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Posts posted by FoolTrottel

  1. 46 minutes ago, fruitbat said:

    Doesn't bother me at all.

    I do wonder if we should package up all 3 mods into one zip file/self installer through jsgme or something, so new users don't have to be walked through installing 3 mods just to join our server though.

    We could also add into it the Blackhawk, which is also a fantastic free mod. That would mean people could fly jets, props and Helio's all for free.


    EDIT, direct link to the Bronco

    BRONCO OV-10A (gumroad.com)

    That download link wants an email address to continue. For a (free) product like this (that I am not going to actively use) I am not going to use an email address on yet another website... Are there any alternative downloads available?

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