied to Squee7e's topic in IL-2 Sturmovik: Great Battles Series
I didn't register yet as you have to choose a side at the same time. You can see the player count there. Suggest we go Allies Currently: Allies 513 Axis 688 -
Tactical Air War February 2025
Perfesser replied to Squee7e's topic in IL-2 Sturmovik: Great Battles Series
I'm game to try -
Hey guys,what do you think about participating in TAW? I played it once but had no squadron and SRS wasn't always as active. Now that things have changed i'd like to participate if we get together a few pilots. See the official anouncement below: Edit: Link to their Website: (registration required to play) Note: Perf and I will meet Friday at 2000 UTC on the TS Server and do the registration together. You can pick your side and planeset only once so it would be best to coordinate.
Gentlemen Between our air effort and the SAS ground forces in destroying the bunkers the invasion fleet is ready to sail for the Italian mainland without fear from the guns. The fleet is gathering at the South East of Sicily, we must protect this from the enemy bombers who are en route to destroy the ships. Once enemy air cover is destroyed there are secondary targets of trucks and tanks that are transporting reinforcements to the key enemy defensive position in 0611. Mission is scheduled for Sunday 2nd March 2100 hrs
DCS Event: Ramrod 564 - The Amiens Prison Raid [REDUX]
DD_Fenrir replied to DD_Fenrir's topic in DCS Series