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Everything posted by fruitbat

  1. I seem to recall Sid forgetting the key requirement to performing a moonie, is that you have to be wearing something to be able to drop it, to expose your arse..... And that a group of innocent Germans were collateral damage to mooning JP🤣
  2. Spitfire sounds awesome too....
  3. join us, we are flying them on our server right now.....
  4. At it, or by it! Mustang is much easier to fly, take off and land, but the Spitfire is much more capable air to air as things currently are.
  5. Only when i hear a certain ex's name.... Pretty sure you can use the G-force experience software to livestream straight to youtube. Well I know you can, i just don't know how you do it at said moment in time.
  6. Have you seen this, allegedly going to be a 1943 AI zero to go with it, and of course a 1940's Marianas map Normandy map (now) is great, so is the assets pack and the Spit and Mustang!!!! Channel map is going to be even better!
  7. More than one person excited for the Mossie!!!!!
  8. Hi fruitbat, Thank you for your donation of $20.00. We look forward to improving the forums with your donation. Thanks DangerDogz Forum
  9. Who wouldn't want to see an i16, Spit, Mustang, Bf109, Sabre, F14, F16 and F18 in formation🤣 I'm pretty sure i could work out how to stream it.
  10. Tonight with Rox,
  11. Telll me about it!!!! So far, done the f16. Il2 is next up, then Dcs spitfire, mustang, f18, f14, sabre and huey to go...... Then some time way down the road, clod and elite dangerous!!!!
  12. x56 rhino, as my old x52 stick had given up the ghost, despite only ever being used as a button bay. Now i have a shiny new throttle, with more buttons than i can think of what to map a dcs f16 controls to, along with the joystick for even more buttons, as a button bay. Still using one of my two Msffb2 for the actual stick, the other safely tucked away!!!! Just have to remap il2 and all my DCS modules......
  13. @Crash This will be very useful, as I have a crap load of remapping to do, due to having bought a new throttle!
  14. Can't wait to fly over this....
  15. Interested too, again, just finding the time!!!
  16. I seem to be able to use it pretty effectively 😇
  17. So, you can also fire Amraams off with the JHMCS helmet as well, which is very satisfying and helpful in a dogfight (under 10 miles) Switching to dogfight mode with the 'Dogfight/missile overide switch - cycle' key, and then pressing TMS up, which switches you to the the Boresight mode within the dogfight mode and gives you a lovely circle directed by your helmet where your looking and directs your radar at that point. Simply look at your target, pressing TMS up until a nice square appears around your target, and fire your missile, rinse and repeat.....
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