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3. Danger Dogz
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Posts posted by BluBear

  1. Don't get me wrong mate, the beau is a beau for sure! But they've had such trouble sourcing powerplants etc, I just think perhaps it should move on to somewhere or someone who'll finish the job (if they can!). It's so close, yet so far.

    Maybe your mate Kermit should snap it up?!

    *runs for cover...!* :)

  2. Mosquito please! Sell the Beaufighter if they must. I wanna hear two merlins in close proximity :-)

    Although it's a shame to see Snafu go, it is exciting to think what else could be round the corner. TFC should be praised for bringing such variety to these shores over the last quarter century or so.

  3. Well, what can I say... Another brilliant Flying Legends done and dusted!

    Thanks to all the other Dogz for a spiffingly splendid weekend, it was a blast as usual.

    Plenty of excellent warbirds took to the skies on what was probably the hottest weekend at Duxford I have witnessed in all my years of attending. I will leave it up to the pros to showcase the photos of the aircraft, but in the meantime a few random pictures from me...


    Friday: Old Speckled Hen to welcome the arrival of the Dogz



    Focus on the Joker: As it was Stephen Grey's last ever public display, I got up close and personal with his Bearcat.



    The business end:



    An unusual angle to a charismatic cat:



    A neat package, the perfectly designed prop fighter?



    Fenrir and I were accommodated in an appropriately numbered room:



    The Dogz return to the hotel full of curry and Cobra:



    Putting together his next 'dangerwood' blockbuster, Arjen Speilburg Lucas:



    Tiring work, all this plane watching malarkey!



    Many ice creams were consumed:



    What ends a good story? A nice piece of ass:







  4. Looking forward to Moonbeam and Liz, not so sure on the thre spit horsemen, might be a bit tame.

    P-38 is having engine work done, so may not make it I hear... boo hiss.

    However, whatever turns up, it's gonna be brilliant i am sure! Great venue, beautiful aeroplanes, ale a plenty and great company, CAN NOT WAIT!

  5. It's funny, I look back now and think how much I took the cats for granted. They were always kinda 'there' and I can't believe it's been 5 years since they were last airborne.

    Excellent work tfc, looks like they are finally putting all the paperwork debacle behind them.

  6. I noticed this on the key forums. How could they possibly get it wrong?!

    I mean, it looks like a photo as well! I know Lee's Hope (the P-40F in background) had a few incorrect markings when it arrived, but I can't remember it extending to under side?


    For clarification...


    It should be:


    =*= US  ARMY




    ARMY  US =*=

  7. Plenty of Jet Provosts and Strikemasters about Arthur. A handful of Vampires and Venoms, soon to be two Meteors and a few Gnats also airworthy.

    I understand a Canberra will also return to the skies in the next year or so, and the Sea Vixen is currently being repaired after u/c collapse as Jabo alluded to.

    Oh, lets not forget a fairly healthy population of Hunters, now that is one beautiful aircraft!

  8. Sabre? Cor! Any chance of this appearing at Leg-ends in July?

    Unlikely I'm afraid Arthur!Legends operates a 'pistons only' policy which is somewhat of a shame. I'd like to see them extend the invite to classic jets too. Imagine a meteor, sabre, sea vixen and even a replica 262... OoooooThat said, one cannot complain when faced with a dozen spitfires...
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