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3. Danger Dogz
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Posts posted by BluBear

  1. What an achievement, and what a beautiful aeroplane! 




    Bugatti 100P First Flight

    In keeping with our Full-Disclosure policy, here is my summation of our first flight experience:

    We intended this flight to be limited to a short hop down the runway to check power required/power available and to check control responsiveness in all three axes. Preflight preparation and before-takeoff checks were normal. Takeoff was normal and at a predetermined reduced power (80%) setting; takeoff roll was 3000 feet and I became airborne at 90 knots. I climbed to 100 AGL to check power and control responsiveness. The plane responded as expected to all power changes and control inputs. Maximum airspeed was 110 knots.

    I reduced power for landing but the airplane floated much more than we anticipated. I landed further down the runway than planned but with sufficient distance to stop the plane. Unfortunately, I lost the right brake and the airplane departed the left side of the runway at slow speed. Due to heavy rains the night before, the ground was soft and the airplane tipped upward on its nose, damaging the spinner and both props. 

    Such is the nature of flight testing a new design. The relevant news is we successfully flew the Bugatti 100P for the first time. The plane flew beautifully.


    Shame about the nose over, but fantastic to see. Good luck to them!


    More about the 100P: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bugatti_Model_100

  2. So who is considering attending the show this year? It's rapidly approaching and the line-up looks to be one of the best yet.



    I have already booked tickets in advance due to the 'last year of the Vulcan effect' but have not yet decided exactly which day to attend.

    Ideally it would be the Sunday in order to catch the EF Typhoon as well, but i'll most likely make the decision based on the weather nearer the time.


    Who fancies it?  :P



  3. Yes indeed. Just goes to show that these chaps get a thrill out of flying these old birds as much as one would expect!

    Quite an energetic display from a Hurricane too, the last time I saw such was on a Friday before legends about 10 years ago when TFC were practicing in their then new Mk.IV (now in Canada).

  4. And now for some footage from a pilot's perspective. This is from Spitfire V EE602 'Mable's maiden flight earlier this year. Restored in the Isle of Wight and assembled at Biggin Hill, some of you chaps will remember seeing her nearing completion last year during the hangar tour.

    One thing this video does well I think is capture the different sounds that this machine makes. From the sewing machine-like music of the merlin to the hgv pneumatic brakes and flaps that are remarkably loud.

    Also, it's worth watching to the very last 5 seconds to hear the pilot give his succinct opinion of this fresh bird ;)

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