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Status Updates posted by fruitbat

  1. come on Barcelona.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. DD_asas


      Prick??? ahahahhah

      nice FB, very nice

      Cheers m8

    3. fruitbat


      except dangerdogz of course!

      no i work with to many plastic man u fans that give it out all the time, but go very quite when things don't go there way, gets kinda annoying after a while, lol.

      certainly didn't mean you mate.

    4. DD_asas


      not a prob FB . I just like football.

      MU, Liverpool , Chelsea , Real BUT not Barça....ehehhhe (i like how they play) not when then win...lol


  2. has spent a happy afternoon further modding my 4.10. i am very happy with the results:)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kimosabi


      Spitfire on my tally ho ordered. :)

    3. fruitbat


      me and dino saw his plane that he was shot down in, its at the hawking museum, having been dug out of the marshes in th 70's, about 2 mile from where i live!

    4. Kimosabi


      You Brits get all the goodies. Up here I really have to work it if I want to see a Spitfire IRL. Duxford.

  3. OK, so i caved, russian version on its way:)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. rox


      so I noticed lol, gave it a quick test run this morning, horrible performance on my system (though I don't know the default graphics settings, and it was on full resolution so there is hope after I find out how to lower settings), my joystick didn't register but the throttle worked, and upon pressing escape my whole system crashed and rebooted. Also lots of bugs with rendering the pilot and planes in the menu. but oh well, hopefully they'll patch up the buggyness within a month or...

    3. rox
    4. fruitbat
  4. is still alive and looking forward to duxford.

  5. wtf? its -9.5 degrees C here at the moment. Doesn't the weather understand, i live in the costa del kent!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. fruitbat


      its now gone from -9, to +6 in the space of 24 hours, got to love the predictability of the great british weather!

    3. Kimosabi


      Three words: Glo bal warmingz. It's coming to get ya!

    4. DD_asas


      don't u worrie FB, i always talk about how many days of SUN do we have... I have 2º , witch is pretty low for us....

  6. is rather enjoying his super overclocked GTX 580

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DD_Bongodriver


      OOOHHH! I've only got a gtx470 :(

    3. DD_Bongodriver


      OOOHHH! I've only got a gtx470 :(

    4. T_O_A_D


      Old news! You've had the thing collecting dust, for over a month on the bench. Bleh!

      I was excited back then ;-)

  7. is off to go meet painless to go flying, woot!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. fruitbat


      met them at clipgate, and went for a bimble over the BoB memorial at capel le fern:) photos and vids to follow.

    3. T_O_A_D
    4. BluBear


      Nice one Kev. Look forward to seeing it

  8. is pissed off after spending 3 hours building some stuff in the FMB, and it didn't save, grrrrrrrrr.

  9. thinks the 1c forum is filled with knobs, and 'TEh BEsT sIM PiLoTs in TeH WorLD'

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. fruitbat



      what about JG53Harti.

      what a tool.

    3. Kimosabi


      Agreed. It's a good representation on the society as a whole though. More whiners with personal agendas and less responsible people thinking about the collective.

    4. rox


      don't forget the complete-miss moderator. gotta bash the mod if we're already bashing the forums, especially me :D


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jediteo


      One shaking cripple screw it upfor the rest of us? Morbus Comitialis bastards. In order not to get sued by some asshole, they screw with the game. Fan-fing-tastic.

    3. Crash


      Apparently its 1C that caused the problem. Ilya has posted the issue on the banana forum.

    4. fruitbat


      So who here knows a trustworthy Russian i can organise a small business transaction with?

  11. is amazed bt how many pricks over at ubi think they have a high end system when they have a 2 year old Gfx card, which is 2 generations out of date.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jediteo


      It's the ubi forum, it would not be the zoo without being pricks.

    3. rox


      I wonder how my old 8600 GTS which I had before Arthur sent me his 9800GT would have held out against Cod :D

    4. BluBear


      Probably beter than my old HD3850 AGP! lol

  12. effing BBC and formula 1. Sky can kiss my hoop.

    1. DD_Bongodriver


      Bloody disgusting, what on earth do we pay a license fee for?

    2. DD_Bongodriver


      Bloody disgusting, what on earth do we pay a license fee for?

    3. DD_Arthur


      What do we pay the license fee for?

      To give the ex deputy DG a £1000,000 redundancy pay-off!

      Still at least we have MotoGP still and ITV4 has brilliant Turing Car coverage.

  13. 9 days, 14 hours, 21 mins to go, bring it on:)

    1. Lothar


      9 days, 10 hours, 2 minutes.

      clock's ticking...

    2. fruitbat


      8 days 18 hours and 44 mins now, ;)

    3. Jediteo


      8 days 13 hours and 33 minutes. Tick tock, Gentlemen, tick tock

  14. is really enjoying filling out all the paper work just to do a small 2 day poxy job for the council.....

    1. DD_Bongodriver


      yep...lawyers are the real reason our rainforests are dissapearing....all that ass covering legal documentation.

    2. DD_Bongodriver


      yep...lawyers are the real reason our rainforests are dissapearing....all that ass covering legal documentation.

    3. fruitbat


      good job i'm a tree surgeon, going have to cut down a few trees to help supply all this blindingly stupid paperwork, lol.

  15. is happy and part of the world again as my internets back:)

    1. BluBear


      Great news mate! Co-ops tomorrow night? Oh and when do you think you'll run your BoB campaign? i'm itchin' to get involved! ;-)

    2. fruitbat
  16. has after much recent tweaking, finally entered 'joystick setting' nirvana, and is having a zen moment.

    1. B16Enk


      Joystick Nirvana? That would be a Zen moment ;)

    2. fruitbat
  17. my body is going wtf, you've been driving tractors for the last three months, and now you surprise me with this climbing stuff.....

    1. Flyboy583


      Hehehe... time to head down the pub I think.. some alcohol therapy!

    2. Jabo


      +1 Fruitbat, although of course, I haven't been driving tractors

  18. is pondering which of Silvio Berlusconi, Nicolas Sarkozy or Geri Halliwell is the biggest embarrassment to Europe.

    1. Flyboy583


      Normally I would go for Gerri Halliwell, but hell I still would!!

    2. DD_asas


      don't forget Angela Merkl !!!

  19. hates banks.

    1. Gothkrieger


      Oh, no!! Troubles.

    2. fruitbat


      not really, but they sure piss me off sometimes!

  20. hmmm, it appears that it might be possible to get the russian version on download, following this closely.....

    1. fruitbat


      oh, and its a shitload cheaper.

    2. rox


      I have been thinking about this as well....would just have to translate all the controls in the control setup, and campaign briefs....I'd actually pay MORE money just to bypass ubishit...

  21. is a massive acronis true image fan:)

    1. Snacko


      It's great isn't it! I've had it for about a year, and will be imaging my new notebook with it tomorrow.

    2. B16Enk


      +1 for Acronis, the freebie you get with WD Disks rocks too.

  22. wants to know where the usb cable that links my phone to my computer has bloody well gone, grrrrr

    1. BluBear


      Fallen down the back of the desk? That's where mine always ends up.

    2. GreyKnight


      In somebody else's bloody PC? Since my work colleagues all have Sony Ericsson's too and forget their cable.

  23. Who knew? Germans can loose penalty shootouts, lol!

    1. T_O_A_D


      The Russians of course ;-)

  24. if anyone fancies it, going to try to run some BoB missions in UP3 tonight (wed)

    1. Artie


      yeah it figures.. my favorite and I didn't pop in today .. :(

  25. is looking forward to the airshow on Sunday.

    1. BluBear


      Ooooohhhh yeah! See you in the mornin!

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