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3. Danger Dogz
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Posts posted by BluBear

  1. The one next to the router is, but the one for my PC is in a multi plug block - not a cabled extension, just one of those blocks that turns a single socket into three.

    Thing is, it's been like that since I started using them and this problem has only been occurring the last few weeks :huh:

  2. Ok, well I have some news.

    I tried the long ethernet cable and guess what... It was perfect :huh:

    So it seems that one or both of my Netgear Powerline AV500 units is faulty. :(

    I bought them at Maplin less than 6 months ago, but not sure if i still have the receipt. The box says Netgear offer a 2 year warranty.

    Do you chaps have any suggestions where I go from here? I don't really want to spend another £80/90 :mellow:

  3. Not really Crash.

    All i've tried so far tonight is swapping ethernet ports on the router.

    Going to grab a long cable from work tomorrow and try a direct connection rather than through PowerLine.

    I've attached an image showing a typical minute or so pinging google.

    As you can see, there is frequent packet loss or lag.


  4. Ok, I just tried something. I have a Mac and the PC next to each other, so I opened a browser on each and downloaded an 18Mb file from download.com on each machine, one after the other.

    The Mac gave a steady D/L rate of 450KBps throughout the download and the PC, although starting at a similar value, quickly declined to about 50Kbps.


  5. Ok chaps, here's one for you. I'm pulling my hair out!

    My broadband is supplied by BT and I get a consistent connection speed of about 6Mbps.

    Recently i've noticed my PC seems to struggle on this connection, but all other devices on the network seem to be fine, (2x iPhones, iPad, Mac and MacBook - which are all wireless)

    I hardwired my PC to the router many months ago after constant headaches connecting over wifi. A Gigabit Netgear Powerline system did the job.

    Now this is the issue:

    I can ping (command through cmd) any website and get a nice, constant speedy return of around 50ms, no bother.

    But, I'm finding browsing the web painfully slow, and you can almost forget about streaming video, YouTube just fails to buffer a lot of the time. Tried using both Chrome and Firefox, both equally slow.

    Now tonight, for the first time in a while I connected to TS anticipating a fun night flying the North Africa campaign, but Teamspeak just went FUBAR. I'd initially connect with a ping of about 50ms, but this would rapidly increase to 500+ also with a stated +-500ms variation. WTF?

    The netgear utility confirms the connection to the router is running at about 385Mbps, so it's not the Poweline.

    I've not installed any new programs, it's virus free and to be honest it's probably only been turned on a couple of times since I flew last about a fortnight ago when all was well.

    I'm stumped.

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