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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Kira

  1. Kira

    Windows 7 Crashes

    "Just letting it sit" hasn't and thus likely wouldn't cause a problem though. It seems only when it's computing ie running programs that it crashes. Kaspersky rescue states it's for computers that won't start up. This one does fine. Unless the secondary about a startup virus is part of the equation?
  2. Kira

    Windows 7 Crashes

    Well, it's definitely the PC in someway shape, or form. I have it drawing off an independent outlet, and it's crashed several times, once immediately after restart at the "Windows has recovered from an unexpected shutdown" screen.
  3. Kira

    Windows 7 Crashes

    Well, the plug switch within the surge protector didn't work. I was able to determine, however, that the surge protector likely still had power, and thus was likely not the source of the problem. This leads me to believe some sort of BIOS (?) issue, meaning a Windows re-install is the likely recourse. Either that, or the cat is developing telepathic powers. This time, he wasn't sitting on the tower, but merely looking at it. Yup. Must be the cat. Serious thought, it might be that with the PC and air conditioner pulling from the same outlet, it's asking too much, dropping enough power for the PC to cut out, but not the surge protector or air conditioning unit. I've put the PC on a separate outlet to see it that solves the problem. We shall see, though I have my doubts, as the setup I had has never caused issues before.
  4. Kira

    Windows 7 Crashes

    About six months ago (random wild guess), I started experiencing un-commanded system shutdowns, followed within 10 seconds by an un-hard-commanded (ie manually push the power button, this was not done) restart once the system had apparently re-set itself. Over months, this became more and more frequent, to the tune of now I'm getting I'm guessing an average of once an hour. That's an average, and not an exaggeration, though maybe it's more like every two hours. Of note is the fact that it doesn't seem to do it when using the internet, only when running programs (games), of which, mine tend to be pretty CPU etc. heavy. It probably has something to do with somewhere these programs are looking so that they can run correctly, that the internet isn't looking - and the file(s) is/are corrupted or missing. I looked up the fix, and computerhope.com had some recommendations, one of which had to do with the fact that starting with Windows XP (I think), the code was changed such that any time a fault in the Windows program was detected, it automatically shut down and restart Windows, hence the uncommanded shutdown/restart. Now that I knew why the problem was occuring, I set about fixing it. So i followed their directions, and went in and turned off this feature, so no more automatic shutdowns. Great, I'm good, right? Wrong. I double checked that the feature was shut down. It is. And it STILL does this shutdown/restart BS. Late this past week, I'd had enough. This weekend, I told the gang, I'm going to pull everything critical onto my 2TB external, disconnect it, and do a totally fresh Windows 7 install on the OS drive. Great. Epiphany: Wait a minute, there's a "fix" feature on the OS disk! I can just run said "fix" feature and it'll replace the corrupted/missing files with the right ones, no fresh start required! It's not there. The "fix" option isn't available. What? What's going one? "This version of Windows is not compatable with your installed version." It's. The. Same. DISK! I only have one! There's no mistaking it. This was the disk used to install this copy of Windows 7. Any suggestions? I'm within a gnats eyelash of continuing with my original fresh install plan, but what the heck, thought I'd ask. Thanks all.
  5. RN initial tests of steam catapults, 1952. EDIT: I understand that unlike what the commentator said, the "clipped" Sea Furies in particular were not actually radio controlled... which would explain the nose dive after launch. http://www.britishpathe.com/video/navy-speeds-air-take-offs
  6. What NOT to do in an F-14: http://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/the-five-maneuvers-that-were-prohibited-in-the-f-14-tom-1757179036 Conditions under which launching a Sparrow missile is not recommended aka "How I managed to shoot myself down": http://www.ejectionsite.com/F-14%20SHOOTDOWN.pdf
  7. Not a fan of the F-16, personally, but my goodness, can an unloaded* F-16 turn! * I say "unloaded" in the parlance of all the extra junk they put on what was supposed to be a pure air to air fighter to make it what the U.S. in general, and by extension, USAF, have always wanted - one "size" fits all, or more to the point, one aircraft does EVERTHING. (The Navy has gone the same way with the F/A-18; coincidentally, former YF-17 and "loser" of the completion that the YF-16 won. The YF-17 underwent several 'slight' modifications to become the F/A-18.) This, of course is a trade off, and what you end up with, instead of master of one craft (air to air), you get something that does everything - poorly. Of course, a large part of this has to do with the basic problem with multi-role capability. The aircraft may have the systems to do it all, in theory, but the pilot can only train to be expert at really one thing. Too many, and while you may be able to do it (all) and in theory proficient, you can't do it (all) well, never mind become a true expert at everything.
