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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Kira

  1. Kira

    Tank Race!

    T-34 vs T-90. Love the hippie girls! (I call the readhead.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgJFzcvOIQE
  2. The best part? "Never touch your pets again!" ...Huh? Erm, they're pets. You're supposed to, I dunno, pet them, perhaps? Maybe it's just me. Falls heavily into the category of anyone seriously considering this should probably seriously reevaluate their interest in having pets in the first place.
  3. Found this in my wanderings, it has some very interesting things to say given that it's a mini-14 website... http://rugermini14.net/ Personally, I agree with the analysis. Why limit yourself if you've got the extra to go with a mil-spec AR? You make an interesting statement there about "Looking into getting something else before they get banned" after your comment about standing up for your rights several posts before. That's why I'm rather leery of this whole idea that law abiding gun owners won't hand in their weapons when told to do so. They are, after all, law abiding citizens, and not doing so would make them something they fundamentally aren't. Of course, what was one of the first things Hitler did after invading a country? Yep, take away their weapons. Sigh. I think I'll leave this topic alone now...
  4. This is a PBS series that I've found rather fascinating. Below is a preview of the episode I was telling about on TS last night. http://www.pbs.org/wnet/secrets/features/deadliest-battle-preview-this-episode/550/
  5. "Hey did any see Biden saying all anyone needs is a double barrel shotgun, and how he told his wife just stepping out onto the porch and firing 2 shots in the air would chase off any threat? I have to laugh cause the guy has a contingent of heavily armed body guards around himself and his family at all times. The other thing is how come no one ever get to ask any of these guys about the ability to fight tyranny and an oppressive government? They must be screening everyone that gets close enough to interview or ask them anything. They probably threaten to lock them up where no one will ever find them if they don't stick to the script." I walked in the door tonight coming home from work and that was on. For a second, I was royally ashamed to be from the same state as Biden, but then I realized a truth: He's a politician and by default (although particularly so as he is a high placed one), he lives in a bubble, with almost zero idea of reality for the rest of us, due to his skewed perception thereof. Why that single class? Well, they're scary, would be my answer. Same reason you don't see Delta's little black and bigger black helicopters practicing in U.S. cities. It scares people. I'm not so sure that I agree with you on the "it'll all go away with time" viewpoint. I've had people tell me that they're fully convinced that there's no point in getting an AR-15 or AK-47 type rifle at all anymore, as the day is fast approaching when the government will tell you that you're no longer allowed to have such weapons. That and I've seen the knee jerk reactions first hand by lawmakers and believe that once a law is on the books, it's not going to get repealed any time soon. As for constitutional rights, I'll paraphrase George Carlin's skit called "You have no rights" in which he denotes several major problems with the idea of "divine given rights" (I'll call them), and at the end of the skit points out. "Still believe your precious "rights" (really privileges)? Look up "Japanese Americans 1942" and you'll find out all about your precious f****** rights."
  6. Looks nice... which is about all I can say. I'm quickly learning that my knowledge of firearms is pathetically limited. My boss recently offered the use of his weapons any time for target practice, just that I buy my ammo (duh!) and help clean the weapons afterwards. Went out on the interwebs today to get some idea of what to get - and realized that I have no clue what's best for the situation. FMJ? JHP? Amount of propellent? What other info is there? Needless to say, I've got me some learnin' to do! I'm none too surprised to hear that the ARs disappeared so quickly. Everywhere I've been has stated that what's in stock is going fast due to high demand, and, for once, I believe them. Local gun shop did a segment right before Christmas on the local news talking about how fast they were turning things and how busy they were.
  7. In a recent discussion on TS, one of my esteemed fellow sheep mishandlers called the Huffington Post the "Huff and Puff Post". Considering the fact that they have now, unless I am completely mistaken, simply made up their own unit of measurement, I must agree with the gentleman... in this particular case, anyway. So what, exactly, in, say Newtons, is, quote "the force of 20 atomic bombs"...? Seriously, folks. Really??? Sigh. Anyway, the subject matter under discussion was the amazing detonation of a (former) celestial body of some form that exploded over a Russian town today. (As I am unsure of the correct term, I shall refrain from using any, as that will undoubtedly be the wrong term.) Amazing, in largest part, because, as far as I've heard no one was killed, despite many, many injuries. http://www.huffingto...nk1&pLid=271384
  8. Now thats what I need! If not for throttle and stick, definitely for the rudder pedals. I agree with them. You're spoiled!
  9. A separate program for those who don't want to edit the skins manually. Brought up at SAS, even though it's an old file. The program: http://www.mission4t...=details&id=363 A tutorial/help file: http://zarodinu.page....fr/pv/help.htm The SAS post: http://www.sas1946.c.../topicseen.html
  10. Kira

