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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Kira

  1. Remembering from college a discussion about "the public" vs aviation, specifically those who move in next to an airport, and then proceed to complain about aircraft noise. The instructor had been somewhere, as part of an airport planning board. When "the public" (read those who lived around and used the airport) demanded an extended runway, he pre-empted them by making them sign a waiver of sorts. Basically it said "I want this extended runway, and by extension more and bigger airplanes, and agree to not complain about said more and bigger airplanes' noise in the future." I doubt it would get the aviation types far in today's legal climate, but it was better than nothing.
  2. Kira

    F-5E Tiger Ii

    Courtesy of Jack
  3. It's definitely a mark of what IL2 was capable of and what it became commercially with regards to what it became capable of in the hands of the enthusiasts. (Convoluted way of saying "I'm not surprised to see modern air [missile] combat in IL-2, or the least bit surprised that we're still flying it as often as ever fifteen years later").
  4. Quite likely, Arthur. I can't even begin to count the number of events in Vietnam I've read about where someone in the enlisted ranks did something deserving of a medal, and the guy that got it was the officer who wasn't even close to the action, and in some cases wasn't even there. I find it disturbing the number of officers who don't take their oath to heart, but then that goes for most of the human race, I think. Still, they took an oath, so it ought to be honoured. Not so at times, apparently. Additionally, there's the typical "review" by those who weren't there, who, jealous of the acclaim accorded those on "the pointy end of the spear", downgrade the medals to some thing less, or, worse, "loose the application in the mail". Stuff like that sickens me.
  5. I've been reading up on the United States military's Congressional Medal of Honor, usually shorted to simply "The Medal of Honor". It is this nation's highest military award "for gallantry and bravery in combat at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty. (or some close variation thereof)" I noticed that many of the recounts from the Vietnam era from TheVirtualWall.org seemed to be the fabled "jumping on a grenade to save one's comrades". And then I found this story. Apparently, in rare circumstances, and the right turn of events, being on top of a grenade when it goes off won't kill you. This guy got up and walked away with a bloody nose; continuing the mission and successfully ambushing the enemy later that night. I'm most surprised he didn't receive the Victoria Cross, though as he likely would put it, and as is the case with our MOH, "I imagine he would take a living George Cross over a posthumous Victoria Cross any day." https://www.warhistoryonline.com/war-articles/royal-marine-threw-grenade-walked-away-bloody-nose-george-cross.html?utm_source=revcontent&utm_medium=referral&utm_term=none
  6. Why, why, why, why, WHY, do does every idiot who ever made a video think that it's just "not enough" without the "music-over" ? ? ? I get so sick of that. "Near Conflict"? Interesting use of terms.
  7. https://www.warhistoryonline.com/war-articles/b29-superfortressfly.html
  8. Update for anyone who's interested: There's now a 1960's "frankenplane" U-2 in IL2, courtesy of SAS. For those new to the term, a frankenplane isn't perfect looks wise, but at the same time it isn't merely a placeholder, either. Falls into the category of "close enough given what we have to work with" .
  9. Note: There's a glitch from 5:06 to 5:14.
  10. Very nicely done. As stated, a bit hard to hear, especially with the canopy open, but then that's why I close my canopy on anything first thing. The only major gripe would be that you were probably way too low on the landing approach. Super flat.
  11. http://www.odometer.com/pop-culture/38591/18-incredible-cockpit-photos-show-the-american-fighters-70-year-evolution?utm_source=fbk&utm_campaign=38591-fde&utm_medium=referral&pid=null#slide/0
  12. One of those "single point in space, click and drag to move view" types of an A-10A in a museum somewhere or other. ...Yep, howsabout the USAF museum in Dayton, Ohio? Oh yeah!... Kinda cool. This particular aircraft has seen some use, for sure. http://www.nmusafvirtualtour.com/media/072/A-10A%20Cockpit.html Okay.... So not just the A-10A. Here's the F-86A http://www.nmusafvirtualtour.com/media/043/F-86A%20Cockpit.html F-15A http://www.nmusafvirtualtour.com/media/070/F-15A%20Cockpit.html F-4G Front http://www.nmusafvirtualtour.com/media/070/F-4G%20Front%20Cockpit.html F-4G Rear http://www.nmusafvirtualtour.com/media/070/F-4G%20Rear%20Cockpit.html The whole Museum: http://www.nmusafvirtualtour.com/full/tour-std.html Got them from the ED forums: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=132282
  13. I would love to get a hold of them and ask that they include cold cat shots, ie catapult failures in the new ships. The old Fighters Anthology that I spent literally years playing had this. In probably 10 years of playing that game, I had three failures that I can remember. It didn't happen often, which made it really neat when it did. That game had a bunch of really neat features that suffered only for lack of graphics.
  14. Kira

