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Everything posted by FoolTrottel

  1. We want to drink Spitfanny... And see some stuff, old stuff, like a tourist would... Or, maybe not. I dunno. Abandoned airfields? Yeovilton anyone? (w00t, it's even further away than Bovington is...) And, for sure, visit Kent, if the weather over there is as nice as it was last year.. Really, I dunno.
  2. On Facebook probably... it's modern to have it there ...
  3. Too bad Jabo, but thanks for all the effort you've put into this!
  4. TV-Movie 'Over Here' "Comedy drama set in wartime Britain showing what can happen when British RAF men and soldiers from the American Air Force are forced to share barracks. Director: Tony Dow Writer: John Sullivan Stars: Samuel West, James Terry, Todd Boyce, and Martin Clunes as RAF Group Captain Barker" It was aired during Eastern 1996, I caught it on Video tape then. Thanks to Rog I managed to get two .mov files in the Vault: Part One (1Gb) Part Two (1.4GB) (I have been advertising this title before, and have sent copies of DVD's to some of you... but that was a very limited number, and I think there must still be members who should watch it, and who would have fun in doing so..... here it is again!) Youtube has one scene complete: The Dispersal Hut Scene: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhkDtJsbjYc (And this one gives a rather well done image of the rest of the movie) On youtube a selection of parts of scenes, rather random and weirdly put toghether: Have Fun! FT.
  5. Thanks! (Me likes how you included yourself to the last two pictures)
  6. Not entirely, a few months ago he was on forums or TS briefly... he still exists... he'll be back... he said he would...
  7. Really enjoyed the Coop session today (well, first part of it, dunno what happened once Fenrir took over hosting, as, well, I wasn't there anymore) Good number of DD's there, we got a fair number of missions in, limited number of 20 secondings, very limited number of technical glitches, good teamwork, good banter... Good Show! Thanks for showing up and joining the fun, you gits!
  8. Yeah, think of all the salt water in the museum, that would kind wreck it all, wouldn't it?
  9. Hm, could be, too bad I just booked 2 day pass ...
  10. You mean there's a chance they'll run out of 'm? ... wow... Going for both days then? Thanks for the heads-up!
  11. Thread at TeamFusion forum: Clod Mini Patch 3.01 What they changed: This mini patch addresses the following items: 1.HEIIIP/H and JU88 reversal of Prop pitch Lever animation. 2.DB601 inability to over rev even with Full Fine Pitch selected. 3. Spitfire 2 Pitch Prop Limited VP operation 4. elevator Authority adjustments at high speeds for HEIII and BR20 (More detailed explanation over there) Haven't tried it yet!
  12. As roomy as a Swordfish, so you could still take some friends up, yet travel a bit faster ...
  13. Unlikely I'm afraid Arthur! Legends operates a 'pistons only' policy which is somewhat of a shame. I'd like to see them extend the invite to classic jets too. Imagine a meteor, sabre, sea vixen and even a replica 262... Oooooo That said, one cannot complain when faced with a dozen spitfires... No no no! No stinkin' friggin' Jets at Legends! Not a shame, it's brilliant! Let them ffin Jets go elsewhere, plenty of shows to spoil all around the British Isles!
  14. Hm, guess those built the last 15-20 years were not so "modern" then ...
  15. ánd we need one to put him back in distress at Stanstead that Friday
  16. No worries Zooly! You're more than welcome on TS! Just take gentle care of that shoulder... You heal, and let us do the damage ...
  17. Yuk, on that geezer's 'final result' in that video .... sorry, can't help it... I'd rather have the sky over- or underexposed...
  18. Me thinks the same key in conf.ini ( speed=<value> ) is in order for the SEOW Server : it is basically a client that hosts a mission, is it not?
  19. Thanks for this Rog. Finally someone who can use the right wording so it makes sense... Me thinks Gec should read this...
  20. Great shots Arthur! Look a bit further on in the track Arthur, me attacking a Stuka (and eventually really BIGTIME HITTING it with al my Blenmeight) should also be a good sight!
  21. lol, yeah, I was on the ground at Manston... warming up my Hurricane's engine. It sounded much better as well, with cockpit open... it sounded 'roomier' than before, like really sounds that sound like you hear on an airshow, space-wise I mean... I think. Good show it was. And taking off next, but it flew weird for a while, just about until Fen noticed a Hurri flying around with its gears still down... oopsie. Later on, I took of from a bomber field, in a Blenheim, flew to the French coast, tried dropping bombs on some ship. Did not work, bombs would not drop. Some possible causes: 1. Incorrect button asignment 2. Bomb doors were closed, could not open them, probably due to 1. 3. Forgot to take any bombs. 4. Maybe they need to be armed first? Anyways, took some flak, ran for home. Well, 'running'... nope.... on one engine... at 250ft, doing 140Mph, could not climb, could not speed up. Lucky me, as no enemy saw me limping home... made it onto the field, where again I found out I need to check my gear-handling routines, as I put it on the soil with the wheels up. Oh well, at least them bombs did not go off... It looks better, sounds better and feels better than before. So, if you have CLOD, put this on top. Ands, if you do not have CLOD, get it, and next this... It's worth it, even just for flying around Kent, with the cockpit open
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