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Posts posted by FoolTrottel

  1. Yep, I certainly did Crash!

    How did you come across it?


    Fun fact: I can see the church tower where this was taken, from my house (It's really close... lol) and the two far away big block buildings in the center of this image is where I work - well, them buildings are gone, but that's where my job is... not that I sit in the open air, no, there's a different building now, much smaller, and nowadays quite old as well. Come to think of it, the building where I work now is behind that big one in the image that has been demolished in the meantime.

    I'm out now.. .  off to da pub!



    • Haha 1
  2. If your CPU can handle the faster one, go for the faster one.

    Meaning: Try and figure out where the bottleneck will be when getting the card with more memory, and if it is the card (and not the CPU/Memory) then go for the faster one (Dunno how to do that excactly, but there was a site that might be able to show you?)


    Besides that scientific approach:  if you're only on 1080p, go for the cheapest option. My 1080ti 12GB runs GBS and DCS fine on 1080p. DCS maybe not on all full details, but I do not care, don't have time or braincells to spare to look around how nice everything looks whilst trying to keep them birds in the air, and navigating and weapons systems and stuff... :))

    • Haha 1
  3. We fly them all, so start filling your shoppin' cart!  Well, truth is you do not need to.

    Whilst hosting, the hoster needs to keep an eye on what a/c types you do have, so there will at least be a seat for you to take.

    It is a challenge, but it can be done: Friar is a star in making things like that happen!

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    • Haha 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Crash said:

    Might it be worth doing re-spawn coops? Late comers would not be an issue and if people want to land, again no problem

    That's a good idea... 

    And it could be a bit of challenge to decide when the mission is complete ... And to have the EMG generate dogfight maps? I don't think that'd work, and to edit each generated Coop to convert to DogFight? Lots of work ... 


    Maybe focus on shorter coops, and really focus on Teamplay, so only one side, and use a theme for an evening, kinda like a very short coop campaign - I am  thinkin' here from what the EMG can deliver us: On one Map (ie. Stalingrad) it can give us like three 'fronts' ie three different stages over the war over there.

    So, maybe two missions per front, switch to next stage, two more. All the time using a similar set of aircraft ... like for Stalingrad - Axis: 109 + 110. Thus fill one session of cooping... Next session... Rheinland map, Allied... P51 and P38 ... and so on...

    I dunno, really.



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