  8. Having trouble sleeping? Forget the sleeping pills, use what the USN pilots use: The NATOPS manual! F-14B NATOPS (Pocket Checklist - all 355 pages worth!) https://info.publicintelligence.net/F14AAP-1B.pdf
  9. Keep in mind, this instruction seems to be 1970's based, with the "behind the wing line in order to effect a shot" mentality. Decidedly different from the previous post and the advent in the late 1970's and early 1980's all aspect missiles.
  10. Wouldn't a more skilled pilot have had the sense not to do that in the first place? What's the saying "Truly superior pilots use their superior judgment to avoid situations where they'd have to use their superior skill." Something like that.
  11. Walk around inspection. From: http://www.anft.net/f-14/fw-01.htm The F-14 crew's preflight walkaround is an exterior inspection to ensure safe operation. The check includes: Surface Condition Security of Panels and Fasteners Leaks (fuel, oil, hyd, air) Servicing FOD Hazards A: FORWARD FUSELAGE Gun Probes Nose wheel well: Doors, Air bottles (gear, canopy, aux brakes), Nose strut, Steering actuator, Launch bar, Nose wheels, Drag brace IR/TV pod Radome B, H: INLET Ramps and seals Engine compressor face Ice detector (L) ECS heat exchanger inlet C, G: NACELLE & SPONSON Outboard spoiler module (L) Wheel well: Doors, Overwing fairing compensators, Main strut (down lock & side brace) Brake pins, Wheels Hydraulic reservoirs Hook dashpot ® Nacelle doors Eng. oil caps Ventrals D, F: GLOVE & WING E: AFT FUSELAGE I: LOWER FUSELAGE J: FUSELAGE TOP DECK Glove vane/slat Weapon Stations 1 & 8 Slats & flaps Cavity seal Horizontal tails Vertical tails & rudders Exhaust nozzles & fairings Fuel vent Tail hook Speed brakes Fuel dump Back-up Flight Module Weapon Stations 2-7 Overwing fairings ECS heat exchanger exhausts Bleed exit doors Canopy & lanyards (2)
  12. Actually, it wasn't much of a typo.The word is "Pokémon" (Japanese) and it has to do with the only way parents in the U.S. can get their children to go outslde anymore. It's a cell phone (today really a pocket computer) based game called 'Pokémon Go', where these kids have to search out various Pokémon characters that are scattered throughout the real world. Here's a (probably fictitious) example of someone finding one. https://67.media.tumblr.com/6babf12ef2e27c9b240fe84a17db8765/tumblr_oah5imbVuj1vn247co1_250.gif (So, how do I get that gif to show up correctly?) Right, so apparently there are different ways of spelling Pokémon/Podemon. Who'da thunk it? Silly me.
  13. Don't forget Sunday afternoon/evenings, AP. Lanc works for me. TS tonight and we'll see about fixing it.
  14. Had a short conservationist with two 13 year olds a day or so ago. I forget how it started, but I asked them if they knew about the Zika virus and the scientific plan to exterminate all mosquitoes, permanently. They thought it was great. I then pointed out birds, bats, etc that feed on them, and asked if they still thought it was a good idea to go messing with nature when everything is connected. That gave them pause. Briefly. Until they got back to their phones and Pokemons.
  15. Really interesting documentary on the Falklands raid by the Vulcan(s). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxZstxVbWlw
  16. Well, his big splash is certainly making a big splash. That's the second time I've seen it mentioned.
  17. Kira

    F-5E Tiger Ii

    I prefer that they take all the time they need to do it right.
  18. Saw this on Facebook. Not really sure if it's 100% (being Facebook and all), but it looks interesting enough to re-post here. https://www.facebook.com/thefreethoughtprojectcom/videos/1761210727432520/
  19. Kira

    F-5E Tiger Ii

    Here's a Youtube on the F-5. Kindly ignore the subtitles. Or not, if you'd like a laugh.
  20. Ah yes, the age old "we're too advanced now for a gunfight" philosophy. We'll see what happens the first time things get hot with virtually every airplane in the sky allied, and it ends up as - a knife fight in a telephone booth, as always. You have to see to shoot when every plane in the sky except a few are friendly, and you have to be close to see. Stupid.
  21. Remembering from college a discussion about "the public" vs aviation, specifically those who move in next to an airport, and then proceed to complain about aircraft noise. The instructor had been somewhere, as part of an airport planning board. When "the public" (read those who lived around and used the airport) demanded an extended runway, he pre-empted them by making them sign a waiver of sorts. Basically it said "I want this extended runway, and by extension more and bigger airplanes, and agree to not complain about said more and bigger airplanes' noise in the future." I doubt it would get the aviation types far in today's legal climate, but it was better than nothing.
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