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Everything posted by FoolTrottel

  1. I'm not sure this is caused by them sound devices. I regularly use a USB headset with IL2, on full acceleration, while my xfi is still active. No issues there. I've been googling a bit on the kmixer.sys, and there's a lot that can cause this. One guy fixed it (after a year and a half of trying) by getting a new Mobo... I remember the story of a friend of mine, had bought a pc (A small one, a Cube PC), BSOD's from the start. He tried just about everything (including some hardware swaps) but in the end the issue was caused by a faulty SATA cable... Now that's easy enough to try and fix, isn't it?
  2. Please note that these sensitivity settings are not only depending on aircraft type, but maybe even more so on the hardware one uses. Some (most?) Saitek users really like 100's all across for Roll and Pitch... I'm currently using these, for my Guillemot FFB stick: aileron=0 27 38 52 63 69 75 83 88 93 100 0 elevator=0 40 46 52 58 64 70 76 82 88 94 0 With these I was able to dive a P51 (or maybe it was Mustang MkIII?) to 860kph, and pull out successfully
  3. The limit of 4 goes for Game Controllers... the ones visible via Control Panel, Game Controllers. So, you can add as many other devices as you like.
  4. Vista does not support DX hardware acceleration the way XP did... (for Creative cards anyways) Too bad. I think. Oh well...
  5. "You need to assign a key to 'Toggle level Autopilot'. Once used it will change the behaviour of autopilot switching: - default is 'Switch Autopilot on' when you leave a position in a bomber. - default is 'Switch Autopilot off' when you enter a position in a bomber. Once you've used the key, the automatic switching is off, and you will need to switch the Autopilot off yourself when you enter the bombardier position, and (which is more relevant to remember) switch it on when you leave a gunner position. Hope this makes sense! Have Fun!" (Copied from some thread at Ubi)
  6. Now that's a cool solution! (Yet, I'm sitll curious what caused this... ah well, now we'll probably never know! )
  7. Would like to see the contents of his conf.ini file. Can you somehow get it from him, and post it here? Then again, not sure if I really understand the issue: - "when he makes a roll instead of hes horizon, hes cockpit is rolling." Okay, this is what happens when in external view: Aircraft rolls, Horizon stays horizontal. That's normal. When in cockpit, it should not happen. Correct would be: Aircraft rolls, wings stay horizontal, horizon rolls. - "so if he fly's upside down hes cockpit is up!?" When in external view, this is not normal. When in cockpit view this is correct. So, I find this a bit contradictory... or is it just me?
  8. Long time ago I had some weird motorized accident... on a moped, a Mobilette... 50cc engine... Had it just for fun, not for transportation. More like fiddling with it, drive it a bit off road, fiddle some more, fix some stuff, make it better... I was wearing a lab-coat, a long white one, to keep my clothes from getting dirty. So, after some more fiddling I was once again happily driving along, not fast (it didn't go fast...) and suddenly, it felt like I was pulled backwards, away from the cycle... couldn't hold on to the bars! Next thing I now, I was beneath the cycle, on the ground. I got away from under the thing, and getting up I was wondering what them white strings / strands of cloth could be... a, yes, the lab coat, or what was left of it... what happend was... the coat got caught in the rear chain wheel of the bike... it got pulled in... and as I was in it... well... loop - de - loop! Some 35 years ago, there was a man in our neighbourhood who got himself killed... he'd fit as nominee ... He was creating his own fireworks in a shed behind his house. He took a metal pipe, and welded one end of it shut. He then filled the pipe with the powder/stuff he had taken out of some fireworks he had bought earlier. Well, once the pipe was full, he decided to ... yes indeed... weld the other end shut
  9. If your monitor has both D-Sub and DVI, and one Pc has D-sub and the other DVI, then you won't need a KVM switch: have the monitor switch its input from D-Sub to DVI and vice versa, to switch from one to the other computer. Dunno if your monitor will let you switch back and forth easily though... on some it's one button ('Source'), on others one must dive deep into menu's... Just a thought !
  10. Like the others stated: no problem with hearing you Brando! Me too use voice activation. Works quite well... I guess... haven't heard of any issues as of yet that is. (Well, one exception: When in a 110, with unmodded sound, sometimes starting them DB engines just appear to make the volume knob move up a bit, and up a bit more... throttling up may have caused my mike thinking I was using my voice... So sorry guys!) Brando, Good to See and Hear you up there! Ft.
  11. The correct value to get the IL2 mouse is: MouseUse=2
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