    Css Hunley

    Apparently, research is just starting that may confirm why the submarine, the first in history to successfully sink an enemy warship, never returned. Amazing that, according to this article, researchers thought that the submarine had deployed its torpedo, and gotten away (like the USS Turtle had attempted to do) prior to detonation, then sunk on the way back to port. I have heard for years the idea that the torpedo wasn't released, detonated while still at the end of the pole, and hence caused the submarine's sinking due to overpressure in close proximity to the blast; exactly what the article suggests is a "new theory", or, at least, an unproven one. A bit of interesting footage of the Swedish discovery of a Soviet sub at the bottom of the page as well. http://www.huffingto...nk3&pLid=262741
  11. Have one (or several) that just begs to be shared? Place link here. And a picture if you can. RAF P-38. Works on J and L: http://www.mission4t...details&id=4154 YIPPIE, the 5,000th P-38 produced. Given a special orange paint scheme: http://www.mission4t...details&id=1866 Absolutely beautiful P-38 skins for Richard Bong. Nice, and well researched, SP campaign included. Well worth the DL. http://www.mission4t...=details&id=898 Finally, vp_hu_campaign.bmp search brings up some really good looking template type (baremetalish) skins. Some of my favorites. AIR WAR.bmp Parent Directory:
  12. One of ours will get into anything, and loves to chew up anything she can get her mouth around (good blankets, her bedding, etc). Needless to say, the dog has opened her quota of presents already... peoples presents. She is officially "puppy non-grata" with the visiting family, having not only opened but then broken several things. Can't say I blame them in the least for being unhappy. And no, she is no puppy, just a nuisance. Not my dog though, so I haven't much say in her "training". Anywho, have a good one everyone. May your dogs stay out from under the tree and your cats out from in the tree.
  13. Really??? I thought that was the first thing to be backed up...? Hehe. I have the necessary files should you need them; 4.07 all the way through a working stock 4.10.1, 4.11.1, 4.11.1 HSFX, et al on external should that be an easier route for you. PM me if you'd like them. I *think* I can upload such large files. There's gotta be a way.
  14. Kira

    Christmas Cat

    For those dogz among us who wish to give the cat as a gift to those they despise, here's how to wrap it:
  15. Sounds quite a bit like our congress. And house. And senate. And executive branch. "Government in general".
  16. On the recommendation of a friend I installed BS Player... and started having issues getting to one of my favorite sites almost immediately (on top of that, it didn't do what it was supposed to. GRRRRR). Now I've uninstalled BS Player, but get the same issue. When using my standard method to get to the site (typing in the first letter, then it auto pops, and I click the popup under the address bar) the response on the page is "No site configured at this address", on a white background. I haven't gotten any emails from the admin, which I'd think he'd do to let us know something was up... but then again, he's been really busy with real life the last few weeks (to the point where one of the last posts I read asked about him, and if anyone had spoken to him recently), so it may be he's just not even aware that the site is down. Wouldn't be bothering you guys with this if I could contact anyone on the site by other means, but I don't have that ability. Thoughts? Oh, and forget about BS Player, I'm not worried about that!
  17. Beautiful. Not a WWI enthusiast, but I have to agree, the living history is absolutely fascinating. It's obvious that the pilot understands what he has, and what he's able to do, which is as it should be. Much better for such an opportunity to go to such a seemingly unassuming individual fully aware of the gift he's been given and able to share some of that awe he feels with others.
  18. Kira

    20120705 185418

    Who's who here?
  19. Kira

    Forked Tailed Devil

    Droool.... Though I could do without those hideous stripes.
  20. Repost from SAS: http://www.network54...2)-Luftwaffe 2- Guy has some talent, for sure.
  21. Hey buddy! Good to see you made it. My hangerfull of airplanes was getting a bit dusty. We gotta change that.
  22. I was to young to remember clearly, which is a shame, because I would have REALLY understood the importance of the action had a I been but a few years older. I do love that feeling of "Ah HA!" when major events happen, and recognizing them for what they are.
  23. Kira

    Rc Model P-51

    Apparently, there's one in this video. Somewhere. Darned if I can find it. Can anyone else find the missing airplane? I must say his "comment" at 0:03 is quite appropriate.
  24. Be aware, folks, Full Monty is a super big bunch of stuff, (in all reality, he just compiled a bunch of SAS mods into single installs), some of which is a CPU hog and framerate killer. Oh and before you don't read the rest of this, also, be warned: activating this pack though JSGME can take three forevers. Be very patient. I'd also advise a dedicated install and no plans to uninstall it, but hey... My system is a 2006-8ish (don't remember exactly), and even being high end for a "not exorbitant" price at the time, I got to #4 or so of this pack and tried a simple island based quick mission with only me. The result was not a slideshow per se, but definitely laggy. I wasn't impressed with that, and will have to await a more modern CPU in order to partake. Looks really REALLY nice, assuming you have the system to run it though. It's the epitome of the reason why many of us (myself included) still fly this sim at all; the enormously expanded content. Still, it would be nice to have it in 4.11 base. Oh well. Edit: That's assuming I can get DBW running again in the first place. Follow install directions? Yup. Success? Nope. Trying to tell me something, I think.
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