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  3. The moment when you realize you never really played the singleplayer part of a game πŸ˜„
  4. That's always been there in single player. You don't get that in multiplayer.
  5. No worries I thought so much πŸ‘ I'll fly tonight with some chaps of the Duxford Wings again. Feel free to join if you find the time. I'll be online between 19:00 and at least 23:00 UTC @DD_Petrol @Perfesser just marking you to keep you in the loop
  6. Sorry, did not noticed you. I registered on allies side, P51. But Fridays I can not show up regularly.
  7. Due to the current issues I am just working on trying to convert the Syria Campaign to stock DCS (no DML/scripts or mods) and hope to use the new in game save. Just found the below screen via right shift + @ Has this always been there or is it new?
  8. Gentlemen We have successfully cleared the enemy front lines. They are fighting a rear-guard action and preparing to withdraw troops and equipment to the north. Our next task is to hit the trains and transport convoys before they depart. Intelligence suggests that air opposition will not be as much as previously as the Luftwaffe regroup after heavy losses. The next round will be delayed as I am on holiday next week. Scheduled to take place on Sunday 6th April
  9. Hanging on Kev, Probably going to go to the Shuttleworth season premiere which is a nice laid back show. Also the two duxford shows. RIAT is just too expensive so that's out...Unless there's something I cannot miss.
  10. I sent you a private message since i dont know what might or might not be shared publicly
  11. You should try and come over for one of themπŸ‘
  12. Yes, I'll be there. Hey about skins. I see their discord has a skins section. Should I get the blue skin for my planes?
  13. Wow so many events going on in the UK I'm a bit jealous 😳
  14. @Perfesser will you be available tomorrow again? @Mosquito I saw you on the server on Wednesday. Feel free to join on SRS and let me know that you want to fly next time. I know a lot of people by now on the allied side who are willing to let us participate in their operations. Very cool stuff going on Same goes for anyone who likes to give it a try.
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      • Haha
  15. Hey Nick, hope you're doing well, 3 that stand out to me are, 21st - 22nd June - Duxford Summer Airshow 18th - 20th July - RAF Fairford - Royal International Air Tattoo 7th September - Duxford Battle of Britain 85th Anniversary
  16. With the UK airshow season just around the corner and signs of Spring all over the place, I thought it might be time to have a look at the shows we might be interested in... 11 May - Shuttleworth Season Premiere 31st May - Shuttleworth Military Show 21st - 22nd June - Duxford Summer Airshow 28th - 29th June - Shuttleworth Festival of Flight 18th - 20th July - RAF Fairford - Royal International Air Tattoo 26th July - Shuttleworth Summer Airshow 16th August - Shuttleworth Flying Proms 30th August - Shuttleworth Best of British 7th September - Duxford Battle of Britain 85th Anniversary 5th October - Shuttleworth Race Day
  17. Blue skies sir.
  18. Wow 105 years.. This guy surely had a long life! May he rest in peace o7
  19. I have also made another slight change. I have created two new versions of the map, "Caucuses Day" and "Caucuses Night". Both have the ability to change to the other version and both can be re-started. Enjoy.
  20. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cvg1z42pkj8o
  21. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cvg1z42pkj8o
      • 2
      • Thanks
  22. I have just updated the Caucasus map to version"d" which now has DML scoring function with points having to be banked as per the Syrian Campaign. I have also added the option to re-start via the Comms F10 "Other" and Mission Commands menu.
  23. Earlier
  24. Yeah, let's focus on that please! Last session we did really good in terms of teamwork but accidentaly though haha. Let's try to communicate who is doing what and try to have one fighter in the air at all times to protect ourselves from incoming bandits
  25. I am looking forward to playing on this map! I really hope they put it on the Heatblur server as well
  26. There are no specific rules as far as I can remember, I think German radar is less advanced then Allied radar, and below some altitude and above another altitude nothing shows up. (No idea how the radar works in the end ... lol)
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