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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by rox

  1. CloD has completely annihilated my willpower. Just bought an extra 2Gb of RAM. And after buying a new gtx 560 yesterday, I now have just enough money to go out today and for a bus ticket home. I am not a human being anymore :(

    1. rox


      works SO much better with 4gb ram

    2. Jediteo


      Good man Rox, now you truly are a fellow flight sim addict.

  2. It looks like the original Il-2 on DX9. My game Jedi's game Same card, same settings, only mine is dx9 and his is dx10
  3. Ok so now my game completely went to shit. Steam did an automatic "update", the menus are now all bugged, like I'm unable to go back to main menu after clicking on something from there, and I CANNOT start any mission, at all, I get an error while loading: Method not found: 'Int32 maddox.sound.WGroup.getHandle()' fu***** great update
  4. Hah, my PC can handle dogfights over the sea after all! At 800x600, but still....I shot a Beau with a 110, one of its gears kinda went half way out, and while he was pulling G's it descended completely, amazing detail! Ok, in case anyone who bought the russian game still doesn't know, here's what I figured out so far: Main menu Single game menu Training menu Multiplayer menu Options menu Difficulty menu, what I managed to figure out so far Stick Controls setup (under "controls" in the options menu, haven't yet tried finding stick calibration but it's somewhere here, maybe the two buttons above "back"... Gun controls setup. Still need to find the option to turn on the gunsight, so far I can only do it manually by clicking the cockpit The extra features menu (from the main menu) And when you press escape during a mission, this is what you get
  5. Ok so, first time I flew over water at full resolution, performance was horrible but it worked. Second time I flew over land at 1200xsomething, even worse, and after a few seconds game crashed. Now, I played over water again, at 800x600, and framerate was at about 20 which was good, but I put a single do17 there to shoot at, and as soon as it came into view, game started locking up, and I again crashed. I still haven't found a place where I can fiddle with the graphics settings, only the resolution options, under which are 2 check boxes and a dropdown menu on which I selected the uppermost value. Is there a way to disable cockpit shadows for one? If I can't have the eye candy I at least want to check the flight and damage model, regardless if it's in 800x600, and I have yet to find shadow, filtering and texture quality settings to tune them down and hopefully stop my game from crashing every time something other than water comes into view. Oh and also, my stick isn't working, any advice on setting it up from someone who figured it out would be welcome. I also got the hang of most of the menus, if anyone needs help I can post screenies and translate basic menu navigation.
  6. Well, it looks the eurofighter's combat debut may be imminent with the passing of the Libya no-fly zone decision. Let's hope they fight better than they look...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jediteo


      Friggin' finally. Time to pop the homeless-looking dictator.

    3. BluBear


      Hey, I like the Typhoon! ;-)

    4. Tonar


      Let's hope someone else beside the US picked up the work load. How about Saudi Arabia and Egypt? They have lots of things that explode.

  7. rox


    [NET] speed=8000 routeChannels=0 serverChannels=31 localPort=21000 remotePort=21000 SkinDownload=1 serverName=No Name serverDescription= remoteHost= localHost= socksHost= checkServerTimeSpeed=1 checkClientTimeSpeed=0 remoteHost_000=dino.servegame.org remoteHost_001=dino.servegame.org:21000 remoteHost_002=bg.servegame.org:21000 remoteHost_003=fool.servegame.org:21000 remoteHost_004= remoteHost_005=jabo.servegame.org:21000 remoteHost_006= remoteHost_007=pap.servegame.com:22000 remoteHost_008=gec.servebeer.com:21000 remoteHost_009=fool.servebeer.com:21000 remoteHost_010=toad465.servegame.org:21000 remoteHost_011=BG.servegame.org:21000 remoteHost_012=friar.servegame.org:21000 remoteHost_013=fenrirdd.dyndns.org:21000 remoteHost_014=pap.servegame.com:21000 remoteHost_015= remoteHost_016=pap.servegame.org:21000 remoteHost_017=BGl.servegame.org:21000 remoteHost_018=fenrir.servegame.org:21000 remoteHost_019= remoteHost_020= remoteHost_021= remoteHost_022=snacko.servegame.org:21000 remoteHost_023=ft.servegame.org:21000 remoteHost_024=fruitbat.servegame.org:21000 remoteHost_025= remoteHost_026= remoteHost_027= [MaxLag] farMaxLagTime=10.0 nearMaxLagTime=2.0 cheaterWarningDelay=5.0 cheaterWarningNum=-1
  8. Found my IL-2 CD YES!!

