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3. Danger Dogz
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Posts posted by BluBear

  1. Was just thinking about starting as I mean to go on with a scheduled program. I am trying EaseUS now, seems to be well received.

    Backing up everything from the win7 SSD as well just in case. ;)

    If this doesn't work out I will go back to basics for sure.

    Thanks FT.

  2. Gents, I've just spent the best part of 6 hours running Windows 7 backup, only for it to fail due to some random error at the last few %.

    It's a trifle frustrating, that's for sure! I'm now 6 hours behind on my upgrade to Win10... Anyway, should I be using a different backup facility other than Windows? I've used other programs in the past, but that was a long time ago. Can anyone recommend a free program that they use? I've googled it and a few crop up quite a bit: AOMEI, EaseUS, Macrium...

  3. RGR Jabo I had already. so far every things working great, short I forgot to backup natural point Arrg!!!! Now to rebuild my profile Doh!!!!!


    That leads me to my next question...


    What to back-up, save and the order of which to do things?


    Here was my plan:


    1. Use new 2TB external drive to back up everything from current Win7 system SSD and Data HDD.

    2. Take particular note of any controller assignments, profiles etc, especially in DCS and CLOD.

    3. Update Bios

    4. Remove existing Win7 SSD (keep in safe place just in case)

    5. Replace with new SSD and install Win10

    6. Establish link to Data HDD for User data etc.

    7. Install all games to new SSD copying what I can across from back-up made at point 1.

    8. Fliegen!


    Have I missed anything? 

    Is there anything you guys would do differently?

    • Like 1

    Is it not the case of installing games into another folder on another drive and avoiding the 'C' drive default installation altogether? I believe this has always been a standard operation for Win7 and 10 users as it increases C drive capacity and avoids the pesky windows UAC (user account control) having access to games and other programmes that it has an effect on.



    But then you don't get the benefit of booting games super quick on the SSD? IL2 has to be installed in a separate folder away from Program Files, but the drive is up to you isn't it?

    Unless i'm totally misunderstanding you Uncle Sidly! (Entirely possible).


    Well, I bit the bullet! Amazon came up trumps on price:

    Sold by: Amazon EU S.a.r.L.
    Sold by: Zero Group
    Booking in Saturday to do the work, hoping to be back up and running for fliegening Sunday evening 'on 10'.
  5. Cheers all, very informative feedback indeed.


     I also am not too keen on games using the users folder as this swells very quickly and I would like to move that but having read the how to on a win10 forum I thought better of trying to attempt it. Now if the was a util that would safely move it like used to be with win 7 I would be pleased.


    Now, this worries me slightly.

    My current configuration is as follows:


    Boot SSD (128GB) = Windows, most game installations, program files

    Data HDD (1TB) = User files, docs, pics etc and a spill over of some steam games that would not fit in the SSD


    I think I will go for a new larger capacity SSD and do a fresh Win10 installation on that along with all games hopefully.

    But would that mean I can't then allocate my Data HDD for User files?

  6. Hmm ok thanks gents, maybe I misunderstood? I got the impression that whenever 10 was mentioned on TS it was a gripe over it messing something up again.

    I don't run any saitek software but I do have the pedals. Other than that as far as peripherals go it's just an MSFF2, G940 throttle and TrackIR.

    My IT buddies all love 10, best OS ever apparently. And one of them is a keen gamer, who has experienced some issues. But I guess there's bound to be some at the beginning.

    So, perhaps I should just bite the bullet and go 10 then!

  7. Gents, a quick question if you please!


    I've had licencing trouble with my Win7 64 Ultimate install now for a while and wish to upgrade to ensure i'm fully secure and updated.

    Long story short, it was installed by a friend and there's no way I can obtain a genuine license unless I pay for a new one.

    I don't really see the point in getting 7 again (although i'm more than happy with it) and 10 seems to be a sore subject at the moment.


    So, should I just grab myself 8.1 Pro instead? Presumably, i'll still be entitled to a 10 upgrade later?

    Are there any inherent problems running our old games on 8.1 or is it much like 7?


    Many thanks in advance!

  8. I don't know, whether other non-Dogz are on it or not it still costs us the same amount, at least we have received some donations.

    How many servers have we all frequented in our online flying lives and not contributed a dime towards them?


    The server is much more fun with the added incentive of going against 'breather' 109s and with such a small community, I wouldn't want to alienate people from flying CloD, it's just started getting good!


    My tuppence worth, for what it's worth...  :salute:

    • Like 1
  9. Just leaving this here for anyone who's interested, i've not had a chance to sit through the whole 21 minutes yet, but did listen to him point out the uber-ness of the Russian aircraft compared to the German.

    It sure looks pretty and I might be tempted to give it a go, one day... If only DCS wasn't so addictive :)


  10. Well I got the initials right anyway. Apologies to Mr Hoover and I believe your summisation of Mr Holland is pretty right. Have you seen the picture of his 'low pass' in Sally B?<br /><br /><br />Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Ah now, I believe that is a different pilot altogether by the name of Don Bullock.

    He also recklessly crashed a passenger filled A-26 at Biggin Hill, whilst ignoring the pilot's notes and aerobating the thing.

    See here: http://napoleon130.tripod.com/id510.html


    Nasty stuff :(

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