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Everything posted by FoolTrottel

  1. If you did rename/remove the _Gameswitchers folder, ChkMods should've found more than just 2 errors... it should have found at least 18! So, please retry... delete the C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\IL-2Sturmovik\_GameSwitchers folder, run ChkMods once more. 18 errors should be found to be fixed...
  2. You could try and use CheckMods... it's got a button called 'Language Fix' It will try and fix the Language issue, but no guarantee... You should use this each and every time you start a new offline campaign. So, start campaign, do not yet fly the first mission, exit game, fire up ChkMods, press 'Language Fix' and confirm. Then start the game... it might have fixed it... Link to ChkMods v1.09
  3. You could try and use CheckMods... it's got a button called 'Language Fix' It will try and fix the Language issue, but no guarantee... You should use this each and every time you start a new offline campaign. So, start campaign, do not yet fly the first mission, exit game, fire up ChkMods, press 'Language Fix' and confirm. Then start the game... it might have fixed it... Link to ChkMods v1.09
  4. For your understanding: - There's a switcher (or in fact, there are several) to switch between (sub)versions of the game. - There's a mod checker tool (chkmods v1.09a) that can help you fix issues with mods. Hm, that'd be the version of Check mods, not the switcher... I wanted to know whether you are using the 'IL2VersionSwitcher.exe v.12 that came with AAA 1.1, or the switcher B16Enk created ('Switcher.exe')... but, probably you are using the first one. As for the error you are getting when switching, is it excactly like you said "\4.08 Mod ON"? Or maybe '4.08 Mod ON (NO 6DOF)'? You can try and delete/move the 'IL2VersionSwitcher.exe' file and the file 'currentversion.txt' from your IL2 folder, and the folder '_Game Switchers', and then run ChkMods again, and let it download the missing files. (I cannot understand how/why ChkMods.exe cannot fix the issues right now...)
  5. For your understanding: - There's a switcher (or in fact, there are several) to switch between (sub)versions of the game. - There's a mod checker tool (chkmods v1.09a) that can help you fix issues with mods. Hm, that'd be the version of Check mods, not the switcher... I wanted to know whether you are using the 'IL2VersionSwitcher.exe v.12 that came with AAA 1.1, or the switcher B16Enk created ('Switcher.exe')... but, probably you are using the first one. As for the error you are getting when switching, is it excactly like you said "\4.08 Mod ON"? Or maybe '4.08 Mod ON (NO 6DOF)'? You can try and delete/move the 'IL2VersionSwitcher.exe' file and the file 'currentversion.txt' from your IL2 folder, and the folder '_Game Switchers', and then run ChkMods again, and let it download the missing files. (I cannot understand how/why ChkMods.exe cannot fix the issues right now...)
  6. To try and prevent the Error 70 on the Tempest Mod, try and de-activate it (by renaming the folder, put a - in front of it) or de-activate it using ChkMods. Then, switch 'Keep unknown mods, make them inactive' to on and run Verify once more. (ChkMods should now ignore the Tempest mod folder, and prevent the error 70. And maybe it can find a different issue...) * Which switcher are you using? * What version does ChkMods think you are running? (See the value of 'Active Mods identified as:', it's in the lower right part of ChkMods screen) * What Tempest Mod is it that causes the error? (I want to try and see what's in there that ChkMods can't handle...)
  7. Trout, A complete and succesfull run of ChkMods should fix this issue... (Make sure all Windows Explorer windows are closed first) Ft.
  8. Could it be you had a windows explorer window open on the MODS folder? Or a subfolder of that folder? It probably would have tried to delete that unknown Mod, but couldn't, as it was 'in use'....
  9. Logon to the forums with the same machine (IP Address) that you run the Checker on. Then wait about 15 minutes, run the mod checker, it'll let you use it.
  10. Now it gets even weirder, as that's quite the opposite of what I stated... You sure you did not mix 'm up? Switch 0 with 1 or vice versa?
  11. Hm, those 130308 versions happen to be the ones I like best too... and I got an NVidia card. So, I'll encorporate those in the next Mod set that's on it's way... (It will be tested thouroughly before being released ) Thanks Ash!
  12. Looks good to me. Room temps will have influence. My E6600 runs 33C when idle, at room temp of 23C.
  13. 5 years! Amazing achievement... I feel I missed so much of the fun!
  14. Result of a very short / limited test: Me thinks if eventlogkeep=0, 4.08m will still log in evenlog.lst, but 4.09m won't. Setting eventlogkeep=1 will have 4.09m add lines to eventlog.lst... Weird...
  15. Me thinks you should either be able to configure the setting in Windows' Control Panel Display icon (look for 'extend my desktop to this monitor), and/or use the software that came with the ATI Driver and change the settings from there... (The fact it initially shows the Windows logo means it gets a good signal, though that's just a duplicate of the main screen, that's normal. When Windows' video driver is loaded, it switches off the second screen, probably because it's not configured to use it...) Good Luck!
  16. Funny! 'Into something reel...'
  17. I've tried Atitool to overclock my 8800GTS, just last week... (With AtiTool one can surely over clock an nvidia card, don't let the name of the tool fool ya) But, in the end, I got a result that was not really worth the while.. only +1 or so FPS... (just like all my OC attempts, it never leads to any real results...) (Today I got me a GTX 260 ... much better results... but... such an upgrade does come with a price tag... OC is much cheaper .. don't let my failed attempts get you down though, for some OC really works!)
  18. Hey, I did that exact same thing with a Hurricane, 1/24th scale! Brilliant! I've built so many models in my teenage years... got rid of them all... 15 years back I started building 'm once more... again many many models... many scales.. Got rid of 'm once again, not all tough: 1/24th Hurricane built, but falling apart again... 1/32nd Boeing P12E (Yellow wings... cool stuff) Still in box: 1/24th Stuka, 1/24th 190A/1, 1/24th 109E, 1/24thP51D (all Airfix models) Patiently waiting for this: 1/24TH Mossie
  19. Guillemot ForceFeedback / JetLeader ForceFeedback joystick is no good... no driver...
  20. FoolTrottel


    I installed it on Win7 64bit, it runs. (I haven't tried letting any viruses on it though...yet... )
  21. ChkMods will not delete the Spit MOD-folders if you have the checked 'Keep unknown mods'... But, as other files are being changed when installing the Griffion Spit(s), (one of 'm is the famous 'buttons' file, there are others), the Griffons will certainly not be available after running ChkMods and have it 'Fix Issues' currently, as ChkMods will change said files back to their original values. You'll have to wait a bit, we're working on implementing the Griffon Spits. When that's finished, you can run ChkMods again, and the result will be that ChkMods will install the Griffon Spits for you. Unfortunately, I cannot tell when that will be...
  22. A program that can create scripts can easily be considered as 'suspect'. Suspicious code, as Brando said. Inform Avira about it, so they can adjust their database
  23. Nice & tidy. (Should you still run into cooling issues, pop out 3 of the drive bay covers on the front, mount a 120mm fan inside sucking cool air into the case...)
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