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Posts posted by FoolTrottel

  1. 57 minutes ago, Friar said:

    I just tried another mission (the one I am planning for Saturday - Phase 2 of the Panzer III mission - Attack the airport), but it did not happen?

    I just hopped in a PZIIIM on our tank server, gun range ... there it did occur ... 

    • Thanks 1
  2. 14 hours ago, Sid said:

    Thanks for the positivity chaps :)

    There is a plan to use one of the remaining WW2 buildings at Rivenhall as a museum and represent the airfield as a working base. There is a possibility that they would like models of the aircraft based there, B26 included, to be built for display. Looking to get the job....P51B, Stirling Mk IV, Horsa glider and Dakota.

    And next create a scale model of that building! And Include the scaled down models of your scale models, and then include the scale model of that scaled dowb building in the scale model of the museum building and. . .. .oh wait....


    • Haha 1
  3. What Crash said: IL2 GBS is all about single core speed - if you can successfully overclock the hecK out of that I9, then it could maybe win over an AMD. (I have no idea how that motherboard and memory will handle overclocking)

    As for GPU: As you're already spending a lot of money, I'd say go for 3080ti. Think of the future, like how long will this pc last for you?  (You may need a bigger case as well then ... oops ) 3070 might do for VR, but what if you decide to go to a newer VR set?

    Note on the complete system as quoted: RTX 3070ti appear to be specified as needing 750W Power supply - yours is 'only' 650W? (Also think future here, what if you want to add disks, or update GPU? Needs more POWER!


    I am not really current on all the latest hardware and performance - and I am just stating my opinion here.

    Idea is to have you think a bit more about what you are going to purchase - it's a big purchase, so me thinks you need to think hard about what it's going to be, and for how long it is to last for you, to have fun with - and as a tool to use for your job!

    No mention of a monitor, but I assume it's a very nice one :)

  4. Very nice build! And under that pressure ...

    Good job. ...



    I think he wants a MkIV Stirling and a Horsa glider next.....

    Make sure this will not interfere with our flying schedule that time then Sid!  :)

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, T_O_A_D said:

    Oh my! I didn't expect for you to take it apart again for pictures, But it looks like it needed a bit of cleaning anyhow, so all is good. 😎

    I see how you attached your handle now too, thanks for that.

    Yep, I am working ideas out for the extra axis and buttons in my fatty tissue atm.

    These are just old pictures, mostly taken during the build (2007-ish) or later during some maintenance and cleaning :)

    Taking the thing apart just for some pictures? No way! Too big a risk that I forgot how to put it back together in good working order!

    • Like 1
  6. I did rewire all, but indeed used the MS FFB electronics, as same number of buttons indeed.

    And one extra axis, as the twist was removed.

    The sensor I think I just taped up, so blinded it, so indeed to have it think the hand is always there...

    Some pictures:



    There must be some magic going on, that I ductaped all over... can't remember what I did there!



    Here's where the freed-up twist pot went: A brake lever!


    • Like 2
  7. On our Bos-DF server, this mod is now active:

    2) Blind (Airplane) Gunners

    I have simply  downloaded it, and put it in via JSGME Mods. Whether it works? I have no idea.

    How to test this, I have no idea. You could fly and test it as a pair, where you both fly opposite sides a/c with AI gunners in it, fly side by side, and look at what happens? How to tell if it works?

    Like said - I have no idea - this is just an experiment!

    Note: Only available on our DF server - so this has no effect whatsoever on the Coops, the Tank DF or the PWCG stuff!

    • Thanks 1
  8. 20210710_144851.jpg


    Reviewing this picture, compared to what I saw 5 years ago:

    Jabo - Looks like you got bigger. Or is it due to you being closest to the Samsung camera's wide angle lens? 1200 pts to you for the shirt!

    Sid - You appear so much younger, looks like you've lost a fair bit of weight, or is that the wide angle lens again - being further away?

    Painless - You! Yeah. Well, sigh, Hi Painless! image.png

    Fenrir - You've lost some of your black beardedness! (But nothing of the awesomeness though!)


    As for the scenery: 23 and 22 ...

    Do the math: double the 23, add the 22, +1 for Sweper missing => 69 !! 


    Tips for the photographer: Please a bit more aware of the surroundings and background, some people may get offended finding themselves open on the Internet like this - I mean - really  ... !




    Just my opinion, for sure!



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    • Haha 3
  9. Two weeks ago I got myself an Ilyama 24" monitor, that was "g-sync compatible" - yep, bit of a risk, but it worked out fine. Nvidia control panel shows it can enable G-Sync, and in game I see 144hz ... so, it works.  Euro 217,= was its price. (Connected to 1080ti)

    Beats the 437 I paid three years ago for same size/specs Acer 24", with true G-Sync support...

    (Just saying, besides G-Sync and FreeSync, G-Sync compatible exists, and can work)

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