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1. DDz Quorum
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Posts posted by FoolTrottel

  1. 2 hours ago, Friar said:

    On recent Fridays myself and Fool Trottel used to go onto the public servers but then lock down finished and he went back to the pub on a Friday night.


    Pub closed down again so... yeah!

  2. 7 minutes ago, DeadStikBill said:

    Yes seems like a great group for sure. I just hope there are othe times you guys fly or a NA schduel aswell as the UK schduel. U fortunalty a 19:30 start time on a Tuesday is 11:30 pm my time. I don't see myself ever making those times with work etc. I'd be up all night lol 

    11:30AM your time me thinks? Now I am confused for sure... 

    (We not only 'seem' like a great group, we áre!)

  3. Hello... Welcome here!


    (...) where I can confidently play with you all. (...)

    Not sure we are even up to that level ... :)




    I surely hope you take better care of the virtual vehicles you just bought.  What did you hit? 

    (You can freely knock down trees though. It's even fun. And there's plenty around, and they all get re-planted each new mission... so no harm done...)


  4. 2 hours ago, Friar said:

    So you play the podcast from the link and it stops playing? I must admit I have only listened to it via the podcast app on my phone.

    I will try and play an episode via the link to see what happens.

    Yes, it does stop playing. That's due to me ending the play status though.

    I should maybe get me a portable-internet-headset-radio-podcast-device ...

    As when I clean the bathroom, or take a powered walk, I tend to be too far away from the audio of the pc to still be able to follow the cast. 

    I am an old git. I do love my FM radio, would probably still do AM if I still had a device capable of receiving it... 

    (No, I am lying here, I do have DAB+ radio... ) 

    • Haha 1
  5. 6 minutes ago, DD_Fenrir said:

    My fault FT, went in to update the OpenBeta branch and it all went pear-shaped; apologies, and thank you muchly for fixing my screw ups!

    No worries - it was trying to update whilst OB server was still running on that secondary login account :)

    (Also noticed Fruitbat was hosting already, so I took my time to fix it ... )

    • Thanks 1
  6. 4 hours ago, Reggie said:

    (...) if one came in while I was flying I would have to leave and die (...)

    Nope, leaving mid mission will not kill you. You go missing from the mission, and you will survive.

    We've had people having game crashes, or internet drop outs kicking them out and they did not get killed.

    If you need to leave, hit Escape, Finish Mission, Leave Server - and if you need to leave in a hurry, just press At-F4  ...



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