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3. Danger Dogz
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Posts posted by BluBear

  1. Well it's not confirmed yet! I initially thought the brand, but that I believe only ever flew with a four bladed prop. The cowl profile looks near identical so pursued it further and discovered the crest. It's a new one to me also!


    A very good friend of mine had a rather naughty air to ground missile fired at him and his colleagues by one of our female Harrier pilots not so many years ago.  Luckily she missed.  She also missed on the strafing run she did with her cannon before they could call her off. :rolleyes:  



    Holy crap! Was the report ever published? Bet it would make for interesting reading.

  3. To be fair, I have been guilty of standing under the flight path of aircraft landing in the past, it is quite a buzz...

    PapaBear and I had some great times many years ago at the end of Shannon Airport's runway, most notably when Concorde was doing its post-crash testing regime.

    Back then there weren't the security restrictions there are now, but even so the aircraft touched down a fair way from where we were standing and there was a little hill on the threshold to protect us.


    I must upload that video footage to YouTube one of these days, it's rather awesome!  :thumbsu:

  4. Had a few hours in those back in the cadets :)

    Two memories that stick out...

    Aerobatics over the beautiful Scottish scenery whilst up at RAF Kinloss and cloud chasing in the summer sun down at good old Manston. Fun times.  :salute:

  5. Congratulations Sweper, correct! It's a fugly brute isn't it?! Never heard of it before today.

    Over to you old chap and don't forget in a matter of weeks we shall be drinking speckled hen, eating curry and watching old aeroplanes. That's enough to cheer any down dog up! ;)

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