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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Kira

  1. "Servers unable to process your request. Please try again later. Ta ta!" *BOOT!* Retried, and the usual torrent came up. Canceled and am now doing a standard HTTP DL at... oh good grief! .6 MB/s. Great. I'll see y'all in DCS 2 some time next year! (Okay, I exaggerate, it sped up to a whole 1 MB/s. Sometime L-A-T-E tonight.
  2. That's what I had to do. The Torrent, or whatever newfangled thing it was, didn't work, surprise, surprise. The old method worked just fine, thanks.
  3. Suspect you're right about the numbers. We've a group of three that very rarely turns into four, and that's about it.
  4. All except the WWII stuff. My question would be how to integrate the flying such that it truly is a group event, with everyone (or at least most) in the same airspace, despite the different eras. Maybe if us kerosene sniffers limited ourselves to dumb iron bombs and rockets so that we could join the fray without being there-and-gone (missiles from a-far, LGBs, etc), even for the puttsy old A-10? The real conundrum is mixing helos with anything that has its wings firmly attached. Does anyone know of a way to split TS, so that only the flight leaders would be transmitting on "tactical", but the flight would still be able to talk among themselves? I've seen it happen that important messages (SAM, sir!) get lost with too many people on the party line. Or maybe not. I seem to remember that's the way it was in Vietnam, everyone on the same strike frequency. Also, SAMs are a bit unfair to the older stuff. Probably just stick with AAA as a threat. As a sidenote, I kinda got the impression that 1.5 was the Beta - for 2.0. Might be wrong on that account.
  5. What's the saying? "If it's ugly, it's French. If it's weird, it's British. If it's ugly and weird, it's Russian."? Something like that.
  6. I wouldn't put it past the SAS guys, or "the other site". Lots of projects going on, and the 1960's was definitely a good decade for aviation.
  7. Um, having just deleted at least 8 GB of Skyrim saves, that answer is a definite "not anymore!"
  8. "Someplace else to fly". I understand that the city areas are really nice and they've done uber textures around those areas. Other than that? Zippo. What got me was someplace else, even though it's not technically a war zone. I've been flying that same map for years now, it's time for something else.
  9. No definite yes or no, but it looks to me like it's a completely separate install (and certainly executable), therefore the answer would be "yes, BUT, after you pull your user files over to the new one". That said, I plan to use both until 2.0 is finalized, and all the Dogz flying DCS switch over. Unless everyone just goes to 1.5, in which case, I might ditch 1.0.
  10. As usual, I'm unfamiliar with the site, so accuracy is questionable - but - there are some rather interesting stories behind these photographs (captions), assuming they're accurate. The picture thread that brought me there: http://www.warbirdinformationexchange.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?p=476142 Base site: http://www.warbirdinformationexchange.org/phpBB3/index.php?sid=7f1caf1188960cc20f9fa3701dca12ab I might point out the one that grabbed my attention immediately, that of USAF 1st Lt Karl Richter, who flew 198 (officially, unofficially, he was over 200) missions over North Vietnam in an F-105 before being shot down over the mountains. (That's twice the required number of 100.) He died, at 24, en route to hospital after being picked up by a rescue helicopter. His story is a prime example, in my mind, of the waste of amazing talent in that mess that was the Vietnam War. As I understand it, 38% of the total F-105 production run ended up as scrap metal due to combat losses in Vietnam. It's absolutely astounding how dense, rather outright stupid, leadership can be as evidenced by our country's "leadership's" botching of the conduct of that conflict.
  11. http://americans.org/2015/09/15/engine-in-british-airways-plane-fire-found-to-be-unsafe-years-ago/
  12. No guarantee on authenticity as I don't know these folks, but it does look a lot like some of the designs I've seen over the years as "the future". Blended wings are proven to be far more efficient than standard wings, in part due to major reductions in drag, but also increased overall lift. http://americans.org/list/the-pentagons-next-military-cargo-plane-just-received-funding-and-its-unlike-anything-youve-ever-seen/?utm_source=cn&utm_medium=ob&utm_campaign=hwb
  13. Chronology of Sept 15, 1940, Battle of Britain day. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/history/battle-of-britain/11865303/The-Battle-of-Britain-as-it-happened-on-September-15-1940-live.html?fb_ref=Default
  14. If you don't ask, the answer is "no", guaranteed. If you do ask...? Well, then at least a possibility exists that the answer might be "yes".
  15. Not I. I figure that the savings on the two campaigns alone make it worth buying early, plus the fact that it's another map, any other map, in the long overdue arena of "Someplace else to fly, please!" Additionally, I know exactly where that 20% discount is going... the F-14 the day it becomes available.
  16. Seems quite the no brainer if it's just a matter of "the map will be available when it's available, but buy now and lower price + extra goodies, including the map when it's out". Also "Both of these options also include a 20% bonus savings on future purchases at full price." Is it me, or is that worded as to mean "ALL future full price purchases you make will be discounted 20% because you bought this Alpha at this time"? By the way, Youtube teaser for the Nevada Range, released today:
  17. Kira

    The New Fire Dog

    Erm, that's two fingers, which is known Stateside as "Peace!" or "Peace Out!" otherwise known as V for victory of Churchill fame.
  18. Who says Dalmatians have all the fun? https://video-lga1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hvideo-xfl1/v/t42.1790-2/11956189_472198659606177_1019532242_n.mp4?efg=eyJybHIiOjY0OCwicmxhIjo2MDd9&rl=648&vabr=360&oh=ae5475ac3ae310022aac346b620270aa&oe=55EDC0D3
  19. Trailer for a movie: http://www.ew.com/article/2015/04/28/paul-reubens-father-above-and-beyond-doc
  20. Have some Baddassitude: http://www.badassoftheweek.com/warthog.html
  21. INS, Inertial Navigation Systems, the boat/airplane version of this IGS for missiles, has been in use for decades and is quite accurate, assuming you're very careful about getting very accurate about the initial position of the system, as any errors quickly magnify the further you get from your initial start point - and the more equations that get run. It's a great backup for GPS.
  22. http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/06/04/long-ago-a-pilot-landed-on-an-uptown-street-thats-where-the-bar-was/?_r=1
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