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Posts posted by FoolTrottel

  1. 19/01/45

    Edward Turton


    1 and a half 190-A8 destroyed - shared one with Bob 


    1x AAA Gun

    1x Transport vehicle

    2x Facility

    1x Bridge (Objective) although the mission map did not show the object completed, the bridge was broken down... (in three places!)


    Got promoted to Red flight lead when Fenrir lost connection. Bomber the shite out of the bridge, dropped bomb on stronghold, shot down 1.5x190 and then got shot at by an enemy a/c that damaged my bird to a state where it could fly, but I did not trust landing it - so I bailed out near Strassfeld. Sat in the snow successfully there.

  2. 1 hour ago, Friar said:

    I can get TS to work no problem, but I still get the game coming through the headset, not the speakers.

    I do not see how to split them apart

    That should be done in Window's sound control panel.

    Right click the speaker icon, select 'Open Sound Settings'  - select the speakers/on board sound card.


    Me thinks you must have the USB headset connected first. Chances are, if you set it to the speakers and afterwards connect (Add) the UBS headset, it will probably select it as the default output device...


    • Thanks 1
  3. On 3/6/2022 at 3:01 PM, Parts said:

    (...) In single crew you obviously need to roll, stop, change positions from commander to gunner, turn the turret, aim and fire!. It all took just a little too long to make it viable. I got one Sherman but the other got me (in a PzIII) 

    Not really.

    You can drive from the gunner's gunsight, move, steer, fire. For sure, it's not ideal as view wise you cannot see the building's corners and stuff, but it can be done. It's my preferred way of sneaking through the streets... Whilst driving like that, better not rotate the turret, it will throw you off ... ;)



    • Like 1
  4. I've had too many cases where I could successfully sneak up to the flank of a non-suspecting Sherman close to a flag, damaging/killing it, only to find out the flag was still out of reach, as there always seemed to be yet another Sherman taking me out... 

    It felt they had many more tanks running than we had. No idea if that really was true, it felt that way!


    I am no good at tactics... can't say much about it, apart from the fact I need clear and simple instructions  ;)


    • Like 2
  5. 13/1/1945

    Walter Moore

    Ground: A strand of 78.5 Yards of disturbed ground and molten snow 150 yards short of the runway of Strassfeld airfield.


    (For the third time in a row failed to protect my leader. I am hopeless in cloud, can read the instruments fine, as in able to conclude 'this no good' just in time under control to not auger in ... lost an aileron in the process. Got shot up a bit, then a bit some more where it was not a good idea to try and land on wheels ... Oh well)

    • Haha 2
    • Confused 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Friar said:


    Can we do whispers on our Public Teamspeak server?

    I see no reason why it would not work... 

    We can setup any channel on our Public TS, if it's all known before hand it would be easy. We can assign rights to one of them to create channels... but would be better if they are created before the match, so people can test, and setup whispers and test...

    (Or would you even want to go as far as assigning passwords to channels?)

  7. Good idea and suggestions... 


    The other tanks can chat as much as they like between tank crews within their own tank, but will only be able to group call on a whisper button. 

    This indicates we will all be going multi-crew? And a crew member can only talk to his tank crew? That's very complex to realize. First we need to know the entire tank-line up, like who is in what tank. And then stick to it. No crew changes... 

    I tend to think to keep TS open for all tank crew, and try and add discipline to it - radio silence and only the relevant bits being communicated - for example, the commander calls out the target, the gunner then looks for it and kills it. He and does not go "looking looking looking looking... got it .. .about to fire... Fire!"... but silently goes looking for it, and fires a shell at it, or call out 'negative, can't see it' - It's obvious for him to go look for it, and aim at it and shoot it... no need to call all that out!

    We'd lose a lot in flexibility if we set it up per tank. Like what if we need to switch to taking individual tanks?  Or if we need to re-arrange the crews due to someone having technical or RL issues? Move people in TS channels during the game running? Hm... 

    Separate the comms between air and ground: All for it. We need that.

    But we do not need if one spare signalers, if one is down, he can still relay the messages - he may not be in a tank/ac, but he will still be on TS. That should work okay. Unless we say we do not want that immersion wise? 

    For sure, it will depend on numbers joining, but I feel they will be such that we can cope on two channels, air and ground, and whispers in between 'm.

    What we've learned from the P38 campaign, is that 8 geezers in a channel that are on the same objective can and will work. More is tricky, and mixing objectives... nasty!

    Maybe look at it that way: Split tank crews comms in task forces/units, going for a specific objective? Hm. Yeah. What if objective is done? :)


    Then there's this: For me, separating the channels has a huge downside regarding the fun factor. As in - if I'm in a tank as a gunner, and I am unable to hear what others are doing or experiencing, it come close to being in a small single player/crew mission, with nobody else in it... 


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