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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by rox

  1. Well it seems like the sun has finally set on my stubborn use of the mouse for looking around. So long five years of locked neck while manipulating throttle, lowering gear and flaps, changing pitch or changing FOV. So long being unable to lean and see instruments and switches cleverly engineered to be obscured by other parts of the cockpit. Out you go obsolete ideas, concepts and ways of doing things, and in goes.... ...this wonderful feat of engineering, made from two and a half pencils, some wire, electrical tape and plastic zip-thingies, three IR LED diodes, a switch and a battery rack-thing, a cheap Logitech E2500 cam and total disregard for aesthetics. I disassembled the camera and removed the internal IR filter, then put a cut out floppy disk foil circle into the hole (stays there by itself due to the notches in the hole) which filters out visible light but lets IR light pass through. Looks nicer than the first version of the camera Now now, don't get jealous all. I had 90% of this rig hanging around in a drawer for FIVE years. I made it before, it didn't work well, I lost interest. Pulled it out now, more determined, made it work but it still didn't track properly. My LEDs should ideally be 5mm and not the 3mm ones I have. The improper tracking I finally remedied by tweaking the settings for a while, and most importantly, taking apart the camera and removing the little IR filter window in front of it. It now works flawlessly. The only issue is that it's a bit too heavy (with the batteries) from my puny 7 quid headset, but I'll be getting a new one as well because this one has random mic issues. Anyway, this will be my biggest leap in flight sim hardware since....well, since I started playing with a joystick, since that's all I ever had, my trusty broken Saitek Aviator that too will hopefully be replaced by a proper HOTAS within the year. If someone finds a way to make the Oculus Rift from office material, please let me know.
  2. rox

    Orion widefield 50mm

    From the album: Astrophotography

    Spent a night on a mountain in these conditions for this photo.
  3. rox


  4. Nope, default skin, as I said happens randomly and on different planes including Spits. I have to restart the game to make it go away.
  5. Every once and a while I get this issue randomly: Any idea as to why? Some times my own plane's textures are ok, but on another model they are black. So for example last week everything looked ok except Artie's Spit which was black, I guess because it was of a different model for which the texture bugged out that time.
  6. rox

    A Chair For Fenrir

    There's a page on Facebook about the P-38 and some guy posts half a dozen of awesome photos of working and wrecked Lightnings almost every day. https://www.facebook.com/groups/58727684017/
  7. Wish they had them in IKEA.
  8. I was waiting for an allusion to that line specifically.
  9. Obviously what ever bot decides which ads to "suggest" to me knows I'm in the DD's.
  10. rox


    Not studying for over a year actually, I already got my journalism masters. But I just like to travel to unusual places, it's unrelated to journalism or anything. And yes the relatively safe areas of Afghanistan are on my list too. Herat, Kabul and Mazar-i-Sharif. I already know a few people who traveled there, though one has to fly between the cities as the roads are unsafe.
  11. rox


    I wrote such a nice and long post about this place and its history and my visit to it, and then my PC died and ruined it completely. So in short - probably the biggest ghost town in the world, 50 000 to 150 000 people lived here depending on various sources, today located in the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, Azeri city taken over by Armenian forces in the NK war in 1993, Azeri population expelled and city systematically destroyed and plundered so they can't come back. A pretty tragic place, its population still lives among up to a million of refugees from the region in Azerbaijan. Officially it's off limits to foreigners in the sensitive military zone basically on the Armenian side of the ceasefire line, but I went there anyway as many tourists do. I was in the south Caucasus for three weeks and this was supposed to be one of the highlights for me. Went there in the shittiest Lada taxi I could find, the shittier the car the more likely the driver will do illegal stuff for money. Had no trouble or encounters with the military that patrols the area sporadically, even if our car passed by some soldiers here and there (locals living in nearby villages are allowed to pass through the area, maybe they thought we were just locals), although some tourists do have trouble, but the military just turns them away with a scolding at worst, have never read of any arrests or serious consequences. This was 10 days after some of the most serious and deadly border skirmishes between Azeris and Armenians since the war ended 20 years ago, and with an Azeri visa in my passport I was a bit anxious to come there and take photos, but all ended well, without imprisonment, spy charges and electro-shocks. As you can see you can climb the minarets of the ruined mosque from which there is a great view of the scale of the city and the scale of destruction.
  12. Currently Planetside 2 and Chivalry mostly. Still some UT2004 as I have been doing for the last 8 years, though likely less than 100 people still remain that play that. And a bit of DayZ standalone, but not much as it's still sucky alpha. I'm extremely broke and indebted now and my stick is broken so I'll start flying planes again when I can manage the money for an MSFF2, which could be from one month to 3-4.
  13. I regret I will not be able to participate for the time being My stick is broke, since the last SEOW when ever I push the stick even slightly to the front the throttle and elevator trim levers inn front of it drop down to 100%. Saitek quality. Looking for a MSFF2 currently.
  14. Bought the stuff, replaced without issues
  15. Thanks Jabo and Gec. I'm in Karlovac by the way, don't live in ZG any more.
  16. Well Il-2 and CoD run just fine as it is
  17. I'm doing it for DayZ and Chivalry where I feel the CPU choke the most. Well, for that, and for the FUTURE!
  18. Woah that's loads cheaper, I'll likely take that one then. My budget is extremely stretched by this upgrade so this is more than welcome. I have heard before that Asus is somewhat overpriced. And yes that's the CPU I'm getting as per the OP, I have no idea about overclocking currently and don't plan it but I want to have the possibility of doing it in the future if I feel like I want or need it. And good to know about the OS. I loathe OS reinstalling to the heavens.
  19. Perhaps this mother board is better? It's almost the same price, has SATA 3 and supporte overclocking (I think) http://www.adm.hr/product_info.php?cPath=258_217_214_352&products_id=11993
  20. Thanks Brando. Nah I have an gtx 560 which is PCI-E. Mobo is Gigabyte P35-DS3L CPU is Intel Core 2 Duo E4600 @ 2.4ghz BIOS version/date: Award Software International Inc. F5 9/7/2007 SMBIOS version: 2.4 OS is Win 7 Ultimate (64 bit) No idea about hard drives but they're 7-ish years old as well, if not older, one is a Maxtor. DDR2 Corsair ram, I know I'll have to replace this. As for the MOBO I want to buy, as I'm buying an overclockable CPU I was told to get a board that supports this, and was recommended the one I linked to. If there is a cheaper option with the same function I'm all for it, however I don't want anything no name/bottom end. Also I was under the impression that all mother boards have an integrated graphics unit? I really, really don't want to have to reinstall Windows. What kind of complications am I looking at and how likely are they?
  21. Is this a straightforward thing? I have a Gigabyte MOBO that's 8 years old, LGA 775 socket. I'll be replacing that with this: http://www.adm.hr/product_info.php?cPath=258_217_214_352&products_id=11917 and this: http://www.adm.hr/product_info.php?cPath=258_217_255_371&products_id=11435 And buying a new set of RAM as well since my DDR2 obviously won't go into the new board. I've never changed a MOBO before, what I'm asking is if replacing the MOBO is a straightforward thing, like just unplugging the hard drives, graphics card and other stuff and plugging it into the new board with the new CPU and RAM, or is there more to it, like fiddling with BIOS and the OS and whatnot? (BIOS is pretty alien to me) That and, are all mother boards of roughtly equal dimensions? As in, will it fit into my PC case, or do I need to like, take measurements or something? Any insight appreciated.
  22. New Sukhoi PAK-FA sky porn...erm I mean, flight/maneuver video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=IfG0dr8cPRU Everything Sukhoi touches turns to gold.
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