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3. Danger Dogz
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Posts posted by BluBear

  1. I think I might have to become a Friend of TFC, been meaning to do it for years.

    The chap who usually spearheads these productions is Steve Connor and his years of experience behind the lens and in the directors chair are really evident.

    I think it takes an aviation enthusiast to capture these moments in the right way.

    I have many of his DVDs from over the years and they seem to get better and better every time. :thumbsu:

    Every year we see more mini-cams, and of course now in HD too.

    The last title I bought was the DX September show last year on Blu Ray, it really is fantastic.

  2. Hi Dino,

    Good to chat to you last night, even if was brief!

    This looks like a well thought out project which I think has the potential to be a lot of fun, so I'd love to help where I can mate.

    Although the majority of missions we fly in the Dogz are Co-ops, which are great both in game and socially,

    I do sometimes find myself wanting to contribute to a 'bigger picture' event that I can take part in when free time allows,

    often when there is no-one or few other Dogz online.

    I know not everyone is convinced by the MDS ethos, but I think in the right situation and once the bugs are ironed out,

    it'll be a welcome option for those of us that just want to get into some combat when time allows, rather than just settling for the QMB.

    With Co-ops, the Ladder and an MDS campaign, there should be something for everyone to enjoy :thumbsu:

  3. Nice pictures guys! Looks like you had a great time. :thumbsu:

    I am rather jealous though, i've climbed a few nice peaks in Ireland but not had the opportunity yet to do any around Snowdon.

    I've stopped there plenty of times on the way to Holyhead for a few hours, but really should make the effort to spend a weekend up there and do something like you did.

    It really is stunning scenery.

  4. I'm just glad they both get the chance to hit refly.

    I'll drink to that Toad!

    In a related matter, i've just found some video of the 'other' Skyraider incident.

    During their slot on the Sunday, the other French Skyraider (with a vast array of bombs etc under-slung) broke from the formation to do solo passes leaving the remaining pair to do aerobatics, as per Saturday's display.

    However, upon running in from the East he managed to get shockingly close to two Spitfire's that were on finals to land and had to take evasive action. He continued to circle over the village for the remainder of the display, and didn't take part in the Balbo at the end.

    Not a good weekend to be French and in a Skyraider, or perhaps not a good weekend for anyone else to be near French Skyraiders!

    Watch from about 1:50:

  5. wonder what happened that caused the pitch to go?

    I would hazard a guess that all the fouled metal at the impact area was causing the control cables to snag and bind or something like that.

    He explains in the Meridian video that he considered belly landing in a field but quickly realised the pitch control was too far gone and prepared to depart.

    I think a pilot with lesser experience may not have faired so well.

    Fairly clear pictures of the collision damage to the P-51

  6. Unfortunately not. Well I saw unfortunately... but to me the Red Lion isn't all that appealing now.

    With that bloody great monstrosity of a hotel in the back garden and now they are extending the pub itself, it's lost it's charm IMHO.

    We did however find a good curry house and order some tasty fish and chips to eat in the beer garden of a student pub!

    Commute to the show was simples, straight in both days after about 20-30 mins drive.

  7. From the horses mouth!

    The video in the first link may only be available to UK viewers.

    This video from Meridian news

    Rob Davies said: "As I broke to land, the no2 a/c broke too early and turned in tight so he couldn't see me any more. He hit me with his wing damaging my a/c and his own." He added: "My a/c was crippled in pitch...it had no pitch control"

    Also from the BBC:

  8. Here's my take on things chaps...

    Fenrir and I grew up with this aircraft practically on our doorstep, and it really was gut-wrenching seeing it all unfold in front of our very eyes.

    Can I just add at this point that the pilot and former owner of this Mustang is a chap called Rob Davies, who is considered one of the most experienced '51 drivers in the world.

    He had nearly 15 years of safe flying in that very aircraft, frequently flying to and from work in it (he worked in the aerospace industry) and a regular at airshows across Europe.

    Now, with that in mind I'm guessing Rob would've needed a pretty big reason to part company with his steed and join the caterpillar club...

    It is clear in the videos that the Skyraider's wing impacts the rear underside of the Mustang fuselage, just behind the radiator doghouse and if you look at the attatched cutaway drawing you will notice this is exactly where the control cables run for the tail surfaces.

    My bet is that after impact he very soon realises, when his stick isn't doing what it's supposed to, that the aircraft is irrecoverable and performs the following actions to initiate 'Operation self-preservation!'

    Firstly, by popping the canopy irregardless, then if you look at some of the close ups it appears there is maybe 15degrees of flap applied, this could be to try and maintain/gain (if possible) some altitute whilst steering a course away from the airfield. Then, without a minute to spare, he climbs out and hits the silk, to our absolute relief.

    It was a sickening thing to watch, but glad that the outcome was positive with no loss of life.

    The AAIB will of course release the findings in their investigation in due course, but from what I saw, and have since seen, to me it looks as the though unfortunately the number 2 in the flight has lost sight of his leader and the unthinkable has happened.

    It is also worth mentioning that Mr Davies is noted to be an authority in correct bail out procedures from a warbird, in particular the P-51.

    Big B, i'm gonna miss you! :icon_cry:


  9. Great pics and vids chaps! :goodjob::pic:

    And what a bloody marvellous weekend it was!!!

    Really great to finally put faces to voices/names, feels like i've known you all for years.

    You're all mad, it's brilliant! :thumbsu:

    The airshow in fact seemed like a bonus, here's to the DangerDogz!:bow:

  10. So far we've had a trio of 109s (buchons), a gaggle of spitfires, a trio of skyraiders, the horsemen and other assorted mustangs, bearcat, corsair, b17, Lancaster... Plenty more to come! Oh, and a Dr1 at the moment for all the RofF fans

    We all wish the rest of the Dogz were here!

  11. After a curry and alcohol fuelled night, the Dogz awaken to the sound of Merlins and Pratt and Whitneys and the sweet smell of burning oil.

    Hold on... We're not at Duxford yet... The sounds... They're in my head... In anticipation!

    The smells? Hmmm....

    Well, Time for breakfast, to kickstart the day!!

  12. @ FT

    Sorry to be a pedant but that is the Nimrod II not the Fury along with the Hind and Demon. <_<

    Three Kestrels all the same though :thumbsu:

    @ Jabo

    That is the reason I don't post there anymore. Over the past few years it's got worse and worse!

    However, there are still a good few members who have a lot of interesting things to share, and for that reason I still 'lurk'.

  13. Hi guys,

    For those interested in seeing the build up to Flying Legends here are some places to start:

    This thread on the keypublishing forum

    The official TFC blog

    As of today (4th July) these are the notable happenings:

    Fighter Collection P-40F - Arrived today and is awaiting assembly, can't wait to see it!

    The Horsemen, arrival and assembly - Both Mustangs are now mostly assembled and looking sweeeet.

    Buchon (Spanish 109) and Night Fighter F4U-5 Corsair arrival from Germany.

    Hawker Fury (The ultra rare biplane!) assembled for the first time after 18 year restoration - unsure if it's going to be flying, but it'll be there all the same.

    :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

    I'm excited, can you tell??!!

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