    Drone Race

    Certainly would compel one to become a better pilot than most of us Dogz!
  15. 52 minutes and not a second wasted. Nice find.
  16. Kira

    Ssd Problems

    I've heard of acronis. Unfortunately, the disk is a Kingston. As per "being careful", I can attest to not being so, as I somehow managed to delete my entire D drive (all the "unessential" stuff, read: all my games post 10/15) after very carefully setting aside space on my 2TB for it. SIgh. Oh well and anyhow. Must have "deleted" instead of "moved". Grumble. I suppose square 1.5 is as good a place as any, certainly better than 1! Thanks for the input gang.
  17. I screwed up. Upon Boot exe, or somesuch failure, which caused a crash (complete meltdown, morelike), and unwillingness to restart, I removed the drive, as I've done a zillion times before... and promptly broke off the L shaped plastic that seats the gold connectors. After some thinking (to include confirmation that the data on this drive, was, indeed, intact), I managed to get the thing back together (insert L into cable half way, carefully put gold pins in place, push L and pins the rest of the way in). It was successful (obviously, I'm here aren't I?), but I'd like to get my current drive setup, complete, as is, OS and all, transferred over to another drive. Upon attempt to do this, there are various OS files that absolutely REFUSE to be budged from there current location on the now questionable disk via the drag and drop method. Any ideas on how to get administrative rights opened up so that ALL the files, regardless, can be moved from this drive to the more dependable one before I go monkeying with this one and causing possibly permanent physical damage to the drive? I think I can repair it, super glue is a wonderful thing, but in case I mess that up, I want to have everything working elsewhere first. Thanks all. P.S. Local computer places will readily admit to having bins full of old SSDs, but of course, were completely unwilling to give me or even let me buy just a case (no insides, guys, just the damn case!) even after I explain the situation to them. Thanks f*cks. I mean folks.
  18. Suggestion Swep: Pick one or two favorites, not 10, and go with those. These are definitely study sims, and you won't get the full experience if you don't go full switch and full system. That takes time. I now slightly regret having learned the A-10 in an abbreviated startup, as there are sections I've completely missed. On the other hand, doing system checks on a simulation is pointless if you don't set the systems up with a probability that they will fail. I ended up buying the P-51, at something under list price, yet I bought it for the wrong reasons (everyone else loves it), and I rarely fly (crash) it. Different story on the UH-1 Huey. Love the aircraft, seriously looked forward to it, yet once I'd learned enough to take off and land effectively, there really wasn't a whole heck of a lot to DO in the thing... unlike the A-10. Many, many, many different ways of making things go BOOM!, and when you get tired of that, there's even air to air... and gun. BIG gun. Additionally, I find the air defense environment to be lacking. The Soviets had a LOT of different systems, and only a few are in the sim. One of the mainstays, the SA-2, isn't even represented. Lots of room for improvement in the whole thing, but it's still leaps and bounds better than anything else out there as far as I'm concerned, at least for the kerosene burners. Hope this helps.
  19. I shall get on my glove vane soap box again... This whole video's worth a watch, obviously this guy knows his stuff. Looks like he worked on them, initial design on up. Some really nice "this is why it was done this way" information. Check out 18:07. He specifically points out why the glove vane was an advantage in A2A despite being specificly developed for A2G. 32:20 is weapon loads. 13:55 is the F-14D
  20. I'd tend to agree Jabo. Perhaps they can avoid the monumental cockup that was Pearl Harbor, however; slaughtering the truth for the sake of their "story".
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