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Everything posted by FoolTrottel

  1. (I'm listenin' now... to a deafening silence though...)
  2. I would be happy if he was less Soviet biased. Already I don't like the I-185 in the game. 4 produced, canceled due to politics even though it had performance equal to planes of 2 years later. Or at least availability representative of production. Only 2 at the start of the map and if you don't bring it back....... Get your facts straight before using words like 'biased'. This is from the AEP Patch 2.04 Readme: "Additional Information about the I-185 We’re including these two aircraft as a token of gratitude to V. Loginov - the founder of the sukhoi.ru resource that was very supportive throughout the year of creation of the Il-2; and with esteem to his grandfather, who had the honour of test-flying these two."
  3. Hey, you're online here and now, why not hop on TS and test it a bit? I can listen...
  4. Try and disable this modem device. If you are not using this, disable it's Radio-function, or disable it all together. But indeed, that key-press thing may just as well cause it all toghether too...
  5. In my opinion, Perfesser is spot on with: note mic is muted in playback.
  6. Ah, I mssed that thing on the strap, and looking closer, I now do see it in the picture!
  7. 37C is perfect... I think... But, what worries me, is your setup-without-casing. I've done that before, and everytime I tried it, it nearly ended up in disaster... me being uncareful, moving some parts inadvertently... cats running about... And, technically, are things earthed correctly this way? Looks good though, job well done!
  8. I've had this before... For ease of re-install, I had made a 'copy' of a full working XP installation, meaning: C:\Documents and Settings, C:\Program files and C:\Windows folders all copied one-on-one to a DVD. (On a dual boot system, booting from a different partition.) Now some time ago (I suspect this was pre-SP3) I know I could just empty the C-drive (apart from the boot-stuff that is) and copy the DVD contents back to C:\ and then boot with that 'restored' version of XP. And successfully logon and work with it. But, after I got SP3, and had made a similar backup, this trick did not work any longer. Exactly the same thing: logon window, you login successfully, get to desktop, then it just says 'Logging off' and voila, there's the login screen. Even with Administrator, even in safe mode... I do not know why, and I could not fix it. And I've tried lots of stuff... for several days... In the end, I just re-installed from CD. Me thinks an SP3 feature... somehow the installation thinks it's corrupted. Enhancement in security by MS?
  9. Go read this thread: Squad Numbering System, choose a free number from the list, and reply to the thread, kindly requesting if you can use that number... wait for confirmation, and you're a number!
  10. What version? It depends... Mostly 4.09b1m, with the AAA mod set. But, make sure you have the switcher operational, as there's always a chance you want to run 4.08m without mods ... (The switcher is the file named 'Il2VersionSwitcher.exe', and it's in your IL2 folder, if you've succesfully installed the AAA mod set that is) Once you're on TS at the right time, you'll find out what version the dogz will be running ... just ask ...
  11. It really is true...
  12. Use the plane stick to build your own pedals with... Here's a design idea, very basic, simple, and it works! (I used this Pre-IL2, for Flying Corps...) (Edit: Unfortunately, this specific one does no longer exist...)
  13. FoolTrottel

    MSN virus

    The disk Roger refers to, is a bootable disk, so basically,
  14. FoolTrottel

    MSN virus

    Try starting Windows in Safe mode. (After the Bios screen has gone, press F8 repeatedly, a start menu should appear, from which you can choose 'Safe mode'. Note: you won't have Internet access in that mode...) But, you'd first need to get some cleaners downloaded from a different pc, and put it on a CD (Spybot Search and Destroy, and if you can identify the virus, a manual cleaning procedure...) Good Luck...
  15. Asus P5LD2 SE Intel Core2Duo E6600 (2.4GHz) 2 GB RAM Foxconn 8800GTS/320Mb Samsung HD753LJ Harddisk 700GB WD 160GB Harddisk 1.44mb FD
  16. This was fun, thanks again Painless, and the others gathered there and then, just now ...
  17. :wav2: Kudos to Brando... He managed to HOST... (Too bad we coulnd't find any alternative to Shadow's TS, so no Ubizoo folk could join use there...) But B had some great missions to share, so it was Big Fun after all.... Thanks Brando!
  18. One Q: Your windows desktop resolution is 1280x1024, and your in game resolution is 1280x960. Why is that? Set in game resolution to 1280x1024, and retry...
  19. The DxDiag Report looks fine to me, though I must state I'm no too familiar with the Vista ones... (Your Conf.ini I could not retrieve from the vault, it seems to be missing.) However, the way the drop happens, sounds to me like some other (not IL2 related) process has started running in the background. Maybe some Vista timed one. Or a Virusscanner update. Or defrag. Or Vista maintenance stuff... So, next time this drop occurs, alt-tab out of IL2, start the task manager, and check if there's a process eating CPU cycles...
  20. This is find so very weird... combined with the initial after-re-format-issue of not being able to connect to some servers, yet able to connect to others. Can we have a copy of the contents your conf.ini in here please? If that's normal, me thinks we need to go take a look at your router/dsl connection... Very weird stuff... Edit: Not being able to connect, does that mean getting a Time Out when connecting?
  21. They come in other colors too...
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