    1. fruitbat


      i foresee some modding to come in the near future somewhere in Croatia, lol.

    2. rox


      one for UP, one for seow hsfx, one for jets, one for 4.10 modding....

  9. So when exactly is the duxford air show? Because in the "dates announced" thread there's like a lot of different dates and it's confusing the hell out of me.

    1. Crash


      Hi rox, flying is Sat 9 July but will will be meeting up on FRIDAY 8 July.

    2. rox


      Thanks. I'll know if I'm going for sure in early april, but very probably yes :)

  10. This is only what is known a few hours after the quake. Judging by the apocalyptic footage of water and debris sweeping over the entire landscale, rest assured that there will be at least thousands of dead, hopefully not tens of thousands
  11. You have to be kidding me.....it's ridiculous to which lengths companies will go to produce "gaming hardware" for the kids. And I could guess the price is appropriate.Who the hell needs buttons on a headset? Imagine someone using them buttons for changing views in IL-2 or something
  12. Creative hs 390 It wouldn't be bad for the price if it didn't hurt my head so effin much after an hour or two of wearing. Gonna buy a Senn in the future
  13. Is on antibiotics for the first time in 22 years of his 23 year long life. had a harsh cold for 5 weeks which started affecting my bronchi. It's a good poison, I felt better after only 2 pills, still a week to go though.

    1. BluBear


      Get well soon mate, hope its not affecting your flying ;-)

    2. B16Enk


      I had pneumonia last year, thought it was just a cold. So good you caught this right!

    3. Sweper


      Get well soon mate!

  14. rox


    I tried this once but it didn't really work for me. May give it another go...
  15. Yeah I really wouldn't know since I only use manual PP in FW 190A's. I use the keyboard because I never quite got used to the toggle switches on my stick. Actually I use the keyboard for everything except the actual flying and shooting....which is probably not what you wanna do if you have a good hotas with lots of buttons, I don't...
  16. I never touch it in a 109 and I do just fine. I do remember some talk about it though, so I guess you could use it to squeeze out the last drops of performance in it, if you know how, but again, not using it won't make you fly significantly worse Not sure if you can ruin the engine with the wrong settings though...
  17. As far as complex engine management goes, basically it boils down to this: Mixture - on some planes, mostly russian and japanese, you need to lower this a bit as you climb higher. when your engine starts acting weird and starts letting out smoke through the exhaust, just lower the mixture until it stops doing that Prop pitch - many planes have automatic prop pitch control and can be flown like that with no worries, others that don't can be flown on 100% without much fear, but it's better to lower it to 90-80% when in fast dives. Keep on 100 when climbing. If you wish to conserve fuel and keep the engine cooler, lower pitch to 90-80% when cruising. Also, on some planes, like the Dora, it shouldn't be touched because you can fry the engine easily. Supercharger - in planes that have manual supercharger switch, you need to change supercharger speed at a certain altitude, for the engine to work better. most planes have 2 supercharger speeds, some have 3. The altitude for switching supercharger speeds is different for different planes (read plane manual), but usually the first switch is somewhere between 2000 and 3000 meters. If unsure, you can look at your manifold pressure gauge as you change supercharger speeds, the supercharger setting at which the manifold pressure gauge shows a higher reading is better. it's fairly simple really, and most of the time you don't have to worry about any of this except switching supercharger in some planes as you fly higher...
  18. Basically we fly on all realistic settings except that we have external view, player map icon and waypoints, and the speedbar turned on
  19. sounds like a successful ground attack to me...
  20. Hello and welcome We do indeed mostly fly co-ops on tuesdays, thursdays and sundays (and ubizoo saturdays), with 30-60 minute warmup dogfights before that. If you have any squad or game related questions just ask away, we're a very relaxed bunch
  21. Indeed lol. It's lucky the gear didn't collapse
  22. is enjoying Enemy Coast Ahead that Arthur sent me. I especially like the story of a german bomber crew who were flying home over Wales, got to the sea and then to some land again and thought they had passed the channel into France and landed. It was Devon though :D

    1. Jabo


      That book's a great read. oops, nearly posted a spoiler there.

  23. Is enjoying Arthur's book

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